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Ingeniería Industrial



Currently, the world in the what we live are you connected totally, which implies having the
ability from comunícate using any language. This is why what to learn some another
different language to our native language it is a great tool for the progress so much
personal as profesional. Now a day to learn other language it is sum importance (in any
área of knowledge).

Many people believe what the to learn other lenguaje is a waste of time, because as in any
other learning, requires a plus in the effort daily, to invest money, but above all, desire to
want learn it; and the above why they do not know everything positive, also having the
possibility to get a better job (with a better salary) it enriches the life social the cultural, why
it should be mentioned what the lenguaje is the key from the cultura.

In the case, the conference to the what i atended, the language to which they focused it
was chinese mandarin. This language it owes it is importance to what is spoken for more
of one millions of people and to economic growth from China in the last years and the
increase in business relationships between Cina, America Latina y España.

I can say that when there is talk of learning other language, always think in the english, but
that is not the only what open the doors the knowledge to continue ckimbing to
overcoming. In the carrer of engineering industrial you work with too many business, that
is not precisely they are only from the country, the vast majority are foreign, what thus as
an engineer industrial you must have the skill for communicating with any member of the

To learn chinese must be seen as a great opportunity to enter the labor field.

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