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When I was in high school, I had to enter a workshop, so I chose a new topic to knit,
but I wasn't very good at it, as it made hand coordination difficult and stressful.

One day I started watching videos on YouTube to be able to practice how to make
a knitted scarf more easily, because the teacher had said that the test would be in a
week and our grade depended on making a crochet scarf.

The day of the exam, I was very worried.

I remember seeing everyone knitting and I wanted it to finish, however I concentrated
and stopped looking at others to make my scarf, luckily thanks to the videos I had
seen before I didn't forget the steps and I was able to finish it.

It was a great challenge for me to knit that scarf, but it helped me to have much more
confidence, concentration, coordination in my hands, calm my stress and above all
learn something new.

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