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Tell us about the most significant challenge you’ve faced or something important that didn’t go

according to your plan. How did you manage the situation?

When I’m having a hard time, I always remind myself that if I give up, it won’t get any better.

I was a fifth grade student, as I came across a disease that was so rare that we had to find doctors who
could help us across the country. Statistics show that only 1,000 patients are diagnosed with this disease

Osgood-Schlätter’s disease is a painful inflammation of the bone and cartilage tissue at the top of the
tibia. The cause of this disease is excessive exercise on the leg. At that time, I was really into basketball
and it was very stressful for me when I found out that I would have to forget sports, maybe forever. The
doctors have prescribed a complete release from physical exercise, crutches, and a straightened leg for
the next two years...

At that time, my parents, my teachers, my friends were really worried about me because I couldn’t live
without basketball for one day. But I decided to fight this disease, my condition isn't the best but I will
delight my parents and friends with my academic achievements, that I will be the best student in my
class. I told myself that my parents and I could handle it. That it wouldn’t prevent my dream to be on the
Issyk-Kul basketball team.

Everyday I set the goal of getting many good grades as possible and it strengthened my character. I
turned my problem into a plus. Two years later, I became the best student not of the class, but of the
school. Thanks to the support of my parents and all my loved ones, we have overcome the disease. And I
got back to practice with my friends in high school. My dream has partially raged, I didn’t enter the
national team of the Issyk-Kul region, but I represented my school with honor in various competitions of
the region.

The dream is real and if you believe in it you’ll win it all!

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