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Veracruz Vacations

Alejandra Guadalupe Guevara Negrete

Last summer I went to Veracruz Mexico, when we arrived it was already night, we
did not know the streets, so we turned on the GPS, unfortunately the GPS marked
a turn against us and an officer stopped us, we were all very tense because it was
already night and we just wanted to get to a hotel to sleep so my dad and my uncle
got off to talk to the officer and explain what had happened, fortunately the officer let
us go with the recommendation that we pay more attention to the streets, we were
happy and We went looking for an available hotel surprisingly all the hotels were full
or only had small rooms with one bed, after a long search luckily we found a small
hotel, which had rooms but this one was very cheap, it smelled bad and the beds
We were uncomfortable, we spent the night in that hotel and my mom says she slept
badly so we had to go find another hotel and surprisingly we found a good, nice and
cheap hotel, since We were settled we went to Catemaco, a place where they
practice witchcraft and there are shamans, Unfortunately not all my uncles wanted
to do the tour to apply mud masks and meet the shaman since we were going by
boat and they were not interested, the one who was guiding us. He put a mud mask
on us so surprisingly, these left my skin very clean and the fact of having to wash
my face with spring water is a unique, refreshing and pleasant experience, then they
took us to the shaman, but unfortunately for I was very small and couldn't get in but
I still bought a bottle of clay for my face.
Fortunately, leaving there was a restaurant and we started to eat since we were very
hungry, I hope to be able to return when the pandemic passes.

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