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ira Institute of Technology & Seine, ani Workntegeated Learning Programmes Division "lest Semester 2021-2022 (Mid.Semeser Test (C2 Regular) Couse No MBA ze? (Course Tie QUANTITATIVE METHODS Nature of am: Open Book Weighage 30% Duration 2 Hours ne of Exam, Saturday, 251972021 (AN) ‘Note 1." Please allow ll te nares so Conte ven on te cave page ofthe nse bk 2 Allputsofa question shold e answered ceva Fach ase sh Sta oma es EE 3._Asstton rede fan, shold sed clr ! the bepmngo your se. 1. Explain important similares and dfeences between the following, give an example and make han()-(Sereenshots are not aecepiable) ps=25=3) ‘Normal dsuibuon and dsbton, ond bBoxplotand Hiram, (22. Deposits st heen of Aug’21 in two 20 branches of QM bank ae given in te tables below. Draw a welabeed and aat chris) (approximate wl be ok and expan the dfrences in he deposits in tems of average, variation, and skewness. (Caalaions gn be avoided: Screenshots fof any softvare are not acceptable). Ris=3 Bankbranch-WestZone_ Bank branch South Zone ‘Amount _[ Frequene ‘Amount _[ Frequene, zine [as 2 late 25alns | 35 25ians | 5 Sans | 20 Slabs | 6. winlaihs | 10 iniekhs | 8 artsiakhe | a irtsiakhe | 10 -t7iakhe | 6 14.17 fakhs | 20 7201s | 5 ‘7-20takis | 35 >z0rakhs [1 2otains [15 (03. Average time spent by the gusts t QM Resort is 12 days with tana deviation of dys. What {ste probably that «guest steced at andor il stay a less than 8 das, b between 10 10 {aye and oh mow than 1 days? Assome Norma! dation. (Show every step and show a Calculation, Use appropriate table from the textbook or wse MS Teel FMS Exel i ust, then mention the correct Hxeel function used. Screenshots of any sofware are nol accepable tI Qk, The probability tht a andi gets selected for Commando taining is 296. What's the probeblty that Pom a grup of 3 (rend, )2 fiends et selected, and b) al 3 fiends ge selects? As take probability re end show every relevant dea on the ee, (Show every stp and show a ‘Calculations Use appropriate table fom the Textbook or we MIS Hxcel. IMS Fel fs wed, then mention the correct Excel function used. Screenshots of any software are not sccepable sl (5. QM Mobis, « manufsctuer of mobile handsets, gets batteries fm MNC Bateres Lad, MING Bateres has two manufacturing plas, loeted in Souh Kore ad Japan. Pst cons show that, 26 of the bates supp y the Sosh Korean pant are defective ad ht 3% ofthe bts Soppled by the Japanese plant ae defective. MN suplies 80% ofthe requirments of mobic Framufactres rome South Korean pl and emining 20% fom ts Japanese lant. (Show very step and show all caleultions. If MS Fxcel 6 wsed, then mention the correct Excel function used Screenshots of any software ar not acceptable). is] A If 8 battery selected by QM Mobiles at random turns out to be defective, what isthe probability tat twas supped fom the Japanese plan? tb, Haat selected by QM Motils at radar ns out to be of good gusty, what is the probability tht twas fom the Korean pnt? Draw a pat probably trelsnetaork(s) and show all probuiles and condition probsiies (06. Amanuftctre of Washing machines plans to iaroduce ent-level new modelo boost its sls, ‘The company his hited wo independent market research fans, MRCA end MIB, oestimste the proportion of howeholds tht carrenty use washing mscines MRA conducted the survey 0f 400 houschelds and it found 20% percent of the Howes carey tse washing machines, MD conducted he survey of 600 households and it ound hat 18% ofthe owehold cel se washing maehines (Show every step and show cleulatons. Use Appropriate lable fromthe festhook or use MS Exec. IF MS Excel i ased, ten mention the ‘Correct Exe fonction used, Sereensots of any software are wot acceptable. 4 Develop 95% onfidence intervals for the vo suey 1 Explain he reason for liference inthe results of wo surveys. [5] a. ‘The dts ofthe patients tested by CoughOxCold lini is ven in the table be ow. (Write the formulas and show all ealeulaions. 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