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1 - What are the main

causes of the arguments

between Leo and Stargirl?
The conflict between Leo and Stargirl is that Leo is being
forced to choose between Stargirl and everyone else in their
school. Since the people in the school dislike Stargirl because
they think she’s weird, and if he’s with her, they will also ignore
2 - What attitudes does Stargirl
show towards her own school
and the students from Sun
Valley School?

She is good with both schools, maybe with Sun Valley School she is
a little more so because they treat her better than her own school,
but she still doesn't care, she just acts and reacts as she wants
and desires.
3 - What attitudes does Leo show towards
the other students and to Stargirl? Do you
agree with him? Give reasons.
Leo showed a very immature attitude towards Stargirl. He started
avoiding her, and also and his classmates because he wasn’t sure if
he should stay with one or with the another. I disagree with him at all,
because he doesn’t focus on what Startgirl thinks but on what other
people thinks about him, which is so selfish. The rude attitude he
shows to her…
4 - What advice would you
give Leo about his
relationship with Stargirl?

That he have to be more specific about what hes going to say

and he have to use better words to explain something.
5 - What advice would you
give Stargirl about her
relationship with Leo?

One piece of advice I would give her is that when she has a
serious conversation, don't take things as a joke.
6 - According to this passage, is it
possible to be a member of a local
community and simultaneously Be a
global citizen?
Yes, because regardless of the party to which we belong or not, we all
have responsibilities as inhabitants of the world and of society itself,
so it is possible to be a member of both and act correctly measuring
the consequences of our actions, seeking solutions and alternatives
not only for our own benefit but for the collective good.

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