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What diets and foods are popular?

Alejandra and I were talking that one of the most famous diets today is the keto diet.
This diet consists of a high fat and very low carbohydrate intake. and we came to
the conclusion that on this diet you can see results very quickly but when we had a
biochemistry class the chemist told us that this diet was good up to a certain point
but that at a certain point in the future it could be very bad for the health because it
is not good to stop consuming the correct established amounts of carbohydrates and
this can cause people to regress when following their normal diet.

Is your diet as healthy as it could be?

We also came to the conclusion that the diet we are following is not very good for
our health because most days we have a very busy schedule and we do not have
time to cook homemade food and we prefer to buy fast food and therefore In general,
we do not eat the meals that we should have and instead of eating the established
meals that we should, we only eat only two meals, which can be very bad for our

Ingrid Mariana Valleza Wong

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