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1. Look at the pictures. What are these places?

Listen and tick the places which the

woman presents:

2. True or false:

a) A geography teacher is talking with his students about America

b) A guide is talking to some tourists who are visiting a city, in the West of England, in
a coach
c) A guide is talking to a group of old people who are visiting the North of England

3. Listen again and complete the sentences below with the verbs to the right tense and
the adverbs of frequency.

1. Our tours ……………………… about one hour.

2. The bus …………………….…. into Queens Road.
3. Ok, so, please ………………….………….. to your left.
4. We ……………………………..………. The City Theatre.
5. This Cititour bus ……………..…………….. along the High Street into the market place.
6. At the moment, some musicians ……………………………..……… for an outdoor concert

4. Look at your answers to Exercice 3 and answer these questions:

- Look at answers 1 and 5. What tense are they?
- Look at answers 2, 4 and 6. What tense are they?
- Which sentences are about regular actions?
- Which sentences are about actions at or around the time of speaking?
- Look at answer 3. Does it fit the pattern/rule?
 Talk about yourself for 1 minute, using these verbs: enjoy, hope, regret,
think, see(+ ing) and other state verbs.
 Talk about things that you usually, often, always do and another that you
don’t do.
 Scientists say that “the temperature on the Earth is chainging, due to the
global warming”. Do you agree? Justify your answer.
 Find a picture from a magazine and present it to your mates.

Talk about main events and what people are doing at the moment.

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