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Tell about something that is meaningful to you and why?

Dear Kadam Project committee, unfortunately I don’t have neither heartbreaking nor
inspiring stories, but I can tell you one moment from my life that radically changed
myself and helped me find the answer to your question.
When I was in middle school, my classmates and I went swimming on the lake one sunny
day in May after classes. We rested and I could confidently say that it was one of my best
memories from my childhood, I thought that, until one interesting moment appeared.
One of my friends, when we were completing our vacation, took and threw out all the
garbage that he had on the lake. I was shocked and tried to solve this problem showing all
my seriousness. But he and the others were adamant, they believed that the garbage
would somehow wash away and disappear, but at the end I was the only one that went to
the lake and collected all the garbage that he left. And I concluded that I couldn’t
influence them, couldn’t help them understand that what they did would bring a lot of
problems and harm to our land. It was my first manifestation of the desire to preserve and
protect what is valuable to us all - life.
For me, the most important thing is to preserve the purity and naturalness of our land.
Our life is fleeting and I want to be someone who can do little, but will benefit humanity.
I want to live a full life and save what’s dear to me. For the sake of my loved ones,
friends, teachers and all people in this world.
To do this, I have a plan, a strong desire and people who believe in me.
In general, I’m here and I’m ready to turn my significant into reality.

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