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Edward Jenner: Someone Who Made a Di erence

1 Edward Jenner is known as father of immunology due to his

contribution to vaccination. 2 He has made a huge di erence in the

eld in two ways. 3 One of the ways in which he developed the small

pox vaccination was by using cowpox in inoculation, which is the

process of getting vaccinated. 4 He observed that young women who

were exposed to cowpox didn t catch smallpox, so he used the cowpox

virus to prevent people from catching smallpox. 5 Later, he named

inoculation vaccination , and that came from the word cow in latin. 6

The other way was through replacing variolation with vaccination. 7

Variolation is taking material from sores and putting them into healthy

people, but up to 3% of variolated people still died after being exposed

to the virus. 8 Therefore, variolation wasn t the best way to be immune,

which was later proved when they prohibited it. 9 Jenner used

inoculation which provided full immunity to the disease. 10 Edward

Jenner work on vaccination saved more lives than the work of any
other scientist.

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