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Good Evening everyone. It has been such an honour to be a part of this wonderful event. On behalf of the organization, | would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed guests, Mr Chandhrasekar, Manager, IT Solutions and Mrs Sunitha, Director of NSM Technologies. Thank you. Sincere thanks to the heads of the various departments who handled the event throughout. A wide round of applause and thanks to all the participants who made the event a memorable one. Finally, | would like to thank all of you present here for making the time to be with us today and helping us make this event a grand success. Thank you one and all. An event like this cannot happen overnight. The wheels start rolling weeks ago. The wheels start rolling weeks ago. It requires planning anda bird’s eye for details. We have been fortunate enough to be backed by a team of very proactive and dedicated staff of our institution who are well versed in their job. Iam short of words for their involvement and their willingness to take on the completion of tasks beyond their comfort zones. standing as pillars of strength. Witha deep sense of appreciation, we thank our loving teachers for their untiring efforts. I would also like to thank the people who worked behind the scene to make this event happen, our technical arrangement team, stage setting, and lighting arrangement team all the musicians and housekeeping staff.

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