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Word Power Made Easy 289 jures up for many people a picture of a woman no longer in the {row of youth and possibly with a bitof added weight inthe wrong places, s0 this word should be used with caution; it may be hazards Pic to your health if the lady you are so describing is of a temper: tuous nature, OF 18 a VITagO Salma mater (AL'-ma-MAH'-t9 or AL'-ma-MAY"-ta) ~ etymo- Jogically, ‘soul mother’; actually, the school o college which one Nuended, and which in a sense is one’s intellectual mother 6. matrimony (MAT '=ri-ma-ni) = marriage, Though this word is similar to patrimony in spelling, it does not refer to money, as patri- airy docs; unless, that is, you are cynical enough to believe that People marry for money: As the language was growing, marriage eid children went hand in hand ~ itis therefore not surprising that the word for marriage should be built on the Latin root for vesiher_ Of course, times have changed, but the sexist nature of the English language has not. The noun suffix -mony indicates state, condition, oF result, as in sanctimony, parsimony, etc. The adjective is snatrimonial (mat'-ri-MO'-ni-l). + matricide (MA'T'-ri-sid! or MAY“-tri-sid’) — the killing of one's mother. The adjective? : 2. Murder most foul . . - Murder unfortunately is an integral part of human life, so there aword for almost every kind of killing you can think of, Let's look at some of them. 1. suicide (SOO'-i-sid!) — killing oneself (intentionally); sui, of oneself. This is both the act and the person who Completely successful in performing the act (partially count). The adjective? ———_________—= 2, fratricide (FRAT’-risid!) ~ the killing of one plus frater, fratrs, brother. The adjective? TE 3, sororicide (so-ROR'-i-sid') ~ the killin, soror, sister. The adjective? i 4, homicide (HOM'-i-sid') — the | plus homo, person. In law, ho slaying, If intent and pret murder and punishable a8 Su

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