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Cuprins Despre acest dictionar Indicatii de utilizare ... Termeni si abrevieri Dictionar de expresii uzuale in engleza americana... Index alfabetic al cuvintelor din expresii Despre acest dictionar Acest dictionar este o culegere care contine aproximativ 1700 de expresii si fraze de baz pe care americanii le folosesc zilnic in saluturi gi in conversafii obisnuite. Daca, pe de o parte, este adevirat ci exist un numér infinit de fraze posibile in fiecare limb, este adevirat, pe de alt parte, si cd unele dintre aceste fraze se folosesc zilnic in mod repetat. Utilizarea eficienti a unei limbi nu const in a sti s4 construiesti si s intelegi un numar infinit de fraze, ci in a folosi fraza potrivita in modul potrivit un anumit context dat. ‘Aceasti culegere nu este doar un dictionar, ci gi o sursi de invatare a expresiilor prezentate. Cititorul este incurajat nu numai si foloseascd dictionarul ca pe o carte de referint&, ci si si-I citeasc& din scoar{a in scoarta. in multe cazuri, sensul unei expresii este destul de clar, dar nu este clar contextul tipic in care se foloseste. Fiecare expresie prezentaté fntr-un articol de dictionar este ilustrati intr-un astfel de context, de obicei sub forma unui scurt dialog care reprezint un exemplu de folosire tipicd a expresiei respective. fn alte situafii, sensul unei expresii complete este limpede, dar expresia este de obicei folositi intr-o forma eliptic’, forma care nu mai este usor de inteles. Acest dictionar explica formele eliptice facand trimitere la cele complete. in general, stilul expresiilor prezentate in articolele acestui dictionar, precum si al exemplelor este in mare masura colocvial. Multe dintre exemple exprimé glume, furie § sarcasm. Un numir surprinzator de mare de exemple — toate luate din conversatii reale jntilnite in vorbirea curenta — contin exageriiri si Jacune. in mod normal, nu acesta este tipul de limbaj pe care 1-ai alege pentru a scrie sau chiar pentru a vorbi in multe situatii. Totugi, este limbajul pe care-1 auzi zilnic gi pe care trebuie s&-l infelegi. Dictionarul mai cuprinde si un Index alfabetic care permite cititorului s4 gaseascé forma completi a unei expresii ciutfnd doar un singur cuvant cuprins in expresia respectiva. Indicatii de utilizare 1. Titlurile articolelor sunt prezentate intr-o ordine alfabeticd stricti care nu tine seama de nici un fel de semn de punctuatie, spatiu sau cratima. 2. Titlurile articolelor sunt scrise eu caractere aldine. Cand se citeazi cuvinte sau expresii care nu reprezinti articole ale acestui dictionar, acestea sunt scrise cu caractere cursive. : 3. Un titlu de articol poate avea una sau mai multe forme alternative. Expresiile alternative sunt tiparite cu caractere aldine si sunt precedate de ,,SI*. Formele alternative ale acestora sunt separate prin punct si virgula. 4. Un titlu de articol dispus intre paranteze pitrate, de exemplu [how are], trimite la alte titluri care contin o alta forma a cuvintelor dintre paranteze. Titlurile cuprinse in paranteze pitrate nu au traduceri sau explicatii in limba romana. 5. Traducerile si explicafiile in limba romani sunt tipirite cu caractere drepte. Traducerile roménesti alternative sau foarte apropiate (ca sens) sunt separate prin punct si virgula. 6. O traducere poate fi urmati de comentarii intre paranteze. Aceste comentarii ofera informatii suplimentare in legaturi cu expresia respectiva, inclusiv avertismente privind prudenta in folosire, comentarii in legatur’ cu originea expresiei sau trimiteri la alte expresii. Fiecare sens numerotat poate avea propriile comentarii 7, Numeroase expresii au mai multe sensuri majore. Acestea sunt numerotate cu cifre tiparite cu caractere aldine. 8. Uneori un sens numerotat are o forma alternativa care nu exista si pentru celelalte sensuri. in aceste cazuri, dupa cifra cu care s-a numerotat sensul respectiv urmeaza $I si forma alternativa, fn anumite articole, comentariile trimit cititorul Ja alte articole pentru informatii suplimentare. Aceste trimiteri folosesc termenii ,compara cu“, ,,vezi, ,,vezi si‘* sau vezi la‘, Expresiile la care se fac aceste trimiteri sunt tiparite cw caractere cursive. Indicatii de utilizare 8 10. 11. Primul pas pe care trebuie si-] faci cititorul pentru gisirea unei expresii este s4 incerce s4 0 caute in dictionar. Articolele care constau in doua sau mai multe cuvinte sunt prezentate respectnd ordinea normal a cuvintelor, de exemplu Act your age! Expresiile nu sunt niciodata inversate sau reorganizate la modul age!, Act your. Daca nu gisiti expresia pe care o cautati sau dacd nu v4 puteti hotari in privinta formei exacte a expresiei, ciutati orice cuvant important pe care credeti ca il contine aceasta in Indexul alfabetic al cuvintelor din expresii, care incepe la pagina 168. Acolo veti gisi toate expresiile formate din mai multe cuvinte care contin cuvantul respectiv. Alegeti expresia pe care o doriti si ciutati-o in dictionar. Termeni si abrevieri Oo compara cu $I titlu de articol vezi vezi la vezi $i (un patrat) marcheaz inceputul unui exemplu. trimite cititorul si consulte articolul indicat si sA caute asemanari cu titlul de articol care confine indicatia ,compara cu‘. arata c& un titlu de articol are una sau mai multe forme alternative cu sens identic sau asemandtor cu sensul titlului articolului. Una sau mai multe forme variante sunt precedate de $I. este primul cuvant sau prima expresie, cu caractere aldine, dintr-un articol; cuvantul sau expresia pentru care articolul oferi definitii si explicatii. trimite cititorul la articolul indicat. trimite cititorul la titlul de articol indicat pentru a descoperi expresia c&utata in cuprinsul articolului indicat. trimite cititorul si consulte articolul indicat pentru informatii suplimentare sau pentru a gasi expresii aseminatoare ca forma sau sens cu titlul de articol care contine indicatia ,,vezi si“. A Absolutely! o afirmatie puternic’; cum sd nu / mai incape vorba? 0 MOTHER: Do you want another piece of cake? CHILD: Absolutely! (1 BoB: Are you ready to go? Mary: Absolutely! Absolutely not! un refuz ferm sau o negatie hot&ratd; in nici un caz / nici vorb’ (Com- para cu Definitely not!) O) Bop: Will you please slip this bottle into your pocket? BILL: Absolutely not! 0 BoB: Can I please have the car again tonight? FATHER: Absolutely not! You can’ t have the car every night! Act your age! Nu te mai purta copilareste! / Te porti de parca ai avea doi ani! / Poarti-te mai matur! (Repros pentru cineva care se poarta copilireste. Se spune des unui copil care se comport ca si cum ar fi mai mic decat este in realitate.) 0 Johnny was squirming around and pinching his sister. His mother finally said, “Johnny, act your age!” () CHILD: Aw, come on! Let me see your book! MARY: Be quiet and act your age. Don't be such a baby. Adios. Ciao /Pa pa. (Din spaniola, Se foloseste in conversafii familiare si degajate.) O Bob: See you later, man, BILL: Yeah, man. Adios. (J BOB: Adios, my friend. Mary: See you, Bob. Afraid not. Vezi (I’m) afraid not. Afraid so. Vezi (I'm) afraid so. Afternoon. Vezi (Good) afternoon. After while(, crocodile). La revedere, pe mai tarziu. / Pa, ne mai vedem; See you later. (Cuvantul crocodile se foloseste numai de dragul rimei. Este raspunsul la See you later, alligator.) OQ. MARY: See you later. BILL: After while, crocodile. 1. JANE: After while. MARY: Toodle-oo. After you. Dupa dumneavoastra. (Un mod politicos de a incuraja pe cineva sa treac / si intre inaintea ta; un mod politicos de a ardta c4 altcineva trebuie sau poate sd treacd /s& intre primul.) 0) Bob stepped back and made a motion with his hand indicating that Mary should go first. “After you,” smiled Bob. 0 BoB: It’s time to get in the food line. Who's going to go first? BILL: After you. BOB: Thanks. Again(, please). Vrei si repeti? / Mai spune o dati, te rog. O The play director said, “Again, please. And speak more clearly this time.” (1 TOM: I need some money. Age before beauty. 12 I'll pay you back, BILL (pretending not to hear): Again, please. TOM: I said I need some money. How many times do I have to say it? ‘Age before beauty. Sa respectim varsta. (Un mod comic si usor nepoliticos de a incuraja pe cineva si treaca / si intre inaintea ta; un mod ironic, usor rautdcios, de a arita ci altcineva trebuie sau poate si treaca / s& intre primul. Cuvant cu cuvant: Batrdnetea inaintea frumusetii.) [I As they approached the door, Bob laughed and said to Bill, “Age before beauty.” 1 “No, no. Please, you take the next available seat,” smiled Tom. “Age before beauty, you know.” all in all i all things considered; on balance una peste alta; in fond sila urma urmei. (Expresie care indic& un rezumat, o generalizare sau anunfarea unei concluzii.) 0 BILL: All in all, this was a fine evening. ALICE: I think so too. O “Our time at the conference was well spent, all in all,” thought Fred. O BILL: How did it go? ALICE: On balance, it went quite well. () BoB: Did the play turn a profit? FRED: suppose that we made a nice profit, all things considered. Allow me. $i Permit me. Dati-mi voie. / Lasafi-mi pe mine. (Un mod politicos de a anunta ci cineva are de gind si ajute pe altcineva, fara si i se fi cerut. De obicei se foloseste de catre un biirbat care ajuti o femeie, deschizindu-i usa, aprinzandu-i tigara sau ducindu-i bagajele. in Allow me, accentul cade de obicei pe me. Permit me, accentul cade de obicei pe mit.) O Tom and Jane approached the door. “Allow me,” said Tom, grabbing the doorknob. 0) “Permit me,” said Fred, pulling out a gold-plated lighter and lighting Jane’s cigarette. Allright. 1, De acord / S-a facut. (Exprima acordul sau aprobarea. Se pronuntd adesea aright intr-o conversatie familiari.) [1 FATHER: Do it now, before you forget. BILL: All right. (1 TOM: Please remember to bring me back a pizza. SALLY: All right, but I get some of it. 2. Bravo / Foarte bine. (Strigat de aprobare sau incurajare. De obicei All right!) 1 ALICE: Come on, let's give Sally some encouragement. FRED: All right, Sally! Keep it up! You can do it! OG “That's the way to go! All right!” shouted various members of the audience. All right already! Si All righty already! Bine, bine! / Gata, gata, am inteles! (Un mod de a exprima cu nerabdare sau enervare acordul sau aprobarea. Cea de a doua varianti este mai curdind comic& decat nepoliticoas’. Demodata, dar inca folosita.) ALICE: All right already! Stop pushing me! MARY: I didn’t do anything! O BILL: Come on! Get over here! BOB: Alll righty already! Don’ t rush me! All systems are go. Totul e in regulé. Totul e pregatit. Suntem gata, sd incepem. (Expresie imprumutati din jargonul folosit 1a inceputurile explorarii spatiale in America. Arati ci totul e pregatit pentru o actiune sau c& lucrurile se desfasoara conform planului.) 1 BILL: Can we leave now? Is the car gassed up and ready? Tom: All systems are go. Let's get going. 0 SALLY: Are you all rested up for the track meet? MARY: Yes. All systems are go. All the best to someone. Vezi Give my best to someone. 13 Anyone I know? all the more reason for doing something SI all the more reason to do something E un motiv in plus si / Cu atat mai mult trebuie s4 (Poate fi inclus in mai multe constructii gramaticale.) (] BILL: J don't do well in calculus because I don't like the stuff. FATHER: All the more reason for working harder at it. O Bos: I'm tired of painting this fence. It’s so old it’s rotting! SALLY: All the more reason to paint it. all things considered Vezi all in all. Aloha. 1. Salut. / Servus. (Cuvant hawaiian. Se foloseste in conversatii familiare sau in Hawaii.) ( “Aloha. Welcome,” smiled the hostess. (1 ALICE: Hello. Can I come in? SUE: Come in. Aloha and welcome. 2, Pa-pa! La revedere! (Cuvant hawaiian. Se foloseste in conversatii familiare sau in Hawaii.) [] MARY: It's time we were going. Aloha. JANE: Aloha, Mary. Come again. 1) All the family stood by the little plane, cried and cried, and called “Aloha, aloha,” long after my litle plane took me away to the big island. Am I glad to see you! Ce bine-mi pare si te vid! Nici nu sti cat ma bucur ci te vad! (Nu eo intrebare. Exist un accent pe / si un altul pe you.) C1 BILL: Well, J finally got here! JOHN: Boy howdy! Am I glad to see you! () TOM (as Bill opens the door): Here I am, Bill. What's wrong? BILL: Boy, am I glad to see you! Come on in. The hot water heater exploded. Am Iright? Am dreptate? Nu-i asa? Asa-i? (O modalitate de a cere un raspuns si de a stimula conversatia in continuare.) () JOHN: Now, this is the kind of thing we should be doing. Am I right? SUE: Well, sure. I guess. 0. FRED: You don’t want to do this for the rest of your life. Am I right? BOB: Yeah. FRED: You want to make something of yourself, Am I right? BoB: I suppose. And how! Cum s& nu? $i inci cum! (Un mod entuziast de a exprima aprobarea.) 0 MARY: Wasn't that a great game? Didn't you like it? SALLY: And how! 1 BoB: Hey, man! Don't you just love this pizza? TOM: And how! And you? $I Yourself? Dar tu? $i tu? Tu? (Un mod de a redirectiona o intrebare catre cel care a pus-o sau citre altcineva.) 1 BILL: Do you want some more cake? Many: Yes, thanks. Yourself? BILL: I’ve had enough. 0) JANE: Are you enjoying yourself? BILL: Oh, yes, and you? Anybody I know? Vezi Anyone I know? Any friend of someone(’s) (is a friend of mine). Prietenii prietenilor mei sunt prietenii mei. / imi face plicere sa-l cunosc pe prietenul ... (Raspuns cand un prieten iti face cunostinfé cu un prieten de-al stu.) () FRED: Well, nice to meet you, Tom. Any friend of my brother is a friend of mine. TOM: Thanks, Fred. Nice to meet you too. O Jonn: Thank you so much for helping me. SALLY: You're welcome. Any friend of Sue’s. anyhow Vezi anyway. Anyone I know? $i Anybody I know? E cineva cunoscut? / fl (0) cunosc? (in loc de who?, 0 intrebare mai timid.) ( SALLY: Where were you last night? JANE: I had Anything else? 14 a date. SALLY: Anyone I know? ( BILL: I’ve got a date for the formal next month. HENRY: Anybody I know? Anything else? Vezi (Will there be) anything else? Anything going on? Vezi (Is) anything going on? Anything new down your way? Ai ceva noutati? Ce mai e nou pe ‘a tine? (Rural 8 familiar.) 1] BILL: Anything new down your way? BoB: Nothing worth talking about. (1 Mary: Hi, Sally. Anything new down your way? SALLY: No, what's new with you? MARY: Nothing. Anything you say. Da. Bine. Cum spui tu. 1] MARY: Will you please take this over tc the cleaners? BILL: Sure, anything you say. (1 SALLY: You're going to finish this before you leave tonight, aren’t you? MARY: Anything you say. Anytime. 1. Oricand / intotdeauna (la dispozitia ta / imi face placere). (O indicatie c2 cineva este dispus si fie chemat, vizitat sau invitat oric&nd in viitor). . MARY: I’m so glad you invited me for tea. JANE: Anytime. Delighted to have you. () SALLY; We really enjoyed our visit. Hope to see you again. BOB: Anytime. Please feel free to come back. 2, Cu plaicere. (Expresie politicoasi, dar colocvialé pentru You're welcome.) (] MARY: Thanks for driving me home. BOB: Anytime. 0 SALLY: We were grateful for your help after the fire last week. JANE: Anytime. 3. Vezi Anytime you are ready. Anytime you are ready. Cand vrei / spui tu. (O indicatie c& vorbitorul asteapti ca interlocutorul su s& inceapa actiunea la care se referi.) . MARY: / think it's about time to go. BILL: Anytime you're ready. DOCTOR: Shall we begin the operation? TOM: Anytime you're ready. anyway $I anyhow Oricum; in fond si la urma urmei. (Sinonime: in spite of all this, regardless. Astfel de expresii se servesc adesea de intonatie pentru a transmite conotatia propozitiei care urmeazi. Modelul de intonatie care insoteste expresia poate indica sarcasm, dezaprobare, precautie, consolare, asprime etc.) O] JOHN: just don’t know what's going to happen. MARY: Things look very bleak. JOHN: ‘Anyway, we'll all end up dead in the long run. ( Bos: Let's stop this silly _ argument. FRED: I agree. Anyhow, it’s time to go home, so none of this argumen really matters, does it? BOB: Not a bit. (Are) things getting you down? Ti s-au inecat corabiile? Ai patit ceva? [) JANE: Gee, Mary, you look sad. Are things getting you down? MARY: Yeah. JANE: Cheer up: Mary: Sure. | Tom: What's the matter, Bob? Things getting you down? BOB: No, I'm just a little tired. (Are you) doing okay? si You doing okay? 1. Ce mai faci? O Mary: Doing okay? BILL: You bet! How are you? () BILL: Hey, man! Are you doing okay? TOM: Sure thing! And you? 2. (Cum) te descurci? Mai poti? (Cu sensul: Cum suporti aceasta situatie?) C1 MARY: You doing okay? BILL: Sure. What about you? MARY: I'm 15 (as) far as I’m concerned cool. C1 TOM: Wow, that was some gust of wind! Are you doing okay? MARY: I'm still a little frightened, but alive. (Are you) feeling okay? Te simfi bine? Cum te simti? (Este mai mult decat o intrebare de politete.) O Tom: Are you feeling okay? BILL: Oh, fair to middling. 1. MARY: Are you feeling okay? SUE: I'm still a little dizzy, but it will pass. (Are you) going my way? Daca mergi in aceeasi directie cu mine, as putea si merg cu tine / m-ai putea duce si pe mine cu masina? (] MARY: Are you going my way? SALLY: Sure. Get in. 0 “Going my way?” said Tom as he saw Mary get into her car. (Are you) leaving so soon? $i You leaving so soon? Plecati asa de devreme / repede? Dar e inci devreme! (intrebare politicoasi adresati unui musafir care tocmai si-a anunfat plecarea. Se foloseste numai pentru primii musafiri care pleacd. Exprimarea ar prea sarcasticA daci s-ar adresa musafirului care pleac& ultimul sau unuia care pleacd noaptea tarziu.) () SUE: We really must go. SALLY: Leaving so soon? SUE: Fred has to catch a plane at five in the morning. O JOHN: (conducdndu-l pe John pani la us): You leaving so soon? TOM: Yes, thanks for inviting me. I really have to go. JOHN: Well, good night, then. (Are you) ready for this? Tine-te bine! N-o si-ti vind s& crezi ce-o sd-fi spun! (Un mod de a prezenta o veste sau o informatie despre care vorbitorul crede ca il va surprinde sau il va impresiona pe interlocutor.) [] ToM: Boy, do I have something to tell you! Are you ready for this? MARY: Sure. Let me have it! 1) ToM: Now, here's a great ‘joke! Are you ready for this? It is so funny! ALICE: I can hardly wait. (Are you) ready to order? Ce ati dori? V-ati hotirat? (O exprimare standard folosita in restaurante pentru a afla ce doreste cineva si serveasc’.) (1 The waitress came over and asked, “Are you ready to order?” () ToM: I know what I want. What about you, Sally? Are you ready to order? SALLY: Don't rush me! (Are you) sorry you asked? Acuma, ca stii, esti multumit? Acum, ca ai primit rispunsul (neplacut), iti pare riu ci ai pus intrebarea? (Compara cu You'll be sorry you asked.) () FATHER: How are you doing in school? BILL: I'm flunking out. Sorry you asked? (] MOTHER: You've been looking a little down lately. Is there anything wrong? BILL: I probably have mono. Are you sorry you asked? (as) far as I know SI to the best of my knowledge Da, din cAte stiu eu. (Un raspuns afirmativ, dar care nu se bazeazA pe informatii precise si care indicd posibilitatea ca afirmatia respectiva si nu fie corecti.) (1 Tom: Is this brand of computer any good? CLERK: This is the very best one there is as far as I know. (] FRED: Are the trains on time? CLERK: To the best of my knowledge, all the trains are on time today. 0 BILL: Are we just about there? TOM: Far as I know. BILL: I thought you'd been there before. TOM: Never. (as) far as I’m concerned 1. in ce ma priveste; din punctul meu de vedere. O BoB: Isn't this cake good? ALICE: Yes, indeed. This is the best cake I have ever eaten as as I see it 16 far as I’m concerned. (] TOM: I think I'd better go. BOB: As far as I'm concerned, you all can leave now. 2. Din partea mea, n-ai decat. [1 ALICE: Can I send this package on to your sister? JOHN: As far as I'm concerned. JANE: Do you mind if I put this coat in the closet? JOHN: Far as I'm concerned. It’s not mine. as I see it $I in my opinion; in my view dupa pirerea mea; aga vad eu lucrurile. oO Tom: This matter is not as bad as some would make it out to be. ALICE: Yes. This whole affair has been overblown, as I see it. 1 BOB: You're as wrong as can be. JOHN: In my view, you are wrong. as itis dup& cum stau lucrurile; in situatia asta; asa cum merge treaba. 0) “I wish I could get a better job,” remarked Tom. “I’m just getting by as it is.” (1) MARY: Can we afford a new refrigerator? FRED: As it is, it would have to be a very small one. as I was saying $1 like I was saying dup’ cum spuneam; cum spuneam. (Prima forma poate fi folosita in orice conversatie. Cea de a doua forma este colocviala si fami- liara. in plus, multi nu sunt de acord cu folosirea lui like in locul lui as.) O Bm: Now, Mary, this is one of the round ones that attaches to the wire here. BOB: (passing through the room): Hello, you two! Catch you later. BILL: Yeah, see you around. Now, as I was saying, this goes here on this wire. 1) TOM: I hate to inter- rupt, but someone’s car is being broken into down on the street. FRED: As I was saying, these illegal practices must stop. as such de-adevaratelea; asa cum s-ar crede; chiar. [1 ALICE: Did you have a good yacation? JOHN: Well, sort of. It wasn’t a vacation, as such. We just went and visited Mary's parents. ALICE: That sounds nice. JOHN: Doesn't it? C1 ANDREW: Someone said you bought a beach house. HENRY: Well, it's certainly not a beach house, as such. More like a duck blind, in fact. as we speak chiar acum; tocmai. (Aceastd formulare a capatat statut de cliseu verbal.) CO “I’m sorry, sir,” consoled the agent at the gate, “the plane is taking off as we speak.” 1) TOM: Waiter, where is my steak? It's taking a long time. WATER: It is being grilled as we speak, sir — just as you requested. as you say 1. si like you say cum spui tu; cum bine ai spus si tu. (Indica acordul fati de cineva, cu o nuanté de superioritate fai de acea persoana. Like se foloseste doar in contexte colocviale.) 1 JOHN: Things are not going well for me today. What should I do? BoB: Some days are like that. As you say, it's just not going well for you, that’s all. Q JOHN: This arrangement is not really good. There's not enough room for both of us. MARY: I guess you're right. It is crowded, and, like you say, there’s not enough room. 2. (de obicei_As you say.) Asa voi face. Imediat. (Un mod politicos si formal de a indica acordul sau aprobarea. Literal: / will do as you say, voi face cum spuneti.) 1) JOHN: Please take this to the post office. BUTLER: As you say, sir. () BUTLER: There is a Mr. Franklin at the door. MARY: Thank you, ~ James. Tell him I've gone to Egypt for the winter. BUTLER: As you say, madam. 17 been keeping cool at the present time acum. (Aproape un cliseu.) 0 “We are very sorry to report that we are unable to fill your order at the present time,” stated the little note on the order form. (| MARY: How long will it be until we can be seated? WAITER: There are no tables available at the present time, madam. MARY: But, how long? aw 1. interjectie care indict dezacordul. 1 BILL: Put the film in the fridge. BOB: Aw, that's stupid! It'll just get cold! 0) TOM: The new cars are all unsafe. BILL: Aw, you don't know what you're talking about! 2. interjectie care indicd o rugiminte. 0 TOM: No! FRED: Aw, come on! Please! 1 MARY: Get away from my door! JOHN: Aw, come on! Let me in! () FRED: You hurt my feelings. BOB: Aw, I didn’t mean it. B Bag it! $I Bag your face! Gura! Tacd-ti gura! Hai, mai taci! (Expresie nepoliticoasd, in argoul tinerilor. Provine de la Bag your face!) [1 MARY: Sally, you look just terrible! What happened? SALLY: Bag it! MARY: Sorry I asked! 0 BILL: Did I ever tell you about the time I went to Germany? SUE: Give it a rest, Bill! Can it! Bag it! (1 SUE: Can I borrow your car again? MARY: Bag your face, Sue! SUE: Well, I never! Bag your face! Vezi explicatia anterioara. Beat it! Sterge-o!; Dispari! (Argou.) 1 BILL: Sorry I broke your radio. BOB: Get out of here! Beat it! O “Beat it, you kids! Go play somewhere else!” yelled the storekeeper. Beats me. Vezi (It) beats me. Be careful. 1. Vezi ce faci!; Ai grija! (Un mod de a sfttui pe cineva si aiba grija int-o anumita situatie.) 0 BILL: /’m going to the beach tomorrow. SALLY: Be careful. Use lots of sunscreen! () JANE: Well, we're off to the Amazon. MARY: Heavens! Be care- ful! 2. Ai grijé de tine! (Un mod de a-si lua la revedere.) O) JOHN: See you around, Fred. FRED: Be careful. 01 ALICE: Well, I'm off. JOHN: Bye, Alice, be careful. Been getting by. Vezi (I’ve) been getting by. been keeping busy Vezi (I’ve) been keeping busy.; (Have you) been keeping busy? been keeping cool Vezi (Have you) been keeping cool ?; (I've) been keeping cool. Been keeping myself busy. 18 Been keeping myself busy. Vezi (I’ve) been keeping myself busy. Been keeping out of trouble. Vezi (I’ve) been keeping out of trouble.; (Have you) been keeping out of trouble? been okay Vezi (Have you) been okay?; (I’ve) been okay. Been under the weather. Vezi (I’ve) been under the weather. Been up to no good. Vezi (I've) been up to no good. Begging your pardon, but Vezi (I) beg your pardon, but. Be good. 0 formula de despartire cu sensul Good-bye and behave yourself. La revedere si s& fii cuminte / si nu faci prostii. [1 JANE: Well, we’re off. Be back in a week. Mary: Okay, have fun. Be good. JANE: Do I have to? 0) ToM: Bye. Be good. BILL: See ya. Beg pardon. Vezi (I) beg your pardon. Beg your pardon. Vezi (I) beg your pardon. Beg your pardon, but Vezi (/) beg your pardon, but. Be happy to (do something), Vezi (J’d be) happy to (do something). Behind you! Uiti-te in spatele tdu!; Atentie, in spate! (Un mod de a atrage cuiva atentia asupra unui pericol posibil in spatele siu.) 0) “Behind you!” shouted Tom just as a car raced past and nearly knocked Mary over. 0) Alice shouted, “Behind you!” just as the pickpocket made off with Fred’ s wallet. believe it or not chiar daca nu-ti vine s& crezi; dacd ma crezi sau nu. (O formulare prin care vorbitorul vrea si-1 conving’ pe interlocutorul su ci ceea ce a spus sau va spune este adevarat, indiferent daca interlocutorul crede sau nu.) O Tom: Well, Fred really saved the day. SUE: Believe it or not, I’m the one who saved the day. 0) BILL: How good is this one? CLERK: This is the best one we have, believe it or not. Believe you me! Crede-ma pe cuvant!; Ai face bine si ma crezi! () ALICE: Js it hot in that room? FRED: It really is! Believe you me! (1 SUE: How do you like my cake? JOHN: Believe you me, this is the best cake I've ever eaten! Be my guest. Te rog.; Serveste-te.; Dupi tine. (Un mod politicos de a invita pe cineva sd se serveasc, sd ia ultima bucata din ceva sau sa intre primul undeva.) L] MARY: I would just love to have some more cake, but there is only one piece left. SALLY: Be my guest. MARY: Wow! Thanks! 1) JANE: Here's the door. Who should go in first? BILL: Be my guest. I'll wait out here. JANE: Why don't you go first? Be quiet! Taci!; inceteaza!; Nu mai face zgomot! (Devine o expresie politicoas& daca se adauga please.) () BILL (entering the room): Hey, Tom! TOM: Please be quiet! I'm on the phone. 0 To: Hey, Bill! BILL: Be quiet! You're too noisy. TOM: Sorry. Be right there. Vezi (/’ll) be right there. 19 Better than nothing. Be right with you. Vezi (I'll) be right with you. Be seeing you. Vezi (1'll) be seeing you. Best of luck (to someone). Vezi (The) best of luck (to someone). be that as it may asa o fi, dar...; se prea poate, dar...; chiar dac& e adevarat. 1) SUE: I’m sorry that I am late for the test. I overslept. RACHEL: Be that as it may, you have missed the test and will have to petition for a make-up examination. HENRY: J lost my job, so I couldn't make the car payment on time. RACHEL: Be that as it may, the payment is overdue, and we' ll have to take the car back. Better be going. Vezi (I'd) better be going. Better be off, Vezi (I'd) better be going. Better get moving. Vezi (I’d) better get moving; (You'd) better get moving. Better get on my horse. Vezi (I'd) better get on my horse. Better hit the road. Vezi (It’s) time to hit the road. Better keep quiet about it. Vezi la (Someone had) better keep still about it. Better keep still about it. Vezi la (Someone had) better keep still about it. Better late than never. Mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata. © Mary: Hi, Tom. Sorry T’m late. BILL: Fret not! Better late than never. (1) When Fred showed up at the doctor’s office three days after his appointment, the receptionist said, “Well, better late than never.” . better left unsaid [se refer la un subiect care] n-ar trebui discutat; [se refera la un lucru la care] se gandeste toati lumea, dar care ar stnjeni / ar provoca nepliceri dac& ar fi pomenit in public. (O introducere tipic& pentru aceasta expresie ar putea fi It is, That is, The details are, sau chiar Some things are. Vezi exemplele.) () MARY: J really don’t know how to tell you this, BOB: Then don't. Maybe it’s better left unsaid. 0 BILL: I had such a terrible fight with Sally last night. I can't believe what I said. Bos: I don’t need to hear all about it. Some things are better left unsaid. Better luck next time. 1. Las, data viitoare; 0 si ai mai mult noroc alta data. (O expresie care consoleazd pe cineva pentru un esec minor. Spusa pe un ton amiabil.) O BLL: That does it! I can’t run any farther. I lose! BOB: Too bad. Better luck next time. 0 MARY: Well, that’s the end of my brand new weight-lifting career. JANE: Better luck next time. 2, La anul si la multi ani; data viitoare. (O expresie care ridiculizeazi pe cineva pentru un esec. Spusi cu obraznicie sau sarcasm. Tonul vocii este cel care diferentiaza sensul 2 de sensul 1.) CO SALLY: J lost out to Sue, but I think she cheated. MARY: Better luck next time. 1 SUE: You thought you could get ahead of me, you twit! Better luck next time! SALLY: J still think you cheated. Better than nothing. Vezi (It's) better than nothing. Better things to do. 20 Better things to do. Vezi (I've) (got) better things to do. Be with you in a minute. Vezi la (Someone will) be with you in a minute. Bingo! Ura!; Asta e!; Gata, am gisit! (De la jocul Bingo, in care prima persoana care cAstiga strigd cuvantul “Bingo!”) [1] Bob was looking in the button box for an old button to match the ones on his shirt. “Bingo!” he cried. “Here it is!” 0) BILL: I’ve found it! Bingo! MARY: I guess you found your contact lens? Bite your tongue! Musci-ti limba! (O expresie adresati cuiva care tocmai a facut o presupunere care din picate ar putea fi adevarata.) 1] MARY: I’m afraid that we've missed the plane already. JANE: Bite your tongue! We still have time. (1 MARY: Marry him? But you're older than he is! SALLY: Bite your tongue! Bottoms up. $1 Down the hatch!; Here’s looking at you.; Here’s mud in your eye.; Here’s to you.; Skoal! Bafti!; Hai s& traiesti!; in sinatatea ta! (O expresie folosita drept toast cind mai multi oameni beau impreund. Cuvntul bottoms se refera la fundul paharului.) () BILL: Bottoms up. TOM: Here's mud in your eye. BILL: Care for another? (1 “Well, down the hatch,” said Fred, pouring the smooth and ancient brandy slowly across his tongue. boy $I boy oh boy Vai!; Oh. (Expresie care se foloseste la inceputul unei propozifii; exprima surpriza sau accentueaz4 un mesaj. Nu este o formuli de adresare si poate fi folositi indiferent de sexul interlocutorilor, desi este foarte colocvial. Forma lungi este mai familiara si mai accentuati. Cuvintele de acest gen folosesc adesea intonatia pentru a anticipa conotatia propozitiei care urmeazi. Modelul de intonatie care insoteste cyvantul poate indica sarcasmul, dezaprobarea, avertizarea, consolarea, severitatea etc.) 1) JOHN: Hi, Bill. BILL: Boy, am I glad to see you! (1 Bos: What happened here? FRED: I don’t know. BOB: Boy, this place is a mess! 1 “Boy, I'm tired!” moaned Henry. 0) “Boy oh boy, this cake looks good,” thought Jack. Boy howdy! Ia te uita! Fir-ar si fie! Extraordinar! (O exclamatie care exprima uimirea, © surpriza plicuta. Colocvial si foarte familiar.) (1 Bos: Well, J finally got here. FRED: Boy howdy! Am I glad to see you! O BILL: How do you like my horse? FRED: That's one fine-looking filly! Boy howdy! boy oh boy Vezi boy. Bravo! Bravo! 0 “Keep it up! Bravo!” cheered the audience. 0) At the end of the tenor’s aria, the members of the audience leapt to their feet and with one voice shouted, “Bravo!” Break a leg! Baft! {ti tin pumnii! (Formuli de incurajare adresat unui artist inaintea unui spectacol. Prin traditie se considera c4 aduce ghinion s4-i urezi unui artist succes, de aceea i se ,,ureazi“ un ghinion cu speranta ca astfel va avea de fapt succes.) () BILL: The big show is tonight. I hope I don’t forget my lines, JANE: Break a leg, Bill! O Mary: /’m nervous about my solo. BOB: You'll do great. Don't worry. Break a leg! i 21 by the way Break it up! Terminati!; incetati!; Nu va mai bateti / certati! 11 Tom: Then I’m going to break your neck! BILL: I’m going to mash in your face! BOB: All right, you two, break it up! 0 When the police officer saw the boys fighting, he came over and hollered, “Break it up! You want me to arrest you?” Bully for you! 1. Bravo! (Expresie care laud& pe cineva sau curajul cuiva. invechit’, dar incd in uz.) O The audience shouted, “Bravo! Bully for you!” OQ Bos: I quit my job today. SALLY: Bully for you! Now what are you going to do? BoB: Well, I need a little loan to tide me over. 2. Halal si-ti fie!; Bravos!; Bravo tie! (Expresie sarcastic’; ridiculizeaz o afirmatie sau o actiune a cuiva.) (] Bos: J managed to save three dollars last week. BILL: Well, bully for you! 11 MARY: I won a certificate good for a free meal! SALLY: Bully for you! Butt out! Sterge-o si vezi-ti de treaba ta! Nu-ti baga nasul! (Nepoliticos. Adresat cuiva care ,,isi baga nasul unde nu-i fierbe oala‘t — “has butted in”.) 1 Jane and Mary were talking when Bill came over and interrupted. “Butt out!” said Jane. 0 ToM: Look, Mary, we've been going together for nearly a year. SANE (approaching): Hi, you guys! TOM: Butt out, Jane, we're talking. Buy youa drink? Vezi (Could I) buy you a drink? Bye. Pa. (De la Good-bye. Prietenos si familiar.) 11 TOM: Bye. MARY: Take care. Bye. O SALLY: See you later. Bye. TOM: Bye. Bye-bye. Pa-pa. Te pup. (De la good-bye. Foarte familiar.) 1. MARY: Bye-bye. ALICE: See you later. Bye-bye. 0 TOM: Bye-bye. Remember me to your brother. BILL: I will. Bye. by the same token in acelasi timp; pe de alta parte. (Expresie care anunta ca vorbitorul va introduce o informatie paralelé sau contrari.) (1 Tom: J really got cheated! Bos: You think they've cheated you, but, by the same token, they believe that you've cheated them. 1) “By the same token, most people really want to be told what to do,” counseled Henry. by the skin of someone’s teeth abia-abia, ca prin urechile acului, la limita. (1 HENRY: I almost didn’t make it. ANDREW: What happened? HENRY: I had to flag down a taxi. I just made it by the skin of my teeth. 0 “Well, Bob, you passed the test by the skin of your teeth,” said the teacher. by the way sI incidentally 1. fn plus; in afari de asta. (Expresie care anunt ci vorbitorul va adauga o informatie.) 0 Tom: Js this one any good? CLERK: This is the largest and, by the way, the most expensive one we have in stock. 0) BILL: I’m a realtor. Is your house for sale? ALICE: My house is not for sale, and, by the way, I too am a realtor. 2. Apropo. (Expresie care anunt& cA vorbitorul va deschide intamplator un subiect nou.) O BILL: Oh, by the way, Fred, do you still have that hammer you borrowed from me? FRED: I'll check. I thought I gave it back. G JANE: By the way, don’t you owe me some money? SUE: Who, me? C : Call again. Mai treceti.; Va mai asteptim (si alt data). (Expresie folosit’ de vanzatori si functionari.) D “Thank you,” said the clerk, smiling, “call again”. () CLERK: Is that everything? JOHN: Yes. CLERK: That's ten dollars even. JOHN: Here you are. CLERK: Thanks. Call again. [can] Vezi si articolele care incep cu could. Can do. Pot.; Se poate.; Se face. (De la J can do it. Opusul lui No can do.) JANE: Will you be able to get this finished by quitting time today? ALICE: Can do. Leave it to me. (1 BOB: Can you get this pack of papers over to the lawyer's office by noon? BILL: Can do. I’m leaving now. Bye. Can I speak to someone? Vezi Could I speak to someone? Can it! Taci-ti gural; Gura!; Las-o balti!; Inceteazi! (Argou si foarte nepoliticos.) DBos: I'm tired of this place. Let’ s go. FRED: That's enough out of you! Can it! O JOHN: Hey, Tom! What are you doing, man? TOM: Can it! I’m studying. Cannot! Vezi (You) can’ t! si toate articolele care incep cu Can't. Can’t argue with that. Vezi (1) can’ t argue with that. Can’t beat that. Vezi (I) can’t beat that.; (You) can’ t beat that. Can’t be helped. Vezi (It) can’t be helped. Can’t complain. Vezi (/) can't complain. Can’t fight city hall. Vezi (You) can’ t fight city hall. Can’t get there from here. Vezi (You ) can’t get there from here. Can’t help it. Vezi (I) can’t help it. Can too. Vezi (I) can too. Can’t rightly say. Vezi (J) can’t rightly say. Can’t say (as) Ido. Vezi (I) can’t say that I do. Can’t say (as) Ihave. Vezi (I) can't say that I have. Can't say for sure. Vezi (I) can’t say for sure. Can’t say’s Ido. Vezi (I) can’t say that I do. 23 Certainly not! Can’t say that I do. Vezi (I) can't say that I do. Can’t say that Ihave. Vezi (I) can’t say that I have. Can’t take it with you. Vezi (You) can’t take it with you. Can’t thank you enough. Vezi (I) can’t thank you enough. Can’t top that. Vezi (I) can’t beat that.; (You) can't beat that. Can’t win them all, Vezi (You) can’t win them all. Can you excuse us, please? Vezi Could you excuse us, please? Can you handle it? 1. Te descurci?; Poti rezolva problema asta? (Poate fi o problema personal sau o sarcina de serviciu.) 1 BILL: This file is a mess. Can you handle it? O FATHER: This is a difficult situation, son. Can you handle it? Bos: Yeah, Dad. Don’t worry. 2. $1 Could you handle it? Te ocupi tu de asta?; Vrei si rezolvi tu aceasti problemi? 1] MARY: J need someone to work on the Jones account. Can you handle it? JANE: Sure. Q BILL: Someone is on the phone about the car payments. Could you handle it? FATHER: Yes. Can you hold? Vezi Could you hold? Capeesh? Intelegi?; Pricepi?; Ai priceput? (Din limba italian’.) O Tom: Do J have to stay here? FRED: That's the way it's going to be. Capeesh? TOM: Yeah. O Mary: Twill not tolerate any of this anymore. Capeesh? BILL: Sure. Gotcha! Care for another? Vezi (Would you) care for another (one)? Care if join you? Vezi Could I join you? Care to? Vezi (would you) care to? Care to dance? Vezi (Would you) care to dance? Care to join us? Vezi (Would you) care to join us? Cash or credit (card)? Cum vreti si plititi, cu bani gheati sau cu carte de credit? O Mary put all her packages on the counter. Then the clerk said, “Cash or credit card?” © Cer: Is that everything? RACHEL: Yes, that's all. CLERK: Cash or credit? Catch me later. 1 Catch me some other time. Te rog, nu acum, mai tarziu.; Sunt ocupat acum, vorbim mai tarziu. ) BILL (angry): Tom, look at this phone bill! Tom: Catch me later. (| “Catch me some other time,” hollered Mr. Franklin over his shoulder. “I’ ve got to go to the airport.” Catch me some other time. Vezi articolul anterior. Catch you later. Vezi (I will) catch you later. Certainly! Vezi Definitely! Certainly not! Vezi Definitely not! Changed my mind. Changed my mind. Vezi (I) changed my mind. Change your mind? Vezi (Have you) changed your mind? Charmed(, I’m sure). incAntat(&). (Expresie spusa de vorbitor dupa ce a fost prezentat cuiva. Aproape o parodie. De evitat in majoritatea conversatiilor obisnuite, poate fi folosit’ doar in situatii speciale.) [1 MARY: / want you to meet my great-aunt Sarah. SALLY: Charmed, I'm sure. 1 MARY: Bill, meet Sally. Sally, this is Bill. BILL: My pleasure. SALLY: Charmed. Check. Corect,; Este.; Da. [) SUE: Is the coffee ready yet? JOHN: Check. O) MARY: Let's go over the list. Flashlight? JOHN: Check. MARY: Band-Aids? JOHN: Check. Many: Pencils? JOHN: Check. MARY: Matches? JOHN: Check. MARY: Great! Check, please $I Could I have the bill?; Could I have the check? Nota, va rog!; imi puteti aduce nota de plata? (Se foloseste in restaurante, baruri etc.) O When they both had finished their dessert and coffee, Tom said, “Check, please.” 1) BILL: That meal was really good. This is a fine place to eat. TOM: Waiter! Check, please. WAITER: Right away, sir. Cheerio. Pa.; La revedere. (Termen folosit mai ales in Marea Britanie.) [1 Bos: Bye. Tom: Cheerio. O “Cheerio,” said Mary, skipping out of the room like a schoolgirl. Cheer up! Fruntea sus!; Nu-ti (mai) face griji!; Curaj! O Tom: Things are really looking bad for me financially. MARY: Cheer up! Things’ Il work out for the best. O SUE: Cheer up! In no time at all, things will be peachy keen. BoB: In no time at all, they'll be a lot worse. Chow. Vezi urmatorul articol. Ciao. $1 Chow. Pa.; Ciao.; La revedere. (Din limba italiana. Chow, ca si ciao din romana, nu este o pronuntie italiani.) O JOHN: Ciao. MARY: Ciao, baby. O “Ciao,” said Mary Francine as she swept from the room. Clear the way! Faceti loc!; La o parte!; Dati-vi din drum! D1 The movers were shouting, “Clear the way!” because they needed room to take the piano out of the house. 0 TOM: Clear the way! Clear the way! MARY: Who does he think he is? Bos: I don’t know, but I’m getting out of the way. Cold enough for you? Vezi (Is it) cold enough for you? Come again. 1. Va mai asteptim (pe la noi) (si alta data). O Mary: J had a lovely time. Thank you for asking me. SALLY: You're quite welcome. Come again. O1 “Come again,” said Mrs. Martin as she let Jimmy out the door. 2. (de obicei Come again?) Cum?; Cum ai spus?; N-am inteles, ce-ai zis? (Expresie invechit’.) O SALLY: Do you want some more carrots? MARY: Come again? SALLY: Carrots. Do you want some more carrots? (1 Uncle Henry turned his good ear toward the clerk and said, “Come again?” 25 come on Come and get it! Masa e gata!; La masa!; Haideti la mas! (Popular si familiar.) O The camp cook shouted, “Soup’s on! Come and get it!” (1 ToM: Come and get it! Time to eat! MARY: What is it this time? More bean soup? TOM: Certainly not! Lentils. Come back and see us. $I Come back and see me. Mai vino pe la mine / pe la noi. (Formuli rostiti adesea de c&tre gazda la plecarea musafirilor.) 1 BILL: Good night. Thanks for having me. SALLY: Oh, you’ re quite welcome. Come back and see us. O Bos: I enjoyed my visit. Good-bye. MARY: It was very nice of you to pay me a visit. Come back and see me. Come back anytime. Mai vino pe la noi.; Te asteptim oricand.; Esti intotdeauna binevenit. (Formula rostit’ adesea de c&tre gazda la plecarea musafirilor.) O Many: So glad you could come. BILL: Thank you. I had a wonderful time. MARY: Come back anytime. 0 Bos: Thanks for the coffee and cake. Bye. MARY: We're glad to have you. Please come back anytime. Come back when you can stay longer. Mai veniti si cand puteti ramane mai mult.; Data viitoare poate stati mai mult. (Formula rostiti adesea de citre gazda la plecarea musafirilor.) (1 JOHN: J really must go. SUE: So glad you could come. Please come back when you can stay longer. O) BILL: Well, I hate to eat and run, but I have to get up early tomorrow. MARY: Well, come back when you can stay longer. Come in and make yourself at home. Intrati si simtiti-vi ca acast. 0 SUE: Oh, hello, Tom. Come in and make yourself at home. TOM: Thanks. I will. (entering) Oh, it's nice and warm in here. 0) “Come in and make yourself at home,” invited Bob. Come in and sit a spell. $1 Come in and set a spell.; Come in and sit down.; Come in and take a load off your feet. Te rog, intra, ia loc, trage-ti sufletul.; Intra si stai jos. (Colocvial si rural. Set este in mare masur& rural.) 0 “Hi, Fred,” smiled Tom. “Come in and sit a spell.” 0 Tom: 1 hope I’m not intruding. BILL: Not at all. Come in and set a spell. Come in and sit down. Vezi articolul precedent. Come in and take a load off your feet. Vezi Come in and sit a spell. Come off it! Termina cu prostiile!; Hai, las-o moarti! 1 To: This stuff just doesn’t meet my requirements. BILL: Come off it, Tom! This is exactly what you' ve always bought. TOM: That doesn’t mean I like it. 1 MARY: We are not amused by your childish antics. SUE: Come off it, Mary. Who do you think you're talking to? come on 1. (De obicei Come on!) Hai, termina!; Nu mai face asa! 0 Sally was tickling Tom, and he was laughing like mad. Finally, he sputtered, “Come on!” 1) MARY: Are you really going to sell your new car? SALLY: Come on! How dumb do you think Tam? 2. Hai, te rog!; Hai, nu fi ...! (1 MOTHER: Sorry. You can’t go! BILL: Come on, let me go to the picnic! 0 “Come on,” whined Jimmy, “I want some more!” Come (on) in. 26 Come (on) in. Intra; Te rog(, intra).; Poftim (induntru). (O invitatie politicoasé dea intra in casa, camera, biroul etc. cuiva. Invitatia e mai accentuaté cu on.) O Bos: Hello, you guys. Come on in. We're just about to start the music. MARY: Great! Um! Something smells good! TOM: Yeah. When do we eat? BoB: Just hold your horses. All in good time. 1) BILL: Come in. Nice to see you. MARY: I hope we're not too early. BILL: Not at all. Come right in. Intra, te rog, esti binevenit.; Intr4, intr, te asteptam. D “Come right in and make yourself at home! said the host. () FRED (opening door): Well, hi, Bill. BILL: Hello, Fred. Good to see you. FRED: Come right in. BILL: Thanks. Coming through(, please). Faceti loc, vi rog. Lasati-ma sa trec. (Expresie spusa adesea de citre cineva care incearca sd-si facd loc s& treacd prin multime, ca de exemplu intr-un pasaj sau in lift. Compara cu Out, please.) () TOM: Coming through, please. SUE: Give him some room. He wants to get by. O Mary (as the elevator stops): Well, this is my floor. Coming through, please. I’ve got to get off. JOHN: Bye, Mary. It’s been good talking to you. Could be better. Vezi (Things) could be better. Could be worse. Vezi (Things) could be worse. Could have fooled me. Vezi (You) could have fooled me. Could I be excused? MA scuzati!; imi permiteti (s4 mi ridic de la masa)? (Se foloseste si cu can sau may in locul lui could.) 11 BILL: I’m finished, Mom. Could I be excused? MoM: Yes, of course, when you use good manners like that. () “Can I be excused?” said Billy, with a big grin on his face and his broccoli hidden in his napkin. (Could 1) buy you a drink? 1, iti fac cinste (cu ceva de baut)?; Pot si-fi iau ceva de aut? (Oferti facut de obicei intr-un local. Cel care face oferta si cel care primeste vor bea apoi impreuna. Se foloseste si cu can sau may in loc de could.) LI When Sally and Mary met at the agreed time in the hotel bar, Sally said to Mary, “Could I buy you a drink?” 0) Then this strange man sat down and said, “Buy you a drink?” Well, I could have just died! 2. Vrei s4 bei ceva?; Pot si-ti ofer ceva de baut? (Un mod destul de glumet de a oferi cuiva o biuturi, de exemplu acasi. Se foloseste si cu can sau may in locul lui could.) O BILL: Come in, Fred. Can I buy you a drink? FRED: Sure. What are you having? BILL: I've got wine and beer. U1 MARY: Can I buy you a drink? What do you have there now? BoB: Oh, sure. It's just gin and tonic. MARY: Great! I'll be right back with it. Could I call you? 1. Sunt ocupat acum. Te superi daci te sun eu mai tarziu? (De obicei intr-o convorbire de afaceri. Se foloseste si cu can in loc de could. May e prea politicos in acest context.) 1 SALLY: J can’t talk to you right now. Could I call you? ToM: Sure, no problem. 0 BILL: I’ve got to run. Sorry. Can I call you? BoB: No, I'm leaving town. I'll try to get in touch next week. 2. Pot si te caut la telefon? (De obicei intr-un context romantic, pentru a stabili o intAlnire. Se foloseste si cu can sau may in 27 Could I have the check? locul lui could.) C1 Mary: I had a marvelous time, Bob. BOB: Me too. Can I call you? MARY: Sure. 0) BoB: J had a marvelous time, Mary. May I call you? MARY: Maybe in a week or two. I have a very busy week ahead. I'll call you, in. fact. Could I come in? Pot si intru?; imi dai voie si intru? (Se foloseste si cu can sau may in locul lui could.) [1 ToM (standing in the doorway): Hello, I'm with the Internal Revenue Service. Could I come in? MARY: Go ahead, make my day! O BILL: Hi, Tom. What are you doing here? TOM: Could I come in? I have to talk to you. BILL: Sure. Come on in. Could I get by, please? Pot si trec, va rog?; Imi faceti loc si trec, va rog? (Se foloseste sicu can sau may in locul Iui could. May este aproape prea politicos.) [} Poor Bill, trapped at the back of the elevator behind a huge man, kept saying, “Could I get by, please?” But nobody moved. 11 “Can I get by, please?” Jane said, squeezing between the wall and a wheelchair. (Could 1) get you something (to drink)? (Iti pot oferi) ceva de baut?; Beti ceva? (Compari cu (Could I) buy you a drink? Se foloseste si cu can sau may in locul lui could.) 0 BILL: Hi, Alice! Come on in! Can I get you something to drink? ALICE: Just a little soda, if you don’t mind. OQ WAITER: Get you something to drink? JOHN: No, thanks. I'll just order now. (Could 1) give you a lift? (Pot si) te duc undeva (cu magina)? (Se foloseste si cu can sau may in locul lui could.) 0) Bill stopped his car at the side of the road where Tom stood. “Can I give you a lifi?” asked Bill. C1 JOHN: Well, I've got to leave. ALICE: Me too. JOHN: Give you a lift? ALICE: Sure. Thanks. Could I have a lift? $1 How about a lift? (Vrei si) ma duci si pe mine cu masina? (De obicei aceasti rugiminte este adresatd atunci cand destinatia vorbitorului este aceeasi cu a proprietarului masinii sau in drumul acestuia. Se foloseste si cu can sau may in locul lui could.) 01 BoB: Going north? Could I have a lift? BILL: Sure. Hop in. BoB: Thanks. That's such a long walk to the north end of campus. O Sug: Can Thave a lift? I’m late. MARY: Sure, if you're going somewhere on Maple Street. Could I have a word with you? Vezi I'd like (to have) a word with you. Could I have someone call you? VA poate suna mai tirziu?; Puteti astepta; ii spun si va sune mai tarziu. (Intrebare pusi la telefon de citre persoana care a réspuns in situatia in care persoana cAutata de interlocutor nu este disponibila. Someone poate fi un nume de persoana, un pronume sau chiar cuvantul someone. Se foloseste si cu can sau may in locul lui could.) 0 To: Bill’s not here now. Could I have him call you? BoB: Yeah. Ask him to leave a message on my machine. TOM: Sure. O “Could I have her call you?” asked Mrs. Wilson's secretary. Could I have the bill? Vezi Check, please. Could I have the check? Vezi Check, please. Could I help you? 28 Could I help you? VA pot ajuta?; Cu ce va pot servi?; Ce ati dori? (Formula folosita de vanzatori, functionari, chelneri si operatori la telefoane. Se foloseste si cu can sau may in locul lui could.) 0 The clerk came over and said, “Could I help you?” O CLERK: May I help you? MARY: No thanks, I'm just looking. Could I join you? si (Do you ) care if I join you?; (Do you) mind if I join you? (E liber?) Pot si stau langi dumneavoastri?; Va deranjeazi daci stau langé dumneavoastra?; imi permiteti? (Formula politicoasa prin care se cere permisiunea cuiva pentru a se aseza la aceeasi masa, de exemplu intr-un restaurant, sau de a i se alitura intr-o activitate oarecare. Se foloseste si cu can sau may in locul lui could.) O Tom came into the café and saw Fred and Sally sitting in a booth by the window. Coming up to them, Tom said, “Could I join you?” UO “Do you mind if I join you?” asked the woman. “There are no other seats.” Could I leave a message? Pot lisa un mesaj?; li putefi transmite un mesaj? (Expresie folosit’ la telefon pentru a cere persoanei care a rispuns sa transmit un mesaj cuiva care nu poate veni la telefon in momentul respectiv. Poate fi folosita si cu can sau may.) 0 BILL: Can I talk to Fred? MaRY: He's not here. BILL: Could I leave a message? MARY: Sure. What is it? O “May I leave a message? asked Mary politely. Could I see you again? Vrei si ne mai vedem?; Ne-am mai putea intélni si alt dati? (Sicu can sau may.) (1 To: I had a wonderful time, Mary. Can I see you again? MARY: Call me tomorrow, Tom. Good night. (1 “Could I see you again?” muttered Tom, dizzy with the magic of her kiss. Could I see you in my office? Vreti s veniti in biroul meu?; Vreau sa discutim (intre patru ochi) in biroul meu. (Adresat de obicei de citre un sef unui angajat. $i cu can sau may in locul lui could.) O "Mr. Franklin,” said Bill's boss sort of sternly, “could I see you in my office for a minute? We need to talk about something.” O SUE: Could I see you in my office? JOHN: Sure. What's cooking? Could I speak to someone? sI Can I speak to someone?; May I speak to someone? Pot vorbi cu ...?; As putea vorbi cu ...? (Expresie folositi cand vorbitorul cere pe cineva, 0 persoani anumiti, la telefon. In conversatii. someone este inlocuit cu numele cuiva. Se foloseste gi cu talk in locul Ii speak.) O ToM (answering the phone): Good morning, Acme Air Products..With whom do you wish to speak? BILL: Can I speak to Mr. Wilson? TOM: One moment. 0) SALLY: May I speak to the manager, please? CLERK: Certainly, madam. I'm the manager. Could I take a message? (Vreti) si-i transmit un mesaj?; Sa-i transmit ceva / un mesaj? (La telefon. Poate fi folosit si cu can sau may.) 0 BILL: Can J talk to Fred? Mary: He's not here. Could I take a message?” asked Mary politely. Could I take your order (now)? Comandati?; Va pot lua comanda?; V-ati hotarat ce doriti si comandati? (Expresie folositi de citre chelneri pentru a afla daca clientul e gata si comande. Se foloseste si cu can sau may in locul lui could.) (1. WAITER: i Saeed = Ne PO 29 Could you hold? May I take your order now? MARY: Of course. Jane, what are you going to have? JANE: I'm having what you're having. MARY: Oh. WAITER: I'll be back in a minute. O Mary: This is a nice place. BILL: Yes, it is. WAITER: Can I take your order? MARY: Yes, we're ready. Could I tell someone who’s calling? Cine si-i spun ca-1 cautaé? (Expresie politicoasa la telefon. in conversatii, someone este inlocuit cu numele persoanei cautate la telefon sau cu un pronume. Se foloseste si cu can sau may in locul lui could.) 0 MARY (on the phone): Hello. Could I speak to Bill Franklin? SALLY: Could I tell him who's calling? O BILL (on the phone): Is Tom there? MARY: May I tell him who's calling? BILL: It’s Bill, MARY: Just a minute. Could I use your powder room? si Where is your powder room? As putea sd merg la toaleti?; Unde este toaleta?; Cum ajung la toaleti? (Un mod politicos de a cere cuiva si folosesti camera de baie din casa sa. Expresia powder room provine de la actiunea de a-si pudra nasul. Se foloseste si cu can sau may in locul lui could.) O Many: Oh, Sally, could I use your powder room? SALLY: Of course. It's just off the kitchen, onthe left. 1 Tom: Nice place you've got here. Uh, where is your powder room? BETH: At the top of the stairs. Couldn’t ask for more. Vezi (I) couldn’t ask for more. Couldn’t be better. Vezi (/t) couldn’ t be better.; (I) couldn't be better. Couldn’t be helped. Vezi (It) can’t be helped. Could(n’t) care less. Vezi (I) could(n’t) care less. Couldn’t help it. Vezi (I) couldn’ t help it. Could we continue this later? (N-)am putea s-o ldsim pe mai tarziu?; Am putea termina discutia mai tarziu? Se foloseste si cu can sau may in locul lui could.) O Bos: After that we both ended up going out for a pizza. SUE: Could we continue this later? I have some work I have to get done. BOB: Sure. No problem. (1 As Mary and John were discussing something private, Bob entered the room. “Could we continue this later?” whispered John. “Yes, of course,” answered Mary. Could you excuse us, please? $1 Would you excuse us, please?; Will you excuse us, please? Nu va supirati, dar trebuie si plecim. (Un mod politicos de a-si anunta plecarea. $i cu can in locul lui could.) O BILL: Will you excuse us, please? We really must leave now. BOB: Oh, sure. Nice to see you. 0) BILL: Could you excuse us, please? We simply must rush off, ALICE: So sorry you have to go. Come back when you can stay longer. Could you handle it? Vezi la Can you handle it? Could you hold? si Will you hold? Nu inchideti, vi rog!; Puteti astepta?; Vreti si rémAneti pe fir, va rog? (La telefon. $i cu can in locul lui could.) O “Could you Could you keep a secret? 30 hold?” asked the operator. (1 SUE: Hello. Acme Motors. Can you hold? BOB: iE guess. SUE: (after a while): Hello. Thank you for holding. Can Thelp you? Could you keep a secret? Sti s tii un secret?; O si-fi spun ceva, dar sA nu mai spui la nimeni, (Se foloseste si cu can in locul lui could.) () Tom: Can you keep a secret? Mary: Sure. TOM: Don't tell anybody, but I'm going to be a daddy. O Sue: Can you keep a secret? ALICE: Of course. SUE: We're moving to Atlanta. Cut it out! Terminal; inceteaza! (Colocvial si familiar.) [) SUE: Why, I think you have crush on Mary! TOM: Cut it out! O “Cut it out!” yelled Tommy as Billy hit him again. Cut the comedy! si Cut the funny stuff! Termina cu prostiile!; Lasd distractia!; Nu te mai prosti! 1 JOHN: All right, you guys! Cut the comedy and get to work! BILL: Can't we ever have any fun? JOHN: No. ( BILL: Come on, Mary, let's throw Tom in the pool!. MARY: Yeah, let’s drag him over and give him a good dunking! TOM: Okay, you clowns, cut the funny stuff! I’ ll throw both of you in! BILL: You and what army? Cut the funny stuff! Vezi articolul precedent. D Dear me! Vai de mine!; Vai, Doamne! (Exprima o usoara teama sau un regret.) O SUE: Dear me, is this all there is? MARY: There's more in the kitchen. “Oh, dear me!” fretted John, “I'm late again.” Definitely! si Certainly! Bineinteles!; Evident!; Da, cum si nu?; Fara discutie! 0 BILL: Will you be there Saturday? MARY: Definitely! 1 SUE: Would you be so kind as to carry this up the stairs? BILL: Certainly! Definitely not! si Certainly not! Nu, in nici un caz!; Nici nu ma gandesc!; Imposibil! (Compara cu Absolutely not!) 1) BULL: Will you lend me some money? BOB: No way! Definitely not! CO Bon: Have you ever stolen anything? FRED: Certainly not! Delighted to have you. Vezi (I'm) delighted to have you (here). Delighted to make your acquaintance. Vezi (I'm) delighted to make your acquaintance. la 2 e 31 doing okay did you hear? Vezi have you heard? Dig in! La atac!; La mancare! (1 When we were all seated at the table, Grandfather said, “Dig in!” and we all did. 01 SUE: Sit down, everybody. BOB: Wow, this stuff looks good! ALICE: It sure does. SUE: Dig in! Dig up! Ascultati aici!; Ascultati cu atentie!; Urechile la mine! (Argou.) C1 JoHN: All right, you guys! Dig up! You're going to hear this one time and one time only! BILL: Get quiet, you guys! O) BILL; Dig up! I’m only going to say this once. BOB: I said listen! Dinner is served. Masa e serviti. (Ceremonios, ca un anunt facut de un majordom.) 0 SUE: Dinner is served! MARY (aside): Aren't we fancy tonight? (“Dinner is served,” said Bob, rather formally for a barbecue. Does it work for you? {ti convine?; E bine din punctul tiu de vedere?; Esti de acord? (Colocvial. Raspunsul poate fi (Jt) works for me.) OQ) BILL: I'll be there at noon. Does it work for you? BOB: Works for me. 0. MARY: We’re having dinner at eight. Does it work for you? JANE: Sounds just fine. Doesn’t bother me any. Vezi (It) doesn’t bother me any. Doesn’t bother me at all. Vezi (It) doesn't bother me at all. Doesn’t hurt to ask. Vezi (It) doesn’t hurt to ask. Doesn’t matter to me. Vezi (It) (really) doesn't matter to me. (Do) have some more. (Dar, va rog,) mai luati. (Invitatie adresata cuiva s& mai ia / sa se mai serveasci din ceva, de obicei mancare sau bauturi.) O) BILL: Wow, Mrs. Franklin, this scampi is great! SALLY: Thank you, Bill. Do have some more. 0 JANE: What a lovely light cake. MARY: Oh, have some more. Otherwise the boys will just wolf it down, Do I have to paint (you) a picture? Vezi articolul urmator. Do I have to spell it out (for you)? $I Do I have to paint (you) a picture? Vrei sa-ti desenez?; Ce si fac si intelegi?; E asa de greu de priceput? (Arati nerabdare fata de cineva care nu intelege ceva.) (1 MARY: I don’t think I understand what you're trying to tell me, Fred. FRED: Do I have to spell it out for you? MARY: I guess so. FRED: We're through, Mary. 0 SALLY: Would you please go over the part about the square root again? MARY: Do I have to paint you a picture? Pay attention! Do I make myself (perfectly) clear? Sa-ti intre bine in cap!; Te-am limurit?; Sper c& ai priceput! (Foarte dur.) O Motuer: You're going to sit right here and finish that homework. Do I make myself perfectly clear? CHILD: Yes, ma’am. 0 SUE: No, the answer is no! Do I make myself clear? BILL: Are you sure? doing okay Vezi (I’m) doing okay.,; (Are you) doing okay? Don’t ask. 32 Don’t ask. Nu mia intreba.; Nu-mi mai aduce aminte.; Nici nu vreau sa-mi mai amintesc.; (1 JOHN: How was your class reunion? ALICE: Oh, heavens! Don’t ask. O Tom: What was your calculus final exam like? MARY: Don’t ask. O Sue: How old were you on your last birthday? FRED: Don’ t ask. Don’t ask me. Vezi How should I know? Don’t be gone (too) long. Nu intirzia.; SA nu stai mult. 1) ToM: I've got to go to the drugstore to get some medicine. SUE: Don’t be gone too long. Tom: I'll be right back. C) “Don’t be gone long,” said Bill’s uncle. “It's about time to eat.” Don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure. Vezi (I) don’t believe I've had the pleasure. Don’t believe so. Vezi (I) don’t believe so. Don’t be too sure. Nu fi chiar atat de sigur.; Nu prea cred.; S-ar putea si te ingeli. (Compara cu Don’t speak too soon.) () BILL: Ah, it's sure great being home and safe-secure in one’s castle. MARY: Don't be too sure. I just heard glass breaking downstairs. O) BILL: J think I’ve finally saved up enough money to retire. JOHN: Don't be too sure. Inflation can ruin your savings. Don’t bother. Nu te deranja.; Nu te obosi, nu e nevoie.; Las’, nu e nevoie. O Mary: Should I put these in the box with the others? BILL: No, don't bother. ) SUE: Do you want me to save this spoonful of mashed potatoes? JANE: No, don't bother. It isn’t worth it. SUE: I hate to waste it. Don’t bother me! Lasi-ma in pace!; Scuteste-mi! [1 Tom: Hey, Bill! BILL: Don't bother me! I’m busy. Can't you see ? (1 “Don’t bother me! Leave me alone!” the child shouted at the dog. Don’t bother me none. Vezi (It) don’t bother me none. Don’t breathe a word of this to anyone. Sa nu sufli o vorba (despre asta). (1 Mary: Can you keep a secret? JOHN: Sure. MARY: Don’ t breathe a word of this to anyone, but Tom is in jail. O BILL: Have you heard about Mary and her friends? SALLY: No. Tell me! Tell me! BILL: Well, they all went secretly to Mexico for the weekend. Everyone thinks they are at Mary's, except Mary's mother, who thinks they are at Sue's. Now, don’t breathe a word of this to anyone. SALLY: Of course not! You know me! Don’t call us, we'll call you. Va anuntim noi dacd e cazul.; Va cautim noi, nu ne cdutati dumneavoastra.; V4 vom anunta noi daca ati primit postul, nu e nevoie si ne telefonati dumneavoastra. (Exprimi de multe ori un refuz mascat.) QO SALLY: Thank you for coming by for the interview. We'll let you know. BILL: How soon do you think Mr. Franklin will decide? SALLY: Don't call us, we'll call you. 0 “Don't call us, we'll call you,” said the assistant director, as if he had said it a hundred times already today, which he probably had. 33 Don’t give up! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Expresie folosita cAnd doi prieteni isi iau la revedere. Familiar si colocviala. (Literal: $4 nu faci ce n-as face eu.) [1] BILL: See you tomorrow, Tom. TOM: Yeah, man, Don't do anything I wouldn't do. BILL: What wouldn't you do? 1) Mary: Where are you going, Bill? BILL: Oh, just around. MARY: Sure, you're spinning. Well, don’t do anything I wouldn’ t do. BILL: Okay, but what wouldn't you do? MARY: Beat it, you clown! BILL: I'm off. Don’t even look like something! Nici si nu-ti treacd prin cap!; $4 nu te prind ca ...!; Nici si nu te gandesti! (Something poate fi ori o actiune ori intentia de a face 0 actiune.) 1] MARY: Are you thinking about taking the last piece of cake? BOB: Of course not. MARY: Well, don’t even look like you're doing it! QO JOHN: You weren't going to try to sneak into the theatre, were you? BOB: No. John: Well, don’ t even look like it, if you know what's good for you. Don’t even think about (doing) it. Nici si nu te gandesti la asta / s-o faci.; Nici si nu-ti treac& prin cap. John reached into his jacket for his wallet. The cop, thinking John was about to draw a gun, said, “Don’t even think about it.” 1) MARY: Look at that diver! It must be forty feet down to the water. BOB: Don't even think about doing it yourself. Don’t even think about it (happening). Nu te (mai) gandi la asa ceva.; Mai bine nu te gandesti (cd s-ar putea intimpla). (Compara cu Don't even think about (doing) it.) O) Mary: Oh, those cars almost crashed! How horrible! FRED: Don’t even think about it! O SALLY: If the banks fail, we'll lose everything we have. SUE: Don’t even think about it! Don’t forget to write. Vezi Remember to write. Don’t get up. Nu vi ridicati.; Te rog, nu te ridica (si ma saluti sau s ma intampini). (Se foloseste de multe ori cu please.) 1) Mary approached the table to speak to Bill. Bill started to push his chair back as if to rise. Mary said: “Don't get up. I just want to say hello." 0 TOM (rising): Hello, Fred. Good to see you. FRED (standing): Don’t get up. How are you? Don’t get your bowels in an uproar! Nu te ambala!; Potoleste-te!; Nu te enerva!; Stai calm! (Argou.) (1 BILL: What have you done to my car? Where's the bumper? The side window is cracked! BOB: Calm down! Don't get your bowels in an uproar! 0 FATHER: Now, son, we need to talk a little bit about you and your pet snake. Where is it? JOHN: I don’t know. FATHER (outraged): What! JOHN: Don’t get your bowels in an uproar! It always turns up. Don’t give it another thought. Vezi Think nothing of it. Don’t give it a (second) thought. Vezi Think nothing of it. Don’t give up! Nu te lasa!; Mai incearci! O JOHN: Get in there and give it another try. Don’t give up! BILL: Okay. Okay. But it's hopeless. 0 JANE: I asked the boss for a raise, but he said no. TOM: Don’t give up. Try again later. Don’t give up the ship! 34 Don’t give up the ship! Nu te da bitut!; Nu-ti pierde speranfa! (Provine de la 0 expresie marinareasca.) () BILL: I’m having a devil of a time with calculus. I think I want to drop the course. SALLY: Keep trying. Don’t give up the ship! 0) BILL: Every time we’ get enough money saved up to make a down payment on a house, the price of houses skyrockets. I’m about ready to stop trying. SUE: We'll manage. Don’t give up the ship! Don’t give up too eas(il)y! $1 Don’t give up without a fight! Nu te lisa fara sa te batil; Nu renunta fir s& incerci!; Nu renunta atat de ugor! [) SUE: she says no every time I ask her for a rise. MARY: Well, don’t give up too easily. Keep after her. 0) JOHN: I know it’s my discovery, not hers, but she won't admit it. SALLY: Don’t give up without a fight. Don’t give up without a fight. Vezi articolul precedent. Don’t hold your breath. Mai e pana atunci.; Nu-ti face prea multe sperante deocamdati. (Literal: Nu-ti tine respiratia (asteptind s4 se intample ceva). Sensul: Pana s se intample, va dura mai mult decat poti si-ti tii respiratia.) . TOM: The front yard is such a mess. BoB: Bill's supposed to rake the leaves. TOM: Don't hold ‘your breath. He never does his share of the work. O SALLY: Someone said that gasoline prices would go down. BOB: Oh, yeah? Don’t hold your breath. Don’t I know it! Ca si cum eu n-as sti!; Stiu foarte bine(, nu e nevoie si-mi spui tu)! 0 MARY: Goodness gracious! It’s hot today. BOB: Don’t I know it! 1 SUE: You seem to be putting on a little weight. JOHN: Don't I know it! Don’t I know you from somewhere? Ne cunoastem de undeva?; Am impresia ci ne-am mai cunoscut undeva.; Unde ne-am mai cunoscut? (Un mod de a incepe o conversatie cu o persoana striini, de exemplu la o petrecere sau la alt eveniment public.) [] BILL: Don't I know you from somewhere? MARY: I don’t think so. Where did you go to school? 0 HENRY: Don't I know you from somewhere? ALICE: No, and let's keep it that way. Don’t let someone or something get you down. Nu te lasa descurajat de ceva sau de cineva.; Nu lasa pe cineva sau ceva si te neciijeasca.; Nu te da batut din cauza ... O Ton: I’m so mad at her I could scream! SUE: Don't let her get you down, O JOHN: This project at work is getting to be a real mess. JANE: Don't let it get you down. It will be over with soon. Don’t let the bastards wear you down. Tine-te tare, nu-i lisa pe oamenii dia sa-ti facd necazuri.; Nu te da batut in fata dobitocilor alora. (Atentie la folosirea cuvantului bastard. E 0 insulta.) 0 BILL: The place I work at is really rough. Everybody is rude and jealous of each other. TOM: Don't let the bastards wear you down. JANE: T have to go down to the county clerk's office and figure out what this silly bureaucratic letter means. SUE: You might call them on the phone. In any case, don’ t let the bastards wear you down. 1s ie 1e of e 35 Don’t speak too soon. Don’t make me laugh! Nu mi face sa rad!; Nu mai spune asemenea prostii cA md faci sd rad! (Compari cu You make me laugh!) C) Mary: I'll be a millionaire by the time I'm thirty. TOM: Don’t make me laugh! MARY: I will! I will! (1. Mary: I’m trying out for cheerleader. SUE: You, a cheerleader? Don’t make me laugh! Don’t make me no nevermind. Vezi (/t) don’t bother me none. Don’t make me say it again! st Don’t make me tell you again! S4 nu ma faci s3-ti repet!; Ti-am mai spus-o, Nu ma face si-ti repet! (Expresie adresata de obicei unui copil care nu asculté.) [) MOTHER: I told you thirty minutes ago to clean up this room! Don’t make me tell you again! CHILD: Okay. I'll do it. Q BILL: No, Sue, I will not buy you a beach house. Don't make me say it again! SUE: Are you sure? Don’t make me tell you again! Vezi articolul precedent. Don’t mind if I do. Vezi (I) don’t mind if I do. Don’t mind me. Nu te uita la mine.; Nu ma biga in seama. (Uneori sarcastic.) 0 Bill and Jane were watching television when Jane’s mother walked through the room, grabbing the newspaper on the way. “Don’t mind me,” she said. 0 Bob was sitting at the table and Mary and Bill started up this sort of quiet and personal conversation. Bob stared off into space and said, “Don't mind me.” Bill And Mary didn’ t even notice. Don’t push (me)! Nu ma bate la cap!; Nu mi forfa s’ fac ceva! (Are si un infeles literal: Nu ma impinge!) 1 SUE: You really must go to the dentist, you know. JOHN: Don't push me. I'll go when I'm good and ready. (1 BOB: Come on! You can finish. Keep trying. BILL: Don’ t push me! I have to do it under my own steam! Don’t quit trying. Vezi Keep (on) trying. Don’t rush me! Nu ma grabi!; Nu mé bate la cap si ma gribesc! ) BILL: Hurry up! Make up your mind! BoB: Don't rush me! BILL: I want to get out of here before midnight. O BILL: The waiter wants to take your order. What do you want? JANE: Don’t rush me! I can't make up my mind. WAITER: I'll come back in a minute. Don’t say it! Nu vreau sa aud!; Stiu ce vrei sa spui, asa c4 taci!; Sa nu spui nimic! 0 JOHN (joking): What is that huge pile of stuff on your head? BILL: Don’t say it! I know I need a haircut. 0 FRED: And then I'll trade that car in on a bigger one, and then I'll buy a bigger house. BOB: Fred! FRED: Oh, don’t say it! BOB: You're a dreamer, Fred. FRED: I had hoped you wouldn't say that. Don’t see you much around here anymore. Vezi (We) don't see you much around here anymore. Don’t speak too soon. Nu zi hop (pana n-ai sarit).; Nu te grabi, s-ar putea si te inseli. (Compara cu Don’t be too sure.) O BILL: It looks like if Il be a nice day. MARY: Don’t speak to soon. I just felt a raindrop. (1 TOM: It looks like we made it home Don’t spend it all in one place. 36 without any problems. BILL: Don’t speak too soon, there's a cop behind us in the driveway. Don’t spend it all in one place. Nu-i cheltui pe toti odata.; Vezi cum fi cheltuiesti. (Expresie stereotip’ folosité dup ce vorbitorul i-a dat cuiva niste bani, mai ales daca este o sum mica.) [) FRED: Dad, can I have a dollar? FATHER: Sure. Here. Don’t spend it all in one place. (1 “Here's a quarter, kid,” said Tom, flipping Fred a quarter. “ Don't spend it all in one place.” (1 ALICE: Here's the five hundred dollars I owe you. TOM: Oh, thanks. I need this. ALICE: Thank you. Don't spend it all in one place. TOM: I have to or they'll take my car back. Don’t stand on ceremony. Nu astepta invitatie scrisi.; F-te comod si simte-te ca acasi.; Nu te formaliza. (Unii inteleg aceastd expresie ca “Don’t remain standing because of ceremony,” — ,Nu sta in picioare din motive de eticheta", iar altii ca “Don't be totally obedient to the requirements of ceremony” — “Nu respecta chiar toate regulile etichetei”.) C1 JOHN: Come in, Tom. Don't stand on ceremony. Get yourself a drink and something to eat and mingle with the other guests. Tom: Okay, but I can only stay for a few minutes. 1 “Don't stand on ceremony, Fred,” urged Sally. “ Go around and introduce yourself to everyone.” Don’t stay away so long. Veniti mai des.; Nu ne vizitati aga de rar. (Expresie folosita la sosirea sau plecarea unui musafir.) D JOHN: Hi, Bill! Long time no see. Don't stay away so long! BILL: Thanks, John. Good to see you. (| MARY: I had a nice time. Thanks for inviting me. SALLY: Good to see you, Mary. Next time, don't stay away so long. Don’t sweat it! Nu-ti face griji! (Argou.) [1 BILL: J think I’m flunking algebra! BOB: Don’t sweat it! Everybody's having a rough time. (1 MARY: Good grief! I just stepped on the cat's tail, but I guess you heard. SUE: Don't sweat it! The cat's got to learn to keep out of the way. Don’t tell a soul. (iti spun un secret, dar) si nu sufli o vorb’.; $4 nu mai afle nimeni. 0 BILL: Is your brother getting married? SALLY: Yes, but don’t tell a soul. It's a secret. C MARY: Can you keep a secret? JOHN: Sure. MARY: Don't tell a soul, but Tom is in jail. Don’t tell me what to do! S& nu-mi spui tu mie ce sa fac!; Nu-mi comanzi tu mie! o Bos: Get over there and pick up those papers before they blow away. SALLY: Don't tell me what to do! BoB: Better hurry. One of those papers is your paycheck. But it’s no skin off my nose if you don’t. () SUE: Next, you should get a haircut, then get some new clothes. You really need to fix yourself up. SALLY: Don’t tell me what to do! Maybe I like me the way I am! Don’t think so. Vezi/ guess not. 37 (Don’t you) see? Don’t waste my time. N-am eu timp pentru prostiile tale!; Nu ma mai bate la cap, e pierdere de vreme. ) Bos: I'd like to show you our new line of industrial strength vacuum cleaners. BILL: Beat it! Don’t waste my time. 01 “Don’t waste my time!” said the manager when Jane made her fourth appeal for a raise. Don’t waste your breath. Nu-ti (mai) bate gura de pomana! [1 ALICE: /’ll go in there and try to convince her otherwise. FRED: Don’t waste your breath. I already tried it. O SALLY: No, J won’t agree! Don't waste your breath, BILL: Aw, come on. Don’t waste your time. Nu-ti (mai) pierde timpul cu asta!; Las-o baltd, e pierdere de vreme. [1 MARY: Should I ask Tom if he wants to go to the convention, or is he still in a bad mood? SALLY: Don't waste your time. MARY: Bad mood, huh? O JANE: I'm having trouble fixing this doorknob. MARY: Don’t waste your time. I've ordered a new one. Don’t work too hard. expresie rostitd la sfarsitul unei conversatii, dupa sau in Jocul lui good-bye. (Aproximativ: nu te omori cu munca.) 1) MARY: Bye, Tom. TOM: Bye, Mary. Don’t work too hard. 0) SUE: Don’t work too hard! MARY: I never do. Don’t worry. Nu-ti face griji.; Nu te nelinisti. 0 “Don’t worry, Fred,” comforted Bill, “everything will be all right.” (1 BILL: I think I left the car windows open. SUE: Don’t worry, I closed them. Don’t worry about a thing. N-ai nici un motiv sa te ingrijorezi.; Nu-ti face griji, se va rezolva totul. 11 MARY: This has been such an ordeal. SUE: I'll help. Don’t worry about a thing. 0 “Don’t worry about a thing,” the tax collector had said. “We'll take care of everything.” Or was it “We'll take everything?” Don’t you know? 1. (Nici) tu nu stii?; Eu nu stiu, credeam ca stii tu. MARY: How do I get to the Morris Building? Where do I turn? JANE: Don’t you know? I have no idea. () SUE: We're supposed to either sign these contracts or rewrite them. Which is it? JOHN: Don’t you know? 2. $I Don’t you see? Ce, tu nu stii?; intelegi? (De obicei se pronunta doan-cha know, adesea fara intonatie interogativa. Expresie prin care vorbitorul cere doar un raspuns rapid din partea interlocutorului.) 01 JOHN: This whole thing can be straightened out with hardly any trouble at all, don’t you know? SUE: What makes you so sure? JOHN: I’ve had this same problem before. 0 BILL: Why are you stopping the car? JOHN: I’ ve had this same problem before. 0 BILL: Why are you stopping the car? JOHN: We usually stop here for the night, don't you know? BILL: I know a better place down the road. Don’t you know it! Poti si fii sigur!; Ai perfect dreptate, si cu zic la fel! (Nu este 0 intrebare.) O ALICE: Man, is it hot! FRED: Don't you know it! 0 Bos: This is the best cake I have ever eaten. The cook is the best in the world! BILL: Don’t you know it! (Don’t you) see? Vezi la Don’t you know? (Don’t) you wish! 38 (Don’t) you wish! Ai vrea tu!; Cred si eu cf ai vrea! 1) MARy: I’m going to get a job that lets me travel a lot. SALLY: Don't you wish! O SALLY: Sorry you lost the chess game. It was close, but your opponent was top-notch. BOB: Next time, Tudo it! win the next round. SALLY: Don't you wish! Do sit down. Dar, te rog, stai jos. (Compara cu Don’t stand on ceremony. Un mod politicos de a invita pe cineva si se reaseze dupi ce s-a ridicat din politete.) O Tom rose when Mary approached the table, but she said graciously, “Do sit down. I just wanted to thank you again for the lovely gift.” . TOM: Hello, Bill. BILL (rising): Hi, Tom. TOM (standing): Do sit down. I just wanted to say hello. Do tell. Da?; Nu mai spune!; Chiar asa?; Zau? (Un rispuns la o serie de afirmatii ale interlocutorului. Poate indica lipsa de interes. Fiecare cuvant este accentuat la fel. Vezi si You don't say.) O BILL: The Amazon basin is about ten times the size of France. MARY: Do tell. (1) FRED: Most large ships produce their own fresh water. SUE: Do tell. Say, Fred, has anyone ever told you how interesting you are? FRED: No. SUE: I suspected as much. Do we have to go through all that again? Chiar trebuie s4 reludm aceeasi discutie?; Credeam ca am Limurit subiectul! (Compara cu Let's not go through all that again.) 0 BBL: Now, I still have more to say about what happened last night. SALLY: Do we have to go through all that again? () SALLY: I can’t get over the way you treated me at our own dinner table. FRED: I was irritated at something else. I said I was sorry. Do we have to go through all that again? Down the hatch! Vezi Bottoms up. (Do you) care if I join you? Vezi Could I join you? Do you expect me to believe that? Si chiar vrei s4 cred una ca asta?; Doar nu-ti inchipui cA o si te cred! (Exprima neribdare si neincredere. Compara cu You can't expect me to believe that.) (] BILL: I'm going to quit my job and open a restaurant. Mary: That's silly. Do you expect me to be believe that? BILL: I guess not. 0 Mary: Wow! I just selected to be an astronaut! SALLY: Do you expect me to believe that? MARY: Here’s the letter! Now do you believe me? Do you follow? Ma urmiresti?; intelegi ce-ti spun? 1 Mary: Keep to the right past the fork in the road, then turn right at the crossroads. Do you follow? JANE: No. Run it by me again. 0) JOHN: Take a large bowl and break two eggs into it and beat them. Do you follow? SUE: Sure. (Do you) get my drift? s1 (Do you) get the message? Pricepi ce vreau si spun?; intelegi unde vreau si ajung? (Argou.) (0 FATHER: J want you to settle down and start studying. Get my drift? BoB: Sure, Pop. Whatever you say. Mary: Get out of my way and stop following me around. Get the message? JOHN: I guess so. (Do you) get the message? Vezi articolul precedent. 39 Do you mind? (Do you) get the picture? Ai inteles cum stau lucrurile?; Ti-e clar ce ai de facut? O BILL: J want to get this project wrapped up before midnight. Do you get the picture? TOM: I’m afraid I do. BILL: Well, then, get to work. (1 FRED: I’m really tired of all this. Get the picture? BILL: I got it. (Do) you hear? Mé& auzi?; (Tu) auzi ce-ti spun (eu)? (Expresie tipic sudica.) O JOHN: J want you to clean up this room this instant! Do you hear? SUE: Okay. I'll get right on it. C1 Bos: Come over here, Sue. I want to show you something, you hear? SUE: Sure. What is it? (Do you) know what? si You know what? Sti ceva? (Expresie folosita pentru a deschide 0 conversatie sau pentru a trece la un alt subiect.) BoB: You know what? Mary: No, what? BoB: I think this milk is spoiled. 0 BoB: Know what? BILL: Tell me. BoB: Your hair needs cutting. BILL: So what? (Do you) know what I mean? Vezi articolul urmator. (Do you) know what I’m saying? si You know (what I’m saying)?; (Do you) know what I mean?; You know what I mean? Intelegi (ce vreau sa spun)? Stii, nu? (Multi dezaprobé folosirea lui You know?) © Joun: This is really great for me and the whole group. You know? SUE: Yes, I know. 0) SUE: This is, like, really great! Do you know what I'm saying? MARY: Yeah, I' ve been there. It's great. (Do) you mean to say something? $I (Do) you mean to tell me something? Chiar vrei s& spui c& ...2; Te-am inteles bine, vrei si spui c& ...2 (O modalitate de a da cuiva ocazia si-si schimbe o pirere anuntati anterior. in conversatii, something este jnlocuit de un citat sau de o parafrazi.) 1 MARY: I’m leaving tomorrow. SALLY: Do you mean to say you're leaving school for good? MARY: Yes. () BOB: Do you mean to tell me that this is all you’ ve accomplished in two weeks? BILL: I guess so. Bos: J expected more. (Do) you mean to tell me something? Vezi articolul precedent. Do you mind? 1. Nu vrei s& incetezi?; M& deranjezi!; (Exprima nerabdare sau enervare ca reactie la un comportament iritant al cuiva fata de vorbitor. Provine in principiu dela “Do you mind stopping what you are doing?”) O The lady behind her in line kept pushing against her every time the line moved. Finally, Sue turned and said sternly, “Do you mind?” 0) All through the first part of the movie, two people in the row behind John kept up a running conversation. Finally, as the din grew loud enough to cause a number of people to go “shhh,” John rose and turned, leaned over into their faces, and shouted, “Do you mind?” 2. Ma lasi?; imi dai voie? O Mary had her hand on the lovely silver cake knife that would carry the very last piece of cake to her plate. She looked at Tom, who stood next to her, eyeing the cake. “Do you mind?” she asked coyly. 0 “Do you mind?” asked John as he raced by Sally through the door.

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