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G. German territory
A. armies
R. repetitions
G. guilt
L. League
E. Same


1. Aims of Big 3 [UK, US & FRANCE]

- France: George Clemenceau

a) Major aim is security.
i. Germany not in the financial, military state to attack France.
Invited German Delegation to Versailles & made them travel
through all the war-torn areas. Made them stay at a hotel where treaty
was signed making Germany defeated. France persuaded German
delegation under house arrest. And said if u want to say something, then
write it on a paper.

- US: Woodrow Wilson

a) Looked at the situation idealistically
b) Thinking about isolating itself.

Self-determination a country is responsible for its own affairs in terms

of policy.

- British: David Loyd George

a) Wanted to make Germany weak enough so they are no longer
competitor .
b) But wanted their economy to be stable so they can trade.

Q. Why did the victors did not get what they wanted?
[9/8/22] Impact of the treaty on Germany after 1923
 There are two categories of political policies
 Conservatism (right wing): emphasis on the authority of some
people to make decision
 Socialism (left wing): people get to choose and vote. Authority not
in the hands of single person
 Present day everybody talks about people’s welfare
 All parties are voted in(assumption)



 The German army was restricted to 100,000 men which had reached
1.9 million troops during the World War 1 and mandated that force
shall be devoted only to maintenance of order with the territory and to
the control of the frontiers.

 It specified strict limits on the number of infantry, artillery and

engineers, and limited the officer corps to 4,000

 Limiting the number of weapons and how much ammunitions it could


 Had to turn over vast amount of equipment like tanks, airplanes,

submarines, guns. And poison gas was forbidden.

 Reduced Germany’s naval forces which now included only 6 battle ships,
6 light cruisers, 12 destroyers and 12 torpedo boats.

 Prohibited Germany from having an air force, except for up to

100 seaplanes to work in minesweeping operations.

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