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What diets and foods are popular?

Ingrid and I talked about the intermittent fasting diet becoming popular for us, which
consists of a diet where people seek to lose weight, get their bodies in shape,
develop healthy habits.

However we remembered that in a biochemistry class the chemist, he said that these
fasting diets were bad since they stopped eating carbohydrates, these are essential
and there must be a reserve of these which, when not ingested, begins to grab the
lipids but begins to have a rebound.

That is why we agree with the diets consulted with your nutritionist.

Is your diet as healthy as it could be?

Our diet is not healthy since our study schedule does not allow us to consume food
with the appropriate proportions of food, in addition to that we do not consume the
three meals a day plus snacks at the established times, so we opt more to consume
fast food or whatever suits us best just to feed us and continue with our classes.

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