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- [Morgan] Hey everyone.

My name is Morgan Willis and I'm a Senior Cloud

Technologist with AWS. What that means is I
essentially get to build things, learn AWS, learn about new
and different technologies, and then I get to share
my knowledge with you all. I had a career in software development before I started
working in Training and Certification at AWS and I also have a degree
in computer science. I really love technology
and have been in the field for about over 10 years at this point in roles that
range from technical support to data administration to
web application development. And while it's true that
I do love technology, I also have a regular life outside of work where I like to
hike in the beautiful sun, rain, sleet or snow
and I also like to ski. Pretty much any outdoor activity,
all seasons of the year, I am here for it. And this here is Meowzy. He's my trusted
sidekick. He spends time with me while
I type away on my computer and I think he's picked up a
thing or two over the years. His knowledge of AWS at this point is pretty great for
a cat, I must say. I think I can even hear him
sneaking on my computer at night to build his solutions on AWS. I have a feeling
that his
knowledge will come in handy in this course. More on that later. - [Alana] Hey
y'all, I'm Alana Layton and I'm also a Cloud
Technologist here at AWS. I've been with AWS for a while now in a variety of
different roles, but I love being an instructor
in courses like this one. It's so much fun to bring
this content to life and get everyone learning. In my spare time, I love being
outside, hanging out with my family, which includes my four year
old wonder-dog named Kiwi. (quirky music) Speaking of Kiwi, sometimes I think she
more about AWS than she lets on. Every once in a while, I notice her drawing AWS
architectures in a journal and I wonder where she
learned all of this. She can't bring me the ball
back when we play fetch, but she always wags her tail
when I mention cloud computing. I think these reactions will
come up every once in a while, so stay tuned for some of
her helpful tips and tricks.

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