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La importancia de aprender un idioma

Ángela Viviana abril Páez

Negociación internacional

Servicio nacional de aprendizaje SENA

Oferta exportable

Guillermo Vivas

05 de mayo de 2021.
 What communication problem did you find between the two parties?

The main problem is that none of the announcers spoke English, therefore,
communication was not good, they, when trying to understand the responses of the
guests, changed the context of the information, to maintain a conversation with a person
of different nationality it is essential that both parties understand the language in which
they are going to communicate.

 Was the information given by the announcers correct? Justify your answer.

No, it was not correct, since they did not have any knowledge of the language (English)
they said what was similar to their original language, thus the answer given by the
guests totally changed.

 List other similar situations that you know of where this problem occurs.

At an airport we can find people from different countries, speaking different languages,
if we do not understand the language of the person with whom we are trying to have a
conversation, when trying to communicate the information may be misinterpreted, or
what is meant is not understood.

 What concludes with this situation?

This shows how important it is to learn a language, it is a great tool to develop

personally and professionally, it helps to know, discover and learn about other cultures,
it is essential to interact with people of other nationalities.

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