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Machine Problem Proposal

IT111L- C#
NAME OF STUDENTS: ____________________________________________________


 Cleary describe the features and functionality of your propose machine problem and explicitly provide sample
design and expected output.
 Machine problem topic can be any game concept. (Ex. Puzzle, Hangman). It can also be any business process that
can be converted to a computer program. If you decided to work on business process may sure to elaborate the
business policies. (Ex. Point of Sales System, Parking Ticket System)

Business Process Sample:

Type of System: Point of Sales System

System Features:

a. The program will accept 5 product information namely product code, product description, product price
and type of product(Plastic/Glass)
b. The program is capable to modify the price of the product.
c. The program is capable to compute the purchase transaction of a given customer.
d. The program will provide options to be able to access the said features.

Business Policies:

 The system will not allow user to buy product(s) less than 5 pieces.

Expected Output:

Output 1: ?

Output 2: ?

Game Concept:

Game Concept:
 Game Level Rules
 Character Life
 Character Movement

Game Mechanics:
 Game Scoring
 Level up
 Character Life
 Character Movement Keys

Expected Output:

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