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There was a girl named Meryem, she was by herself in a creepy house outside the city, somewhere in

the country side, a dark place where only one candle that spreads the light, the poor girl was
laughing by herself, suddenly, she hears a loud noise, an explosion maybe, at first she was shocked,
and the she continued her spooky laughing , and as crazy as she is, she screamed ‘’qu’est ce qui se
passe’’ , and runs towards the source of this explosion but finds nothing at all, she had to come back
to her dark home to do what she does best, laughing like a maniac, but then, something unexpected
happens, someone knocked the door, despite being scary herself, she was too scared to laugh, and
decides to see who’s there with very slow steps *jaws music* , but luckily ,no one was there but a
yellowish suspicious envelope, Meryem opened it with curiosity to know what’s inside, she found
another envelope, and inside this envelope, she hears a familiar music, terererenten, its cheb belo
and his top hit music ‘’Lhachwa Lhachwa’’, the funny thing in here that she passes out lol , but wakes
up to find herself in her bed like nothing happened, and of course, she laughs too much until she
falls asleep, and when she wakes up again she hears the same familiar music, to find the envelope in
her hands, she was too scared she ate it and then re-sleept.

The next day, someone was knocking again, but this time softly, she goes to open door with the same
suspense music of the movie Jaws, but this time she finds out cheb belo in person dancing lhachwa
lhachwa, she couldn’t resist it anymore ,so, she danced with him.


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