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The Russian Empire

The roman empire, also known as the “Imperial Russia” was a country located
in Europe an in Asia too. All this empire started in 1721, it was proclaimed by
Peter I. The whole empire covered an area of about 21,799,825 km2 and by the
year 1897, it had a population of 128,200,000.
The empire was ruled by an absolute monarchy, led by a Tsar.
When we talk about society in this empire, we have the information that most of
the people were peasants, that lived in farms but the “Emancipation of the
Serfs” freed them from the farms. Everyone had the right to vote and they were
able to marry whoever the wanted.
The Russian Empire was a great power, it was one of the biggest empires that
ever existed. But this doesn’t mean they had no problems… World War I in
1917,caused bad living conditions to the people that worked in factories,
conditions became worse with a food shortage. And people were not happy at
all, so they rebelled against Tsar. The biggest cities were faced with riots. So
soon the Tsar was forced to abdicate. And after the revolution, he was
assassinated with all his family. And so, by 1922 most of the Russian Empire
became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic when a communist government
won the Russian Civil War. And that’s how one of the biggest empires was
I can say this empire had a huge impact in the world because played a leading
role in the 2 World Wars, that have impacted the whole world history.

Victoria Duron

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