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Digestive System M outh E sophagus S tomach

lower esophageal sphincter/cardiac spincter esopagogastric junction Anatomic regions cardia entrance fundus body pylorus outlet pyloric sphincter

GERD s/s regurgitation dyspepsia I Avoid caffeine, carbonated d Avoid taking foods/fluids 2-3 Avoid constricting clothes Elevate head 6-8 blocks whe


small intestine doudenum jejunum ileum cecum Large intestine sigmoid colon rectum

A nus

internal extenal

anal sphincter

*voluntarily controlled upper esophagus and external sphincter Mouth Chewing reflex salivation Saliva *1st secretion 1.5 L/day salivary gland submaxilliary gland sublingual gland

Swallowing Esophagus located:

medulla oblongata

25 cm 10 inches mediastenum of the thoracic cavity anterior of the spine posterior to the heart and trachea Diaphragmatic hiatus Stomach Capacity 1.5 L HCL as low as 1 pH AR: Purpose: Cardia breaking up of foods Fundus destruction of ingested microorganism Body


Pepsin pyloric sphincter

chief co-enzyme of HCL Purpose: Conversion of protein

Intrinsic factor absorption of vitamin B12 CYHME Small Intestine longest segment 2/3 of total length Doudenum Jejunum Ileum Cecum Ileocecal Valve Vermiform Appendix liver

SA 7000 cm

secretion and absorption

Ampulla of vater common bile duct Iron and Ca absorbtion begins CHO, CHON, Fats, Na, Cl bile salts Vitamin B12

Others: Large Intestine Ascending Segment Transverse segment Descending Segment Mucus Liquid Semi formed Electrolyte Solution Formed

* bacteria major component of LI completes the breakdown of waste material Sigmoid colon Rectum Anus Internal Anal sphincter External

regurgitation dyspepsia digestion

Avoid caffeine, carbonated drinks Avoid taking foods/fluids 2-3 hours before bedtime Avoid constricting clothes Elevate head 6-8 blocks when sleeping



Ptyalin Mucus Water

aids in the digestion of starch lubrication/easy passage to the esophagus

2.4 L/day

p of foods n of ingested microorganisms

n of protein

pernicious anemia PS: red beafy tounge CYHME

pancreas 1L/day

pancreatic enzymes digestive enzymes trypsin CHON amylase CHO

ALKaline peptide amino acids monosaccarides disaccarides

glucose *main CHO used by t fructose sucrose maltose

lipase gall bladder 0.5 L/day 3L/day bile

Fats Triglycerides Fats

fatty acids monoglycerides

protection adherance of fecal matters

Electrolyte Solution alkaline counteracts/neutralizes the end product of colonic bacterial action

*main CHO used by the body as fuel galactose

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