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Phloroglucinols from Myrtaceae: attractive targets

for structural characterization, biological properties
and synthetic procedures
Odeta Celaj . Alexandra G. Durán . Pasqualina Cennamo .
Monica Scognamiglio . Antonio Fiorentino . Assunta Esposito .
Brigida D’Abrosca

Received: 31 January 2020 / Accepted: 5 June 2020

Ó Springer Nature B.V. 2020

Abstract Myrtaceae Juss. is a very large family of myrtucommulones. Nevertheless, many studies also
flowering plants, that are a valuable source of bioac- reported other interesting phloroglucinol derivatives.
tive compounds. From the phytochemical point of Therefore, in this review, a comprehensive description
view, apart from ubiquitous tannins, flavonoid deriva- of the chemical features of acylphloroglucinols and
tives and volatile oils, Myrtaceae plants are very rich meroterpenoid-acylphloroglucinols from the Myr-
in phloroglucinol derivatives, divided in two principal taceae family is presented along with their biological
subclasses: oligomeric acylphloroglucinols and activities. Moreover, since myrtucommulones and
phloroglucinol-terpene adducts. Despite this large their derivatives have become attractive targets for
structural variability, many studies on phloroglucinols organic chemists, thanks to their structural features
from the Myrtaceae have focused on unique bioactive and biological activities, relevant approaches and
acylphloroglucinol compounds, named synthetic procedures are herewith discussed.

Keywords Antimicrobial-activity  Myrtaceae 

The last two authors (Assunta Esposito and Brigida Phloroglucinols  Terpene-adduct  Myrtucommulones
D’Abrosca) contributed equally to this work.

O. Celaj  P. Cennamo  M. Scognamiglio 

A. Fiorentino  A. Esposito  B. D’Abrosca (&)
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Ambientali Introduction
Biologiche e Farmaceutiche –DiSTABiF, Università degli
Studi della Campania ‘‘Luigi Vanvitelli’’, Via Vivaldi 43, Plants belonging to the Myrtaceae family have been
81100 Caserta, Italy
used in traditional medicine and as food or spices since
ancient times. They are indeed an invaluable source of
A. G. Durán bioactive metabolites, including ubiquitous tannins,
Allelopathy Group, Department of Organic Chemistry, flavonoid derivatives, volatile oils, etc. However,
Institute of Biomolecules (INBIO), Campus de Excelencia
Internacional (ceiA3), School of Science, University of
Myrtaceae plants are also a very rich source of
Cadiz, C/República Saharaui n8 7, 11510 Puerto Real, phloroglucinol derivatives.
Cadiz, Spain Phloroglucinols are a major class of natural com-
pounds widely occurring in biological systems: they
A. Fiorentino  B. D’Abrosca
Dipartimento di Biotecnologia Marina, Stazione
are synthesized and accumulated by plants from
Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Villa Comunale, 80121 Naples, different families, as well as by microorganisms and

Phytochem Rev

marine organisms (Singh and Bharate 2006). The order to allow the readers to contextualize the reported
simple phloroglucinol unit (1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene) compounds in terms of botanical origin, a brief
is synthesized starting from three malonyl-CoA units description of the plant family is reported. A collection
(Xiang et al. 2017). However, one of the interesting of the monomeric and dimeric phloroglucinols as well
features of phloroglucinols is a certain versatility from as of phloroglucinol-terpene adducts reported from the
the structural standpoint deriving from possible Myrtaceae family follows and it is paired with the
oligomerization as well as conjugation with units discussion on the relevant synthetic procedures of
originating from different biosynthetic pathways. acylphloroglucinols and myrtucommulones. Finally,
In case of phloroglucinols from the Myrtaceae, they the huge body of literature on the biological activity of
can be classified in two principal subclasses: oligo- the compounds object of this review is reported,
meric acylphloroglucinols and phloroglucinol-terpene discussed and integrated in order to furnish a clear
adducts. Different biogenetic precursors as cyclic overview of the state of the art, including the important
polyketones (leptospermone, tasmanone, syncaric aspects related to the possible modes of action of
acid), polymethylated phloroglucinols and 3,5- promising compounds.
dimethyl-2,4,6-trihydroxy-benzophenone are
believed to be involved in the biosynthetic pathways
of simple acyl phloroglucinols as well as of dimeric Morphology, taxonomy and distribution
and oligomeric phloroglucinol derivatives (Hou et al. of Myrtaceae
2017a; Jian et al. 2015; Zhang et al. 2016). On the
other hand, phloroglucinol-terpene adducts are The Myrtaceae Juss. (Chase et al. 2016) is the ninth
hypothesised to biosynthetically arise from hetero largest family of flowering plants, with recent esti-
and carbon Diels–Alder reactions. The enzymes mates of about 5.950 species in 132 genera (Biffin
involved in the biosynthesis use the same aforemen- et al. 2010; Wilson 2011; Christenhusz and Byng
tioned biogenetic precursors and combine them with 2016; WCSP 2019).
mono/sesquiterpene units (Su et al. 2016; Wu et al. This family represents an old, mid-Cretaceous
2015a, b). lineage within the order Myrtales that, based on fossils
With reference to their biological activity, all records, may date back to 87–95 Ma (Biffin et al.
phloroglucinol derivatives and in particular myrtu- 2010; Wilson 2011; Thornhill and Macphail 2012;
commulones, unique non-prenylated phloroglucinols Berger et al. 2016; Vasconcelos et al. 2017). Its
(Ogur 2014), have shown numerous properties includ- postulated origin is in Gondwana (Johnson and Briggs
ing antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antitumor 1984; Sytsma et al. 2004).
(Meng et al. 2018; Hennia et al. 2018). Species of this family occur mainly in the Southern
Based on these interesting biological activities and Hemisphere (Fig. 1) with main centers of diversity in
thanks to their structural features, these compounds the wet tropics, particularly South America, Australia,
have become attractive targets for organic chemists and tropical Asia and lower species occurrence in
and pharmacologists. In an effort to deepen structure– Africa and Europe (Ladiges et al. 2003; Wilson 2011).
activity relationship studies (SAR) to obtain analogues The family is commonly found in many of the world’s
with improved effects and higher selectivity, synthetic biodiversity hotspots such as south western Australia,
strategies have been recently started in several and the Cerrado and Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil
research groups worldwide (Nicoletti et al. 2018). (Govaerts et al. 2008).
However, to the best of our knowledge, no compre- The species belonging to this family are all woody
hensive review has been previously published on the plants, generally distinguished by a number of mor-
most relevant approaches and synthetic procedures of pho-anatomical characters. Among these: the presence
myrtucommulones and their derivatives as well as on of essential oil glands (usually secreting terpenes);
acylphloroglucinol and phloroglucinol-terpene alternate to mostly opposite leaves, evergreen or
adducts. deciduous (e.g., Eucalyptus species); flower parts
The aim of this review is to furnish an overview of present in multiples of four or five, though in several
phloroglucinols from the Myrtaceae, focusing both on genera the petals are minute or absent; moreover the
their chemical properties and biological activities. In flowers are polystemonous, mostly bisexual,

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Fig. 1 Present-day distribution of Myrtaceae and selected subfamily: Myrtoideae (black) and Psiloxyloideae (grey) (from Thornhill
et al. 2015 adapted)

actinomorphic with usually very conspicuous, brightly (Wilson et al. 2001, 2005; Craven and Biffin 2010;
colored and numerous stamens, while the ovary is Snow et al. 2011; Murillo et al. 2012; Mazine et al.
half-inferior to inferior. The phloem is located on both 2014).
sides of the xylem, rather than just outside as in most The most recent classification recognizes, on the
other plants; vestured pits are present on the xylem basis of a molecular matK gene phylogenetic analysis
vessels (Ciccarelli et al. 2008; Wilson et al. 2001; of plastid DNA 17, two subfamilies: Myrtoideae
Govaerts et al. 2008; Wilson 2011). The fruits are Sweet (15 tribes) and Psiloxyloideae (Croizat) Schmid
classified as either fleshy (berry, drupes) or dry (2 tribes), with Myrtoideae (Fig. 2) comprising the
(capsular, nut) (Wilson 2011) and its consistency vast majority of genera and species (Udovicic and
(fleshy vs. dry) was a very important trait used until Ladiges 2000; Wilson et al. 2005; Biffin et al. 2010;
recently to divide the family into subfamilies: the Edwards et al. 2010; Grattapaglia et al. 2012).
Leptospermoideae with capsular fruits and alternate Myrtoideae are found worldwide in subtropical and
leaves and the Myrtoideae fleshy-fruited and with tropical regions, with centers of diversity in the
opposite leaves (Niedenzu 1893). Neotropics, Northeastern Australia, and Malesia.
This natural classification was challenged by a The genera of Myrtoideae can be very difficult to
number of morphological and molecular phylogenetic distinguish in the absence of mature fruits.
studies (Briggs and Johnson 1979; Gadek et al. 1996; About half of the species of Myrtaceae are in the
Wilson et al. 2001, 2005), highlighting the unreliabil- tribes Syzygieae and Myrteae (Fig. 2) and include
ity of fruit consistency to delimitate tribes or subfam- fleshy-fruited species distributed mainly in wet forests
ilies in Myrtaceae (Johnson and Briggs 1984). These across the tropics with some prominent genera such as
studies also found Myrtoideae to be polyphyletic Syzygium, Eugenia, and Psidium (Biffin et al. 2010).
(Johnson and Briggs 1984). For example, Syzygium genus contains between 1200
Several molecular studies confirmed that fleshy and 1500 species, Eugenia approximately 1050
fruits evolved twice from capsular fruits and, there- species (Craven and Biffin 2010).
fore, the two-subfamily classification does not accu- Myrteae, in particular, represent half of the family’s
rately describe the phylogenetic history of the family biodiversity (Wilson 2011; WCSP 2019) and is mainly

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Fig. 2 Infra-familial
classification and tribal
diversity of Myrtaceae with
Vochysiaceae as outgroup.
For each tribe number of
genus and species are shown
in brackets respectively
(from Grattapaglia et al.
2012 adapted)

distributed in Central and South America, with some Myrtaceae groups can be interpreted as a result of
genera in the Australasian region (Lucas et al. 2007). either vicariance or long-distance dispersal and estab-
Syzygieae has a native range that extends from Africa lishment (LDDE) but enigmatic occurrences of genera
and Madagascar through southern east Asia through such as Arillastrum in New Caledonia and Myrtus in
the Pacific (Tuiwawa et al. 2013) and its highest levels southern Europe are difficult to explain, possibly
of diversity occur from Malaysia to Northeastern because of information lost through extinction.
Australia where many species are very poorly known Distribution, taxonomic and nomenclatural history
and many more have not been described of Myrtaceae are complex. Moreover, the high sim-
taxonomically. ilarity of species and the distinctiveness of many
The species richness in the tribes Syzygieae and widely recognized genera is being questioned (e.g.,
Myrteae may be related to biotic dispersal possibly Biffin et al. 2010; Edwards et al. 2010). Works on
supporting allopatric speciation or reducing risk of molecular phylogenetics and population genetics,
extinction (Biffin et al. 2010). linkage and association mapping, quantitative trait
The tribes Leptospermae, Eucalyptae, and Chame- loci (QTL) analysis, transcriptomics, proteomics, and
lauciae, characterized by woody-fruited species, rep- metabolomics, and, finally, molecular breeding are
resent a second large group that have radiated in needed to improve the knowledge status of Myrtaceae.
Australia and include Leptospermum, Eucalyptus and In a recent review (Grattapaglia et al. 2012) the current
Melaleuca (Wilson et al. 2001). The genus Eucalyptus standing of genomics and other related fields in the
is the richest with about 700 species (Brooker 2000) Myrtaceae are reported and highlight Eucalyptus as
that are dominant or co-dominant in most of the the pivotal genus for which genomic resources have
vegetation types (Wiltshire 2004) and are considered been developed and currently represent the bulk of the
keystone species for ecological studies in their natural genomics literature for the family.
ranges (Williams and Woinarski 1997). The Myrtaceae species occur in a wide range of
Moreover, Thornhill et al. (2015) highlighted that habitats, including seasonally dry areas, coastal sands,
most of the transoceanic distribution patterns in rainforests, tropical moist forests, savannahs, and

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mangroves (Biffin et al. 2010; Wilson 2011). Several which they were isolated, hence many related com-
genera of Myrtaceae are well known for their pounds are not named myrtucommulones, but for
economic importance and are cultivated worldwide example rhodomyrtone A from Rhodomyrtus tomen-
for their fleshy fruit (Psidium, Myrciaria, Syzygium, tosa and callistenone A from Callistemon lanceolatus
Eugenia) trees; spices (Syzygium, Pimenta); antiseptic that differ by myrtucommulone B only for acyl
oils (Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Myrtus); or as important functionalities (Nicoletti et al. 2018).
sources of timber or fiber (Eucalyptus, Corymbia, It is proposed that these specific phloroglucinols are
Syncarpia). generated from common biosynthetic pathways. A
plausible biogenesis suggests the residues of isobu-
tyrylphloroglucinol and isobutylidenesyncarpic acid
Chemical structures of phloroglucinols derived from the Claisen reaction of three units of
malonyl CoA and one of isobutyryl CoA as possible
It is impossible to talk about phloroglucinols from the precursors (Ghisalberti 1996; Cao et al. 2016; Nico-
Myrtaceae, without referring to myrtucommulones. letti et al. 2018).
These unique bioactive acylphloroglucinol com- Besides, myrtucommulones and structurally related
pounds were first reported from Myrtus communis compounds, a plethora of other phloroglucinols, have
(Nicoletti et al. 2018). Nevertheless, subsequent been reported from the Myrtaceae (Nicoletti et al.
studies have demonstrated the presence of this kind 2018; Brezáni and Šmejkal 2013). These compounds
of compounds in other plant species belonging to the are characterized by a wide structural variability. So,
Myrtaceae family. phloroglucinols from the Myrtaceae family can be
General structural features of myrtucommulones further divided in two principal subclasses: phloroglu-
(Fig. 3) are an acylphloroglucinol nucleus coupled via cinol-terpene adducts and oligomeric acylphloroglu-
isobutyl bridge(s) with one or more syncarpic acid cinols (Fig. 4).
residues (Appendino et al. 2002; Koeberle et al. 2009; Phloroglucinol terpene-adducts are characterized
Cottiglia et al. 2012). These structures are also closely by the presence of mono or sesquiterpene units
related to filixic acid (Fig. 3, from Dryopteris filix-mas coupled with diverse phloroglucinol precursors such
L.), as well as to uliginosins (Hypericum uliginosum as tasmanone, syncarpic acid, polymethylated
L.) and kosins (isolated from Hagenia abyssinica phloroglucinols etc., biosynthesised under control of
J.F.Gmel., Kashman et al. 1974). terpene cyclases and polyketide synthases, respec-
It is worth underlying that the nomenclature of tively. Despite the variability in the molecular skele-
these compounds is often based on the plants from ton, all the reported hybrids possess the original

Fig. 3 General structure of myrtucommulone and related compounds

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Fig. 4 Structural variation of acylphloroglucinols

terpene moiety, monoterpene units as myrcene, phel- additional pyranic or furanic rings, different sub-
landrene, pinene and sesquiterpene moieties such as groups can be identified as dimeric and trimeric
germacrane, b-caryophyllene and cubebane. structures.
Due to the vast array of structural variation,
1. Dimeric structures These compounds possess two
oligomeric acylphloroglucinols can be classified in
moieties (acylphloroglucinol and syncarpic acid
two principal groups: dimeric and trimeric structures.
cores) linked together by an isobutyl bridge.
Depending on the number of structural units and

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Besides these structures could present additional callistemenonone A (Xiang et al. 2017), were isolated
cyclic structures. Acylphloroglucinols such as from Callistemon viminalis. Callistemonol A (13) and
semimyrtucommulone, myrtucommulone J and callistemenonone A (15) are characterized by a unique
bullataketals A and B belong to this group. The carbon skeleton with a furan ring fused to an triketone
group of dimeric-monopyrane structures has two and a phloroglucinol unit, whereas callistemonol B
backbones but the acylphloroglucinol skeleton (14) is an acylphloroglucinol derivative featuring two
contains a methylated phenolic group. methyl substituents on a five-membered ring and an
Acylphloroglucinol and syncarpic cores are linked isovaleryl side chain (Fig. 5).
through an intramolecular oxygen bond forming Six phloroglucinol diglucosides named kun-
one pyrane ring. Myrtucommulones B and M, zeaphlogins A–F (16–21), characterized by an unusual
isomyrtucommulone B and rhodomyrtone A are O- and C-glucosylation, were isolated from the leaf
some examples of this classification. The dimeric- extract of Kunzea ambigua. Kunzeaphlogins B, C and
bisfurane structures are closely related to dimeric E were identified as galloylated phloroglucinols
structures (one b-triketone and one phloroglucinol (Kasajima et al. 2008).
skeletons) but rather than being linked by an Rhodomyrtosones G–H (22–23), a dimeric furofu-
isobutyl bridge, they are assembled by a bisfurane rane and a monopyrane respectively, have been
ring. Some examples are rhodomyrtosone G and isolated from the leaves of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa
callistenone M. (Fig. 5) (Hiranrat et al. 2017). Watsonianone A (24)
2. Trimeric structures This group consists of com- was reported as constituent of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa
pounds comprising three nuclei, two units of fruits (Zhuang et al. 2017).
syncarpic acid and one acylphloroglucinol moiety Fifteen new phloroglucinol derivatives, jamunones
linked to each other by an isoalkyl bridge. A–O (25–39, Fig. 6) were isolated from Eugenia
Examples are myrtucommulones A and F. When jambolana seeds. These compounds are based on a
two of three backbones (one syncapic acid and one 5,7-dihydroxychromone skeleton, with an alkyl side
acylphloroglucinol residues) are linked by one or chain with different unsaturation degrees (Liu et al.
two additional cyclization(s) forming a monopy- 2017a). They are closely related to jambones E–G
ranic or dipyranic rings, we identify trimeric- (40–42), previously reported from Syzygium jambos
monopyrane (for example myrtucommulone C or (Li et al. 2015) and to samarones A–D (43–45)
eucalyptone G) and trimeric-dipyrane structures acylphloroglucinol derivatives bearing a C17 alkyl
(for instance, myrtucommulones D and E), respec- side chain, described as constituent of S. sama-
tively. Finally, the trimeric-bisfurane-pyrane rangense (Yang et al. 2018). Acylphloroglucinol
structures contain six continuous rings as well as derivatives with a different skeleton and bearing a
a bisfuranic group (Hiranrat et al. 2012). Exam- long alkyl chain with variable number of double bonds
ples from this particular class are tomentosones A (Fig. 6) have been isolated from the genus Syzygium:
and B. jambones A–D (47–50), from Syzygium jambos (Li
et al. 2015), austroyunones A–E (51–55), and 1-(2,4-
dihydroxy-6-methoxyphenyl)-1-tridecanone (56),
from the leaves of S. austroyunnanense (Xu et al.
Monomeric and dimeric acylphloroglucinols
2018a, b) and finally four alkyl phloroglucinol
derivatives from S. levinei (57–60, Fig. 6).
Monomeric and dimeric acylphloroglucinols are rep-
resentative metabolites of the Baeckea genus. Baeck-
enones A–K (1–11) were isolated from leaves of
Phloroglucinol monoterpene-adducts
Baeckea frutescens (Fig. 5). Two of them are dimeric
acylphloroglucinols (2–3, baeckenones B–C, Nisa
Myrcene adducts
et al. 2016a), while one is a peroxidic phloroglucinol
named endoperoxide (12, Fig. 5, Nisa et al. 2016b; Ito
(±)-Calliviminones A-–H (61–68, Fig. 7) were iso-
et al. 2017). Recently, three unusual compounds,
lated from the fruits of Callistemon viminalis (Wu
callistemonols A–B (Wu et al. 2019) and
et al. 2015a, b). Calliviminones C–D (63–64) are

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polymethylated phloroglucinol derivatives connected Fig. 6 Phloroglucinols bearing long alkyl chain c
with myrcene in hetero-Diels–Alder manner, while
(±)-calliviminones A–B (61–62) and E–H (65–66),
with unprecedented spiro-[5.5] undecene skeleton, are
Callistemon viminalis (Liu et al. 2016b). Callisretones
carbon-Diels–Alder adducts of polymethylated
A and B (76–77), two rearranged phloroglucinol-a-
phloroglucinol and myrcene. Calliviminone C (63)
phellandrene derivatives featuring an unprecedented
was also reported as constituent of a Hawaiian
isopropylcyclopenta[b]benzofuran backbone, were
specimen of Syncarpia glomulifera (Su et al. 2016)
reported as constituent of C. rigidus (Cao et al.
whereas (±)-calliviminones A–B were also reported
2018a) along with callistrilones A, C–E and B (78–
from the aerial parts of Baeckea frutescens (Hou et al.
82), with the [1]benzofuro[2,3-a]xanthene and [1]ben-
zofuro[3,2-b]xanthene pentacyclic ring system
(Cheng et al. 2018; Cao et al. 2016), respectively,
Cyclic monoterpene a and b phellandrene- adducts
and callistrilones F–K (83–88) with rare triketone-
phloroglucinol a-phellandrene skeletons (Cao et al.
Meroterpenoids biogenetically derived through the
2018b). Callisalignenes A, C, G and H (89–92), from
conjugation between a phloroglucinol and a a-phel-
C. salignus and callistiviminenes K and L (93–94)
landrene unit have been reported as constituents of
from C. viminalis are hybrids of isobutylidenesyncar-
Callistemon spp.
pic acid derivatives and a-phellandrene (Qin et al.
In particular, callviminols A–B, E (71–72, 75,
2017a, b; Wu et al. 2016). Isobutyrylphloroglucinols
Fig. 8), with a hexahydrodibenzo[b,d]furan skeleton
coupled with a b-phellandrene unit were isolated from
and callviminols C–D (73–74) with a 2-phenylcyclo-
Baeckea frutescens (baeckfrutone A, 95), Callistemon
hexanolbackbone, were isolated from the leaves of
salignus (callisalignenes E–F, 96–97 Qin et al. 2017a),

Fig. 5 Acylphloroglucinols and dimeric acylphloroglucinols

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Fig. 7 Phloroglucinol myrcene -adducts

Fig. 8 Phloroglucinol a (71–94) and b (95–102) phellandrene-adducts

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C. viminalis (callistiviminenes M–O, 98–100, Wu Bicyclic monoterpene sabinene and thujene-

et al. 2016) and Eucalyptus robusta (euglobals R1 and adducts
R2, 101–102). These latter were identified by means of
spectroscopic analysis and single-crystal X-ray Thujene represents the monoterpene unit of nine
diffraction as two formyl-isovaleryl phloroglucinol- phloroglucinol meroterpenoids: baefrutones A–D
coupled b-phellandrene (Jian et al. 2012). (117–120, Hou et al. 2018), baeckfrutone M (121,
Zhi et al. 2018), callistivimenenes F–H (122–124, Wu
Bicyclic monoterpene: a and b pinene-adducts et al. 2016) and guajavadial A (125, Qin et al. 2016).
Biogenetically, the phloroglucinol precursors tasman-
a and b pinene adducts with different phloroglucinol one, syncarpic acid derivative and 3,5-diformylbenzyl
precursor are described as constituent of Baeckea phloroglucinol, could undergo hetero–Diels–Alder
frutescens, Callistemon viminalis, Melaleuca leuca- reactions with thujene, to yield baeckfrutone M,
dendron, Psidium guajava, and Rhodomyrtus tomen- callistivimenenes F–H, guajavadial A, respectively
tosa (Fig. 9). Four b-pinene-based phloroglucinols (Fig. 9). Baeckfrutones B–D, F, I–K and N–S (126–
with an oxirane ring, were isolated from the aerial 139, Fig. 9) polymethylated phloroglucinol meroter-
parts of Baeckea frutescens: frutescone P (103, Hou penoids, isolated from leaves of Baeckea frutescens,
et al. 2017a) and three polymethylated phloroglucinol sharethe same phloroglucinol moiety and a tetracyclic
meroterpenoids, baeckfrutone E, H, and L (104–106). structure. Biosynthetically, as proposed by Qin et al.
Baeckfrutone H is a demethyl derivative of baeckfru- (2018a) and Zhi et al. (2018), these compounds, as
tone E, while baeckfrutone L bears two methyl other baeckfrutones, could derive from tasmanone and
functions on the phloroglucinol ring. Baeckfrutone L demethylated tasmanone, by hetero-Diels–Alder reac-
shared the same absolute configuration as those of tions with a sabinene unit. Psiguajavadial A (140, Qin
baeckfrutone E and H (Qin et al. 2018a). Cal- et al. 2017c), guadial A (141, Shao et al. 2012) and its
lisalignene I (107) is a b-triketone and b-pinene epimer psiguajadial K (142, Tang et al. 2017) from
hybrid isolated from Callistemon salignus (Qin et al. Psidium guajava are two benzylphloroglucinol dialde-
2017b), whereas malaleucadiene A (108) is a rare hyde-sabinene derivatives that share the same planar
benzylic phloroglucinol-b-pinene hybrids from Me- structure, except for the difference in the configura-
laleuca leucadendron (Xie et al. 2019). Callis- tions of chiral centres bearing the phenyl and sabinene
tiviminene I and J (109–111), identified as a pair of units, respectively.
epimers, were isolated from the fruits of Callistemon
viminalis. In particular, Wu et al. (2016) suggested
that (-)-b-pinene and (?)-b-pinene were the monoter- Phloroglucinol sesquiterpene adducts
pene units in (-)-callistiviminene I and (?)-callis-
tiviminene I, respectively. a-pinene and b-pinene, Germacrane adducts
respectively, are also part of guadials B and C (102–
113), constituents of leaves of Psidium guajava (Jian Diformylphloroglucinol germacrane-adducts were
et al. 2015), in which they are linked to the isolated and characterized by conventional 1D and
phloroglucinol precursor (3,5-dimethyl-2,4,6- 2D NMR and mass spectrometry techniques from
trihydroxybenzophenon). Eucalyptus genus. In particular, macrocarpals P, Q and
Tomentosenol A (114), along with a pair of eucalypglobulusals A, E–G (143–148, Fig. 10) were
epimers, 4S-focifolidioneand 4R-focifolidione (115– isolated from leaves and fruits of E. globulus, respec-
116), were identified as constituent of leaves of tively (Chenavas et al. 2015; Qin et al. 2018b), and
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. Tomentosenol A was the eucalteretials A–C, E (149–152) from the twigs and
first example of a new meroterpenoid class with a leaves of E. tereticornis (Liu et al. 2018b). Likewise,
unique skeleton that contained a free syncarpic acid six bicyclogermacrane coupled-3,5-diformylbenzyl
coupled with a terpenoid moiety (Liu et al. 2016a). phloroglucinols, the two isomers guajavadials B–C,
psidial B, psiguajavadial B and psiguadial C–D (153–
158, Fig. 10) were isolated from the leaves of Psidium
guajava L. (Qin et al. 2016; Fu et al. 2010; Qin et al.

Phytochem Rev

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b Fig. 9 Phloroglucinol a and b pinene (103–116), sabinene Baeckea frutescens, shared a rare carbon skeleton with
(117–125) and thujene (126–142)-adducts an oxa-spiro[5.8] tetradecadiene ring system.
From the leaves of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, Zhang
et al. (2016) described rhodomyrtials A and B (169–
2017c; Shao et al. 2012). Bicyclogermacrane is also 170) possessing an unprecedented triketone-sesquiter-
the terpene moiety of two b-triketone phloroglucinols, pene-triketone framework constructed from the con-
callistiviminene C–D (159–160, Fig. 10). These com- jugation of two-1,1,3,3-tetramethyl-isopentyl
pounds, reported as constituent of Callistemon vimi- cyclohexatrione and caryophyllene moieties, as well
nalis, differ in the linkage between the dihydropyran as nine related triketone-coupled caryophyllenes:
ring and bicyclogermacrene. rhodomentone A, tomentodiones A–E (171–176,
Zhang et al. 2016; Liu et al. 2018a, 2016d) and O–R
b-caryophyllene adducts (177–180, Zhang et al. 2018). Recently, from the same
species rhodomyrtusials A–C (181–183, Fig. 11),
Hou et al. (2017b, 2018) proposed tasmanone as the three unusual triketone-sesquiterpene meroterpenoids
biogenetic precursor involved in the biosynthesis of featuring a unique 6/5/5/9/4 fused pentacyclic ring
baefrutones E–F and frutescones A–F (161–168, system, have been isolated (Qin et al. 2019). Guap-
Fig. 11) and b-caryophyllene as the key intermediate. sidial A and psidial A (184–185), two caryophyllene-
Frutescones A and D, isolated from the aerial part of based Psidium meroterpenoids, were identified as
constituent of Psidium guajava (Jian et al. 2015; Fu

Fig. 10 Germacrane sesquiterpene adducts

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Fig. 11 b-caryophyllene sesquiterpene adducts

et al. 2010) whereas littordials A–F (186–191), were Synthesis of myrtucommulones from Myrtus
isolated from the leaves of Psidium littorale. In communis
particular, littordials E–F (190–191, Fig. 11) are
characterized by presence of a unique 6/7/9/4-tetra- Synthesis of myrtucommulones belonging
cyclic and6/8/9/4-tetracyclic nucleus, respectively to dimeric, trimeric and related structures
(Zhu et al. 2019). Three b-caryophyllene—deriva-
tives, myrtucommulones K, N, O (192–194, Fig. 11) Myrtucommulone A (trimeric structure, 195,
were also isolated from the leaves of Myrtus communis Scheme 1) is the founder compound of this series,
(Liu et al. 2016c; Lv et al. 2017). which was isolated from leaf extracts of myrtle
(Kashman et al. 1974; Nicoletti et al. 2014). Its total
synthesis was firstly described from commercially
Synthesis of myrtucommulones and related available precursors and later through stereoselective
compounds synthesis (Nicoletti et al. 2018).
Its total synthesis within 3 h at room temperature
Thanks to their structural features and biological has been carried out by Müller and co-workers in just
activities, myrtucommulones and their derivatives two steps (Müller et al. 2010): (1) a Mannich reaction
have become attractive targets for organic chemists. of syncarpic acid (196) and isobutyraldehyde followed
So, in this section, the most relevant approaches and by an elimination under acid conditions to yield
synthetic procedures of myrtucommulones from Myr- isobutylidenesyncarpic acid (197) (Michael acceptor)
tus communis as well as the others related are and (2) a double Michael addition of isobu-
summarized. tyrylphloroglucinol (198) to two equivalents of 197
in the presence of sodium hydride. A key point is that
the Michael acceptor has to be prepared shortly before

Phytochem Rev

Scheme 1 Total synthesis of myrtucommulone A (195) by Müller et al. (2010)

use in order to avoid the isomerization to give myrtucommulone B (dimeric-monopyrane structure,

5-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-(2-methyl-1-propen- Fig. 4). In this way, a Michael addition (scheme 3)
1-yl)-4-cyclohexene-1,3-dione (iso-197) (scheme 1). with deprotonated 198 and 197 gives the nor-
The direct determination and analysis of this kind semimyrtucommulone compound (199) which can
of compounds by NMR spectroscopy are very difficult be cyclized in the presence of pTsOH affording, after
due to numerous rotamers and tautomers which are dehydration, myrtucommulone B (200). This myrtu-
stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonds. commulone can be combined anew with the Michael
Thereby, in order to determine the structure of 195, acceptor 3 under basic conditions to obtain myrtu-
it was dehydrated in hot toluene in the presence of commulone C (201). In the same way, the synthesis of
toluenesulfonic acid (pTsOH) to obtain the penta- myrtucommulone A (195) could be also carried out
cyclic derivative. After this reaction and purification with the addition of 197 over two steps through
process, a mixture of three stereoisomers was compound 199 (Charpentier et al. 2013) (Scheme 3).
obtained, confirming two enantiomers and one meso Following the same strategy, Müller et al. syn-
form (Scheme 2). thetized three myrtucommulone analogues with tri-
Based on the observation that the synthetic com- meric and dimeric structures (202–204, Scheme 4).
pound 195 (mixture of three stereoisomers) showed These synthetic derivatives were evaluated for anti-
the same activity as natural myrtucommulone A with inflammatory activity (inhibition of microsomal
respect to anti-inflammatory properties and induction prostaglandin E2 synthase 1) and induction of apop-
of apoptosis, it was questioned whether the natural tosis. The derivative 204 showed similar anti-inflam-
compound is a pure stereoisomer or a mixture. Further matory activity with respect to myrtucommulone A,
studies performed by Hans and co-workers demon- whereas derivative 202 induced apoptosis, with an
strated that natural myrtucommulone A is an 1:1 IC50 value lower than myrtucommulone A (195)
mixture of racemate and meso form (Hans et al. 2015). (Müller et al. 2010). It has also been reported that
The synthetic strategy described above (modifying acylphloroglucinols 199 and 200 are both racemates
the three building blocks: syncarpic acid, (Hans et al. 2015).
acylphloroglucinol residues and isobutyl bridge as In further studies, the first enantioselective synthe-
shown in Fig. 3) and varying the equivalents of 197 sis of myrtucommulones A (195) and B (200) and nor-
and 198 led to the preparation of other myrtucommu- semimyrtucommulone (199) through metal catalysis
lones and new analogues as mixtures of all stereoiso- was described for the first time by Charpentier and co-
mers. Thus, the synthesis of myrtucommulone C workers (2013) in order to determine whether these
(trimeric-monopyrane structure, Fig. 4) occurs derivatives racemized during the derivatization reac-
through two myrtucommulone intermediates: nor- tion and to get less hazardous synthetic conditions.
semimyrtucommulone (dimeric structure) and Taking into account the synthetic procedure described

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Scheme 2 Cyclization and dehydration of myrtucommulone A (195) to obtain the pentacyclic derivative

Scheme 3 Synthesis of myrtucommulones A (195) and C benzene, reflux 1 h, 95%. (a*) 2 eq. NaH, THF, r.t., 5 min and
(201). (a) 1 eq. NaH, THF, r.t., 5 min and then the solution of then the solution of the Michael acceptor 197 (1.5 eq.) is added,
the Michael acceptor 197 is added, r.t., 3 h, 98%. (b) pTsOH, r.t., 1 h

for myrtucommulone 195 through derivative 199 in enantiomer could be performed using the correspond-
just two steps (Scheme 3), researchers considered this ing enantiomer of metal complex. As a result, the
scheme as starting point for its enantioselective synthesis of nor-semimyrtucommulone (199) and
synthesis to perform two enantioselective Michael myrtucommulone B (200) with up to 62% enan-
additions. After several tests, aluminium–lithium- tiomeric excess and myrtucommulone A (195) with
1,1’-bi-2-naphthol (Al–Li-BINOL complex, 70% ee was achieved (Charpentier and Jauch 2017).
Scheme 5) was selected as the optimum chiral reagent Furthermore, racemization was not produced during
to substitute to NaH and to transfer the chirality to the the cyclization process.
less sterically hindered phloroglucinol core (198). In an effort to improve the enantioselectivity of
This complex was developed by Arai et al. and it is these reactions, different catalysts, temperature and
easily prepared by mixing 2 equivalents of (S)- or (R)- solvent conditions were studied. After numerous
BINOL and lithium aluminum hydride (Scheme 5 experiments, the following conditions were deter-
Arai et al. 1996. Stereoselectivity to one or the other mined: lithium in the metal complex plays an

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Scheme 4 Synthesis of myrtucommulones analogues (202– from Michael acceptor is added, r.t., 3 h, quantitative.
204). (c) isobutyraldehyde, piperidine, CH2Cl2, r.t., 10 min. (f) 2 eq. NaH, THF, acetylphloroglucinol, r.t., 5 min., then the
(d) 1 M HCl/NH4Cl, CH2Cl2, r.t., 15 min. (e) 2 eq. NaH, THF, solution from Michael acceptor is added, r.t., 3 h, quantitative.
isobutyrylphloroglucinol (198), r.t., 5 min., then the solution (g) isovaleraldehyde, piperidine, CH2Cl2, r.t., 10 min

Preparation of aluminium-lithium-1,1’-bi-2-naphtol complex

Enantioselective synthesis
Scheme 5 Preparation of Al–Li-BINOL complex and enan- ii: 1.5 eq. 197, THF, 0 °C, 1.5 h., 55% yield. (b) pTsOHH2O,
tioselective synthesis of nor-semimyrtucommulone (199), toluene, 95 °C, 1 h., 49–82% yield. (c) i: 3 eq. (R, R)-Al–Li-
myrtucommulone B (200) and myrtucommulone A (195). BINOL complex, THF, r.t., 1 h.; ii: 3.3 eq. 197, THF, 0 °C,
(a) i: 3 eq. (S, S)-Al–Li-BINOL complex, THF, r.t., 10 min.; overnight, 77% yield

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important role on the enantioselectivity; metal com- cases, the synthesis was in favour of the meso-form.
plex and isobutylidene syncarpic acid (197) solutions Therefore, it can be concluded, that metal catalysis
should be freshly prepared; temperature should be provides better enantioselectivity in myrtucommulone
fixed at 0 °C; and the use of a mixture 10:1 (v:v) of synthesis, whereas organocatalysis is the best option to
CH2Cl2 and THF as solvent significantly improved the afford myrtucommulones in the meso-form.
yield and enantioselectivity of the reaction. Based on As indicated in Fig. 3, modifying the three main
these considerations and following the same cores (phloroglucinol and syncarpic acid skeletons, as
scheme of reaction as it was described above in well as the isobutyryl bridge), different acylphloroglu-
scheme 5, the synthesis of (R)-199, and hence 200, cinols can be obtained. A structure–activity relation-
both with 72% ee and (R, R)-195 with 81% ee was ship (SAR) study was performed by Wiechmann et al.
carried out. Firstly, 1 eq. of 198 solved in CH2Cl2:- (2015) to identify the structural requirements to inhibit
THF (10:1) was added dropwise to the freshly microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase (mPGES) and
prepared (R, R)-Al–Li-BINOL complex (0.18 M in 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO). A total of 28 myrtucommu-
CH2Cl2:THF, 3.2 eq.). After 1 h and stirring at room lones analogues were synthesized following these
temperature, 1.4 eq. of 197 dissolved in CH2Cl2:THF three structural variations: (1) use of dimedone or
was added dropwise to the mixture at 0 °C for 2 h. indandione instead of syncarpic acid; (2) cyclization
Work-up reaction was performed with 1 M HCl/ of syncarpic acid with the acylphloroglucinol back-
NH4Cl and obtained 81% yield. Afterwards, condi- bone and (3) replacement of the acyl residue and
tions detailed in scheme 5 were applied to obtain isobutyryl bridge with isopropyl, isobutyl, n-pentyl or
myrtucommulone 200 with 65% yield. Finally, phenyl groups (Jauch et al. 2014). The most active
1 eq. of (-)-(R)-199 was added to the freshly prepared analogues were those synthesized by double Michael
(R, R)-Al–Li-BINOL complex (3.3 eq.) in the same addition in one step (Scheme 7). The introduction of
way, to get derivative 199. Then, 2 eq. of 197 aromatic indandione residues, an hexanoylphloroglu-
dissolved in CH2Cl2:THF were added to the reaction cinol core and a branching more distant to the methine
mixture at 0 °C. bridge lead to higher activity. Noteworthy is the
On the other hand, a one-pot synthesis of myrtu- activity shown by n-pentyl-substituted indandione
commulones was developed by Charpentier and Jauch derivative and n-pentyl-substituted indandione deriva-
(2017) in order to get less hazardous synthetic tive with phenyl substitution in the methine bridge.
conditions and to achieve an attractive synthetic They were significantly more potent than myrtucom-
method for their exploitation in pharmaceutical com- mulone A.
panies. The use of proline and other amino acids Moreover, the synthesis of two myrtucommulones
allowed longer reaction times and use of lower amount from M. communis, with potential antibacterial activ-
of the Michael acceptor (197). This synthesis is ity, has been carried out: myrtucommulone J (205) and
performed by of mixing the compounds isobutyryl myrtucommuacetalone (206, Scheme 8) (Choudhary
phloroglucinol (198), isobutyraldehyde, syncarpic et al. 2013; Liu et al. 2017b). This is the first
acid (196, scheme 1) and proline in one single vial biomimetic total synthesis described and this strategy
for 24 h to yield myrtucommulone A (195) (66%) consists of the following four steps: hemiacetalization,
(scheme 6). dehydration, [3 ? 3] cycloaddition and dimerization.
Likewise, other chiral amines were studied for the Several contributing factors were screened to get the
formation of myrtucommulones, but in almost all best yield and selectivity. Thus, a Michael addition

Scheme 6 Proline-
catalysed one-pot synthesis
of myrtucommulone A

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Scheme 7 Synthesis of myrtucommulones analogues

Scheme 8 Biomimetic total synthesis of myrtucommulone J (205) and myrtucommuacetalone (206)

between isobutyrylphloroglucinol (198) and isobutyli- semimyrtucommulone compound (199) in 87% yield.
denesyncarpic acid (197) was carried out to give nor- Later, p-toluenesulfonic acid (PTSA) was added to a

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solution of a,b-unsaturated ketone and compound 199 Synthesis of other myrtucommulones belonging
in toluene at room temperature for 24 h to afford to Myrtaceae family
myrtucommulone J (205), myrtucommuacetalone
(206), epi-myrtucommulone J (207), and epi-myrtu- As previously mentioned, the use of proline provides
commuuacetalone (208) in 89% combined yield with a longer reaction times and lower amounts of the
ratio about 1:1.7:1.4:1.2. These isomeric forms were Michael acceptor. A similar proline-catalysed one-
due to the tautomeric equilibrium of the enolized pot synthesis was carried out for the synthesis of
syncarpic acid (Scheme 8). myrtucommulone F, trimeric structure (Corymbia
In this section, the total synthesis of myrtucommu- scabrida) (Charpentier and Jauch 2017). The synthetic
lones K, N and O (Fig. 11) will be discussed. Total procedure consists of mixing the compounds hexanoyl
synthesis of myrtucommulone K (192) and its struc- phloroglucinol (209), isobutyraldehyde, syncarpic
ture confirmation was investigated by Zhou and co- acid (196) and proline in one single vial for 48 h to
workers (2017, Scheme 9). Retrosynthetic approach yield myrtucommulone F (210) (60% yield)
was stablished in a first Knoevenagel condensation (scheme 11).
between syncarpic acid (196) and isobutyraldehyde, On the other hand, total synthesis of myrtucommu-
followed by a heteroatom Diels–Alder cycloaddition lone H (Wiechmann et al. 2015) (from Corymbia
sequence of Michael acceptor (197, Scheme 9) and b- scabrida species and also a trimeric structure) (212)
caryophyllene to finally afford the desired compound was carried out trough a Michael addition between
(Zhou et al. 2017). In this case, one of the most critical hexanoylphloroglucinol (209) and isobutylidenesyn-
transformations was to obtain the Michael acceptor carpic acid (197) to give 4-(1-(3-hexanoyl-2,4,6-
isobutylidenesyncarpic acid (197). After trying sev- trihydroxyphenyl)-2-methylpropyl)-5-hydroxy-
eral experimental conditions, the authors determined 2,2,6,6-tetramethylcyclohex-4-ene-1,3-dione (211).
that the morpholin-4-ium 2,2,2-trifluoroacetate cata- This compound can be deprotonated in situ and added
lyst was the most effective to afford compound 197 in to Michael acceptor to afford myrtucommulone H
almost quantitative yield. Subsequently, Diels–Alder (212) (Scheme 12).
cycloaddition between compounds 197 and mor- Likewise, the biomimetic synthesis of baefrutones
pholin-4-ium 2,2,2-trifluoroacetate catalyst was car- E and F, two b-cariophyllene-adduct (Fig. 11) has
ried out in reflux for 24 h. In addition to the desired been reported. Thereby, the synthesis of these terpene-
product myrtucommulone K (192), two structurally adduct structures was conducted through an oxidative
analogues were also obtained (compounds 193 and hetero-Diels–Alder reaction, with the oxidation of
194, Scheme 9). (±)-baeckenon B (2) with (2,2,6,6-Tetram-
The synthetic strategy for myrtucommulones N and ethylpiperidin-1-yl)oxyl (TEMPO) and silver oxide
O (Fig. 11, derivatives 193 and 194 obtained in the in the presence of b-caryophyllene (scheme 13).
scheme 9) were also inspired via a Hetero–Diels– Baefrutones E (161) and F (162) were obtained in
Alder reaction Total synthesis (Lv et al. 2017) of these 12% and 13.5% yield respectively (Hou et al. 2018).
myrtucommulones was achieved through synthesis of Other interesting structurally complex natural
isobutylidenesyncarpic acid (197) from flavenose by a products are bullataketals dimeric structures with an
reduction and dehydration sequence and later, the interesting tricyclic ketal skeleton (Fig. 4, Nicoletti
treatment with b-caryophyllene as in previous studies. et al. 2018) and potent cytotoxic and antimicrobial
Nevertheless, this step should be operated in neat with activities as reported in the next section. Tan and co-
heating to avoid the isomerization of compound 197 workers (Tan et al. 2015) have successfully developed
and undesirable products. In this way, myrtucommu- a strategy for the synthesis of bullataketals analo
lones K (192), N (193) and O (194) were obtained in thegues. Upon improvement of the reaction condi-
25%, 10% and 42% yield, respectively (scheme 10). tions, including solvents, amounts and catalyst, and
after exploration of a vast range of substrates, they
concluded that the possible key point of the reaction
was the formation of the intermediate 2H-furan-1-ium

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Scheme 9 Total synthesis of myrtucommulone K (192) and its analogues (193 and 194) by Zhou and co-workers (2017)

Scheme 10 Total synthesis of myrtucommulones K, N and O (192–194)

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Scheme 11 Proline-catalysed one-pot synthesis of myrtucommulone F (210)

Scheme 12 Total synthesis of myrtucommulone H (212)

Scheme 13 Synthesis of baefrutones E (161) and F (162)

(213). This synthetic approach mimics a biosynthetic obtaining reaction times between 1 and 9 h, with
olefin isomerization, hemiacetalization and dehydra- yields of 63–85% (Scheme 15).
tion (from a,b-unsaturated ketone), followed by a Other structures with unique scaffold are cal-
(3 ? 3) type cycloaddition between isobu- listrilones (Fig. 8). These compounds have a particular
tyrylphloroglucinol (198) and the generated interme- [1]benzofuro[2,3-a]xanthene ring system. The first
diate 213 (Scheme 14). asymmetric total synthesis and isolation of myrtu-
Recently, Ivanov and co-workers (Ivanov et al. commuacetalone B (from Myrtus communis), cal-
2018) have developed a novel approach for the listrilones C–E (80–82, Fig. 8) have been described by
synthesis of this particular tricyclic backbone. This Cheng and co-workers (2018). For this purpose, it is
synthetic procedure is carried out through a Brønsted essential to achieve the enantioselective synthesis of
acid-triggered domino transformation of 3-keto- and nor-semimyrtucommulone (199) from Michael accep-
3-ester-4,5-dihydrofurans, functionalized with meth- tor (197) and isobutyrylphloroglucinol (198) by
oxymethyl (MOM)-protected orto-hydroxyaryls at C4 Friedel–Crafts-type Michael additions, followed by
position (214) to afford methanobenzodioxepines pTsOH-mediated cyclization to give myrtucommu-
(215). Optimal conditions were stablished as the use lone B (200). As before mentioned, the first enantios-
of aqueous HCl (10 eq.) in ethanol under reflux, elective synthesis of 199 and 200 was performed
through the use of Al–Li-BINOL complex

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Scheme 14 Synthetic strategy for the synthesis of the tricyclic ketal core and bullataketals analogs

It is also highlighted that compound 82 showed

potent antibacterial activities against several mul-
tidrug-resistant strains even better than vancomycin.
On the other hand, the biomimetic synthesis of
callistrilones A–E (78–82, Scheme 19) have been
described by Guo and co-workers (2018) using
isobutyrylphloroglucinol (198) and (-)-a-phellan-
drene as starting materials via an oxidative [3 ? 2]
Scheme 15 Synthesis of methanobenzodioxepines cycloaddition as well. This first cycloaddition affords
intermediates 218 and 219. Intermediate 218 coupled
(scheme 5). Nevertheless, the conditions to get a with Michael acceptor 197 give a mixture of cal-
highly enantioselective synthesis are still needed. In listrilone E (82) and 13-epi-callistrilone E (58% yield).
order to optimize the reaction conditions and to Then, this mixture is successfully converted to
examine various substituted acylphloroglucinols and callistrilone D (81) and 13-epi-callistrilone D with p-
sterically hindered Michael acceptors, Friedel–Crafts- toluenesulfonic acid in benzene in reflux (21% and
type Michael addition was carried out under nitrogen 39% yield respectively). The treatment of these last
atmosphere and anhydrous conditions with compounds with NaI/oxone and then NaH give the
5–10 mol% of chiral phosphoric acid (CPA) in toluene desired callistrilones A (78) and C (80) (Scheme 19).
at -76 °C, aluminium fluoride as additive and 3 Å In this step, it worth mentioning that the direct
molecular sieve (scheme 16). Good yields with enan- epoxidation with meta-chloroperoxybenzoic acid
tiomeric ratio values of 91:9–95:5 were obtained. (mCPBA) or dimethyldioxirane (DMDO) failed to
With the optimized conditions for the synthesis of afford the desired products 78 or 80.
compound 200 and with the use of 2,2,6,6-tetram- Moreover, the acetylation of intermediate 219,
ethyl-4-(2-methyl-1-propen-1-yl)-4-cyclohexene-1,3- followed with the addition of Michael acceptor 3 and
dione (216), the synthesis of myrtucommuacetalone B successive intramolecular nucleophilic additions pro-
was investigated. The treatment of these substrates vide callistrilone B (79) with a 62% yield
with CPA and p-toluenesulfonic acid in toluene at (Scheme 19).
60 °C and subsequent basic conditions with KOH in Additionally, Dethe and co-workers (2018) have
ethanol gave myrtucommuacetalone B (217) in good also reported the biomimetic total synthesis for
yield (Scheme 17). callistrilones A, B and D in 10, 4 and 7 steps
Finally, the synthesis of callistrilones A, C–E respectively with 21, 22 and 26% overall yield. These
(Fig. 8, 78–82 Scheme 18) was carried out with reactions occur through Friedel–Crafts alkylation,
compound ent-200 or 200 and commercially available palladium-catalyzed Wacker-type oxidative cycliza-
(-)-a-phellandrene through an intermolecular oxida- tion and stereoselective epoxidation as key steps.
tive [3 ? 2] cycloaddition, followed by cyclization Recently, Hu and co-workers (2018) have devel-
and epoxidation. oped a new approach for the asymmetric total
synthesis of callistrilones B, G and J (79, 84, 87,

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Scheme 16 Enantioselective synthesis of myrtucommulone B (200) and derivatives

Scheme 17 Synthesis of myrtucommuacetalone B (217)

Fig. 8) in just 3–4 steps from compounds 197, 198 and et al. 2019) were successfully synthesized in six steps
(-)-a-phellandrene as building blocks and without the (55% combined yield) utilizing a reactive enetrione
need for protecting groups (Scheme 20). generated in situ from a readily available hydroxy-
Other interesting compounds which have shown endoperoxide (220). Photoenolization of Michael
potent antimicrobial activities are rhodomyrtosones acceptor and subsequent [4 ? 2] cycloaddition with
and related isomers. oxygen afforded endoperoxide 220 in 72% combined
The total synthesis of rhodomyrtusials A–C, rhoto- yield (Scheme 21).
mentodiones A–B and tomentodiones Q–R (Fig. 11) The synthetic strategies of other acylphlorogluci-
was investigated by Qin and co-workers (2019). These nols isolated from R. tomentosa have been also
compounds after isolation and characterization (Qin reported (Morkunas and Maier 2015; Liu et al.

Phytochem Rev

Scheme 18 Asymmetric synthesis of callistrilones A (78), C (80), D (81) and E (82)

2016b). Thus, the synthesis of rhodomyrtone (226) Endoperoxidic phloroglucinol (220) was revealed
and the isomer rhodomyrtosone B (Morkunas et al. also as key intermediate for successfully preparation
2013) (227) were obtained from the hydroxyl ketone of an other structurally related natural product is
224 by cyclization of 224 to xanthene derivative 225 watsonianone B (Nicoletti et al. 2018). A recent work
and subsequent acylation; and acid-catalyzed cycliza- carried out by Zhang and co-workers (2019) described
tion of 224 respectively. This hydroxyl ketone inter- the optimized conditions for the synthesis of this
mediate was successfully obtained from endoperoxidic phloroglucinol (220), as well as for the
isovalerylphloroglucinol (223) and the Michael accep- acylphloroglucinol 229 (3-phenyl-1-(2,4,6-trihy-
tor 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-6-(3-methylbutylidene)-1,3,5- droxy-3-methylphenyl)propan-1-one). An efficient,
cyclohexanetrione (Scheme 22). mild reaction conditions and simplicity method was
There is also an increasing interest in the synthesis developed and provided watsonianone B (230) and
of related analogues. For instance, a methodology for iso-watsonianone B (231) in 41% combined yield
the synthesis of methoxylated phloroglucinol deriva- (Scheme 24).
tives with a backbone similar to rhodomyrtosone I Overall, these natural products have become attrac-
(dimeric-monopyrane structure from R. tomentosa) tive targets in chemistry because of to their complex
and BF-6 (Baeckea frutescens) has been developed by structural features and biological activities reported.
dos Santos and co-workers (2017). These derivatives All these synthetic approaches and strategies
were synthesized using a multicomponent reaction described above, provide further investigations and
between dimethoxylated phloroglucinol, dihydrore- preparation of new acylphloroglucinol-derived prod-
sorcinol, and different aryl aldehydes, promoted by ucts for their exploitation in drug discovery.
niobium pentachloride, reaching 45–69% yield.
The total synthesis of rhodomyrtosone A (228,
Nicoletti et al. 2018), another peculiar structure with a Biological properties
bisfurane fused ring, was carried out via cyclization
between the endoperoxidic phloroglucinol 220 and The large structural diversity of phloroglucinol
isovalerylphloroglucinol (223) under acid conditions derivatives from Myrtaceae species provides a variety
(Gervais et al. 2015, Scheme 23). It was obtained in of bioactive compounds that could be used as medic-
60% yield. inal and supplementary healthcare products. Crude

Phytochem Rev

Scheme 19 Synthesis of callistrilones A, B, C, D and E (78–82) by Guo and co-workers (2018)

formulations (i.e., extracts, essential oils, etc.) deriv- An overview of structures and bioactive properties
ing from these plants are generally used, as docu- of phloroglucinol derivatives from Myrtaceae species
mented and highlighted in several reviews (Pérez until 2019 is provided in the next section.
Gutiérrez et al. 2008; Alipour et al. 2014; Vuong et al.
2015, Hamid et al. 2017; Cock and Cheesman 2019). Antimicrobial activity
These traditional Myrtaceae-based medicines support
the need for studies aimed at the isolation and The use of plants as potential antimicrobial treatments,
structural elucidation of phloroglucinol derivatives, both as crude drugs or as a source of anti-infection
in order to discover new bioactive compounds, to natural products, has a long history, being also an
determine their bioactivity to assign single compound/ important focal point of ethnopharmacology (Rios and
bioactivity relationship and to produce analogues with Recio 2005).
increased bioactivity/bioavailability. The number of Recent decades have witnessed a remarkable
records on the topic (Fig. 12a), as well as the wide increase in studies reporting antimicrobial agents
range of potential pharmacological and therapeutic against pathological microorganisms from Myrtaceae
properties explored for these metabolites (Fig. 12b), species (Fig. 12). These data have been recently
corroborates Myrtaceae plants as a promising source summarized in Nicoletti et al. (2018) and in Zhao
of bioactive compounds. et al. (2019), highlighting two important aspects. The

Phytochem Rev

Scheme 20 Asymmetric synthesis of callistrilones B (79), G (84) and J (87) by Hu and co-workers (2018)

first concerning the antibiotic activity effectiveness The synthetically challenging structural motifs of
against several Gram-positive species, especially polyciclic polymethylated phloroglucinols (PPPs),
multi-resistant bacterial strains, with details concern- together with their promising and potent antibacterial
ing their minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). properties, mainly against multidrug resistant strains,
The second one focuses on the progress in the is of great and current interest. Based on a new total
investigation of the mechanisms of action of asymmetric synthesis approach (Scheme 19) cal-
rhodomyrtone A and on the increase in the antibac- listrilone E (Fig. 5) was found (Cheng et al. 2018) to
terial activity in synthetic analogues. exhibit greater antibacterial activity than vancomycin
These reviews represent a fundamental synthesis, against multidrug-resistant strains as MRSA (0.25 lg/
providing a solid ground for further investigations on mL), vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aur-
myrtucommulone-related acylphloroglucinols from eus (VISA; 0.25 lg/mL) and vancomycin-resistant
Myrtaceae. Here, we integrate them with the most Enterococcus faecium (VRE; 0.5 lg/mL). The result
recent data. against VRE was the most promising since van-
Panels of new acylphloroglucinols with antimicro- comycin has a MIC value [ 128 lg/mL.
bial activity are quite quickly broadening. Recently, Antimicrobial activity of phloroglucinols from
the eugenials C and D, macrocarpal-like compounds Myrtaceae was evaluated also against periodonto-
isolated from Eugenia umbelliflora, have been pathic bacteria. Macrocarpals A, B, and C, the major
reported to exhibit a good activity against Bacillus components of the Eucalyptus globulus leaf extract,
subtilis (MIC of 0.78 lg/mL) and different strains of showed relatively strong antimicrobial activity against
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) the etiologic agents of periodontal disease. Porphy-
with activity (MIC 0.39–3.12 lg/mL) comparable to romonas gingivalis displayed the greatest sensitivity
that of the antibiotic vancomycin (0.5–1 lg/mL) to macrocarpals (1 lg/mL for macrocarpals A and B,
(Faqueti et al. 2015; Farias et al. 2018). 0.5 lg/mL for macrocarpal C). This compound
Callistemenonone A (15, Fig. 5) also showed a inhibited proteinase activity and was able to bindto
potent antibacterial activity anti-MRSA JCSC2172 saliva-coated hydroxyapatite beads, suggesting its use
(MIC 20 lg/mL), (Xiang et al. 2017). Although, its in the prevention of periodontal disease (Nagata et al.
MIC was higher than that of vancomycin (1.25 lg/ 2006).
mL), the data remains interesting.

Phytochem Rev

Scheme 21 Synthesis of novel meroterpenoids from R. tomentosa

Scheme 22 Synthesis of rhodomyrtone (226) and rhodomyrtosone B (227)

Phytochem Rev

Scheme 23 Synthesis of rhodomyrtosone A (228)

Scheme 24 Synthesis of watsonianone B (230) and iso-watsonianone (231) B by Zhang and co-workers (2019)

Fig. 12 Studies on 120 A B

biological properties of
N. of Publications

phloroglucinol from
Myrtaceae: number of
works per decades (a) and 60 30
investigated activities (b)

0 0


Before 1990


and Anti-Fungal


and Citotoxic

Macrocarpal G showed discrete antibacterial activ- to antibiotics) are able to resist for long on superficial
ity against Staphylococcus aureus (0.53 lg/mL) and skin, mucosa or on different surfaces such as medical
MRSA (\ 0.8 lg/mL), in comparison with the corre- facilities. They can adhere and form biofilm on the
sponding positive control, ciprofoxacin (IC50 0.08 lg/ surfaces, causing a range of very serious problems, as
mL) (Tian et al. 2014). well as common problems like acne. Biofilm forma-
Another phloroglucinol, Rhodomyrtone exhibited a tion is one of the most important staphylococcal
potent anti-staphylococcal activity ainst planktonic virulence factors and research on bioactive natural
cultures and inhibited biofilms formation of Staphy- compounds as potent agent to control biofilm-produc-
lococci strains (0.25–1 lg/mL), demonstrating better ing staphylococci are currently ongoing.
activity than vancomycin (0.5–2 lg/mL). The ability
to reduce biofilm formation and kill mature biofilms Antiviral activity
occurred in a dose-dependent manner suggesting that
rhodomyrtone can be selected as potential lead Several phloroglucinols from Myrtaceae showed
compound to develop for the treatment of biofilm- interesting activities against two human pathogen of
forming staphylococcal infections (Saising et al. the Herpesviridae family: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
2011). This property is very important because and herpes simplex virus (HSV). This latter has been
pathogenic bacteria (and especially the ones resistant differentiated into two distinct types: HSV-1 or HSV-

Phytochem Rev

2. The insurgence of resistance in patients treated with the anti-inflammatory activity (Fiorini-Puybaret et al.
acyclovir, the most commonly used drug in herpetic 2011; Hennia et al. 2018; Nicoletti et al. 2018).
therapies (Kitazato et al. 2007), recommended the Phytoconstituents have be proposed to exert this
search for new antiherpetic agents from natural source. activity by many different mechanisms of action,
Callistrilones H and I displayed moderate inhibitory including, but not limited to, radical scavenging
activities against HSV-1, with IC50 values of 10.00 activities, modulation of autoimmunity and modula-
and 12.50 lM respectively, whereas acyclovir had tion of proinflammatory enzymes or their expression.
IC50 values of 1.04 lM (Cao et al. 2018b). Over the Good inhibitors of nitric oxide (NO) were reported
years, several studies have been carried out on HSV-1 from Callistemon genus (Cao et al. 2018a). A com-
(Bloor 1992; Brezáni et al. 2018). The recent work by pound isolated from the flowers of this plant, 1-(2,6-
Brezáni et al. (2018) reports that grandinol, from dihydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-3-methylbutan-1-one,
Eucalyptus globulus, with an IC50 value of 1.23 lM is seems to act on oxidant-mediated inflammation.
more active than acyclovir (1.92 lM). Furthermore, it has anti-nociceptive properties (Radu-
Euglobals showed significant inhibitory effects also lovic et al. 2015).
on EBV early antigen activation (EBV-EA) induced Baeckea frutescens produces different bioactive
by the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol- phloroglucinols: baefrutones, baeckfrutones and fru-
13-acetate (TPA). In particular at 1000 mol ratio/TPA tescones. Baefrutones A–D (117–120) and baeckfru-
100% inhibition was registered in presence of euglob- tones A–S displayed a good inhibitory effect on
als G1-G5, G8-G10, G12, Am-2 and III (Takasaki lipopolysaccharides (LPS)-induced NO production in
et al. 1995; Umehara et al. 1998) and 80% inhibition macrophage cell line RAW 264.7, with rates of 36.21
for the less active euglobals G6–G7, euglobal-In-1 and and 20.86 lM for baeckfrutones N and S respect to
euglobal-V (Singh et al. 1998; Takasaki et al. N-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA) with
1990, 1994). 54.07 lM lower value (Hou et al. 2018; Qin et al.
Moreover, Eucalyptus globulus is a source of 2018a; Zhi et al. 2018). Frutescones N and O showed
compounds with anti-HIV activity. In particular, the most promising inhibitory activity on NO produc-
macrocarpals A–E inhibit HIV-RTase with IC50 tion (1.80 and 0.36 lM, respectively) in Baeckea
values ranging between 5.3 and 12 lM, with macro- genus, while the IC50 value (30.92 lM) of L-NMMA
carpal B as the most active compound (Nishizawa was considerably higher (Hou et al. 2017a). The same
et al. 1992). authors suggest that the activity of frutescone O is
Myrtucommulone K (192), tomentodiones B–C related to the suppression of the NF-jB p65 nuclear
(173–174), tomentosenol A (114) and callistiviminene translocation and the decrease of pro-inflammatory
J (111), as well as callistiviminenes K, M, N (93, 98– cytokine TNF-a.
99) were evaluated for their activity in vitro against Among the various anti-inflammatory active com-
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a pathogen of the pounds from Rhodomyrtus (Zhang et al. 2018),
Paramyxoviridae family (Chen et al. 2017; Liu et al. watsonianone A displayed a reduction on respiratory
2018a). The most active compounds callistiviminenes syncytial virus (RSV-induced NO) (37.2 lM) and
K (11.7 lM) and myrtucommulone K (10 lM), with prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) release (27.9 lM) (Zhuang
IC50 values comparable to the positive control rib- et al. 2017). Furthermore, western blot analysis
avirin (10.20 lM), indicated that the side chains of the demonstrated that watsonianone A also suppressed
phloroglucinol moiety might influence their anti-viral the expression of the inducible nitric oxide synthase
activity (Chen et al. 2017; Liu et al. 2018a). (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) genes and
inhibited NO and PGE2 production in RSV-infected
RAW 264.7 cells.
Anti-inflammatory activity Good anti-inflammatory activity was also shown by
meroterpenoids from Psidium guajava. Psiguajadials
As already underlined, the great structural variety of A–K are promising inhibitors of phosphodiesterase-4
Myrtaceae phloroglucinols makes them good candi- (1.34–7.26 lM), a therapeutic drug target for inflam-
dates for a variety of biological properties, including matory and respiratory diseases. These results are

Phytochem Rev

promising since the positive control, rolipram, has an Antiproliferative and cytotoxic activities
IC50 value of 0.62 lM (Tang et al. 2017).
Almost all chronic and acute diseases are linked to Several classes of anticancer drugs have been devel-
inflammation. Moreover, inflammation occurs as a oped and many of them are of natural origin (Soliman
reaction to injuries such as physical injury, infection, et al. 2014). There are a lot of studies and reviews
autoimmunity, arthritis and atherosclerosis. (Fig. 13) focusing on antiproliferative and cytotoxic
Oxidative stress and low density lipoproteins activities of different phloroglucinols, from Myr-
(LDL) are widely believed to play a role in the taceae, tested on different cell lines and showing a
atherosclerotic process. Myrtus communis has differ- wide response range depending on both the compound
ent compounds able to preserve LDL from oxidative doses and the cell line types.
damage (Rosa et al. 2008) and some compounds, such Myrtus, Rhodomyrtus, and Eucalyptus genus are the
as myrtucommuacetalone (scheme 8) that showed ones for which larger information is available both for
also a good prevention of autoimmune disorders number of compounds, and for the biological activity,
thanks the reduction the T cell proliferation (IC50- including the mechanisms of action (Fig. 13).
\ 0.5 lg/mL, comparable to prednisolone) (Choud- In a recent review, Nicoletti et al. (2018) analyze
hary et al. 2013). Furthermore, myrtucommuacetalone myrtucommulones and related acylphloroglucinols
suppressed the activation of NFkB, but not through from Myrtaceae, underlining their cytotoxic activities
activation of p38 kinase. The compound significantly with particular attention to myrtucommulone A, one of
suppressed the iNOS gene and protein expression the most studied phloroglucinols.
in vitro and exhibited a strong binding pattern in the Thanks to the work by Tretiakova et al. (2008), it is
binding site of iNOS enzyme in silico (Soomro et al. possible to indicate the mitochondrial caspase-3-8-9
2019). and poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP) pathway as
To better understand the mode of action of myrtu- responsible for the apoptosis in peripheral blood
commulone, Feißt et al. (2005) performed in vitro and mononuclear (PBMC) cells treated with myrtucom-
in vivo studies. Myrtucommulone is an inhibitor of mulone A. Furthermore, Jurkat lymphoblastic leuke-
5-lipoxygenase and COX-1, being able to suppress the mia cells deficient in caspase-9 were resistant to the
biosynthesis of prostaglandins (PGs) and leukotrienes treatment, implying that a select apoptotic signaling
(LTs). Meanwhile, the anti-inflammatory effect of pathway involving caspase-9 is required to evoke cell
myrtucommulone is related to PGE2 suppression and death. Nevertheless, there are also extrinsic factors
only in part with COX enzymes inhibition (Koeberle caused by the treatment with myrtucommulone A,
et al. 2009). such as an increase in apoptotic genes including Fas,
Because of the side effect of a large number of FasL, Gadd45a, Tnf, Tnfsf12, Trp53, a decrease in
immunosuppressive agents, Pham et al. (2019) eval- caspase 4 and an upregulation of transformation
uate in vitro the effect of different phloroglucinols on related protein 53 (p53) on 4T1 cancer cells (Izgi
the concanavalin-induced T-cell proliferation. Euca- et al. 2015).
lyptin C seemed to be the most promising compound An important biological process regulated by
since it reduced T-cell proliferation probably through myrtucommulone A involves human mesenchymal
a mitochondrial pathway. Moreover, it decreased the stem cells that promote tumor progression via
level of interleukin-4 (IL-4) and other factors related paracrine signaling. In fact, myrtucommulone A
to cytokine secretion. reduces the growth factor expression in human
Despite all these studies, bio-functional activities of mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC), which might be
many molecules remain unexplored while essential clinically important. As described by Iskender et al.
oils’ traditional use can be a good input for future (2016a) there is a decrease in the production of 29
assays. For examples, Kunzea ambigua extract is a cytokine, such as IL-6, IGF-1, PDGF, VEGF, TNF-a,
remedy for inflammation (Thomas et al. 2009) but EGF and MCP-1, IGF-1 and FGF-2.
there are no biological assays about characteristic Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is
diglucosides phloroglucinols (kunzeaphlogins A–F) another important biological process that could be
of this plant. regulated by interfering with the extracellular signal-
regulated kinase ERK/MAPK and

Phytochem Rev













10 FS




Eucalrobusone C
Eucalrobusone I
Macrocarpal A
Macrocarpal E
Myrtucommulone L
Myrtucommulone A
Sideroxylonal B
P e ng e t a l. 2 0 11; C o t t iglia e t a l. 2 0 12 ; S o lim a n e t a l. 2 0 14 ; S ha ng e t a l. 2 0 16 ; Wie c hm a nn e t a l. 2 0 15 J ia n e t a l. 2 0 17 ; Q in e t a l. 2 0 18 b;
T re t ia k o v a e t a l. 2 0 0 8 ; P ha m e t a l 2 0 19







C O M P O UN D S Eucalypglobulusal A
Aspidinol C Eucalrobusone J Eucalypglobulusal B
Aspidinol D Eucaltereal A Eucalypglobulusal C
Liu e t a l. 2 0 16 b Eucaltereal B Eucalypglobulusal D
Eucaltereal C Eucalypglobulusal E
Eucalypglobulusal F

Eucaltereal D

Eucalypglobulusal G

Eucaltereal E

Liu e t a l. 2 0 18 b Eucalypglobulusal H
Eucalypglobulusal I
Callistenone F
Eucalypglobulusal J
Callistenone G
Callistenone H Q in e t a l. 2 0 18 b
Callistenone I

Callistenone J

Callistenone K

Liu et al. 2016b
Eucalrobusone A

Eucalrobusone B Eugenial A
Eucalrobusone D Eugenial B
Eucalrobusone E Eugenial C


Eucalrobusone F Eugenial D
Eucalrobusone G Eugenial E
Baeckenone D Eucalrobusone H F a ria s e t a l. 2 0 18
S ha ng e t a l. 2 0 16
Baeckenone E
Baeckenone F
Baeckenone G

Baeckenone H



Baeckenone I




Baeckenone J
Baeckenone K
Eglobal IVa
Bullataketals 3 A-B Eglobal VII
La rs e n e t a l. 2 0 0 5 ; It o e t a l. 2 0 17 ; Euglobal Ib
N is a e t a l. 2 0 16 b Euglobal Ic



(-)Baeckfrutone B Euglobal IX
Baeckfrutone C Euglobal-In-3
Baeckfrutone D Euglobal-B1-1
Baeckfrutone E Eucalyptal A
Baeckfrutone F Eucalyptal B
Baeckfrutone G Eucalyptal C
Baeckfrutone H Eucalyptal D
Baeckfrutone I Eucalyptal E
Baeckfrutone J Eucalypn A
Baeckfrutone K Eucalypn B
Baeckfrutone L P e ng e t a l 2 0 11; Wa ng e t a l. 2 0 12 ; Liu e t a l. 2 0 18 b; Q in e t a l. 2 0 18 b;
Q in e t a l. 2 0 18 a P ha m e t a l 2 0 18

Phytochem Rev

b Fig. 13 Cytotoxic activities of the most tested (a) and least Different cytotoxic compounds have been isolated
tested (b) phloglucinol derivatives from Myrtaceae, on different from Rhodomyrtus tomentosa and, among these,
cell lines. The degree of inhibitory activities (lM) was reported
as follow: 0–1 ; 1.1–5 ; 5.1–10 ; 10.1–20 ; rhodomyrtone is particularly remarkable (Zhang
20.1–100 ; [ 100 . A549: adenocarcinomic human et al. 2018; Liu et al. 2016a). It exerted inhibition on
alveolar basal epithelial cells; BEL-7402: human hepatocellular epidermoid carcinoma cell line (A-431), a cellular line
carcinoma cells; BGC-823: human gastric carcinoma cells; representative of late stage tumor (Tayeh et al. 2017).
B16-F10 murine melanoma cells; Caco: human epithelial
colorectal adenocarcinoma cells; CCRF-CEM: acute lym- During the metastatic process, proteolytic enzymes,
phoblastic leukemia cells; DLD-1: colorectal adenocarcinoma like the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), play
cells; DU145: human prostate cancer cells; HCCLM3: human critical roles. MMPs are controlled by their endoge-
hepatocellular carcinoma cells with high metastatic potential; nous inhibitors, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases
HCT-116: human hepatocellular carcinoma cells; HeLa: human
cervix uteri carcinoma cells; Hep-G2: human hepatoma (TIMPs) such as TIMP-1 and TIMP-2. In addition,
carcinoma cells; Hep-G2/ADM: human multidrug-resistant inhibition of the MAPK and PI3K/Akt pathways as
hepatocellular carcinoma cells; HEP-2: human laryngeal well as NF-jB and AP-1 activities may reduce cell
carcinoma cells; Hep-3B: hepatoma cells; HL-60: human migration and proliferation. Rhodomyrtone could
leukemia cells; HuH-7: hepatocarcinoma cells; H9: cutaneous
T-cell lymphoma; Jurkat: T acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells; inhibit ERK1/2, p38 and focal adhesion kinase FAK/
KE-97: gastric cancer cell line; KFR: alveolar rhabdomyosar- Akt signaling pathways via NF-jB activities involved
coma; K-562: erythro-megakaryoblastic leukemia cells; in the downregulation enzyme activities and protein
LNCaP: androgen-sensitive human prostate adenocarcinoma; expression of MMP-2/9. Moreover, rhodomyrtone
L0-2: normal human liver cell line; MCF-7: human breast
adenocarcinoma cells; MDA-MB-231: Triple negative breast increases the expression of both TIMP-1 and TIMP-2.
cancer cells; MM6: human peripheral blood mononuclear cells; Therefore, rhodomyrtone could be a possible anti-
MT-4: human hematological tumor cells; Nalm-6: B cell metastasis agent for treatment of skin cancer cells.
precursor leukemia; NCI-H460: human non-small cell lung Eucalrobusone C is a bioactive phytochemical of
cancer cells; PC-3: human prostate cancer cells; PSN-1:
pancreatic cancer cells; P388: Menogaril-resistant mouse Eucalyptus genus with cytotoxic activity on different
leukemia cells; QGY-7701: human hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines, such as MCF-7, U2OS, HCCLM3, BEL-
cells; SF-268: human glioblastoma cells; SMMC-7721: human 7402, QGY-7701, Hep3B and HepG2 (Shang et al.
hepatocarcinoma cells; SK-MEL-110: melanoma cells; SK- 2016; Jian et al. 2017; Qin et al. 2018b). It induces
MEL-28: melanoma cells; SW480: human colon cancer cells;
U2OS: human bone osteosarcoma epithelial cells; VERO: apoptosis in MCF-7 cells in a dose-dependent manner,
mammalian cells; 4T1: breast cancer cells; 10-FS: fibroblast by increasing the duration of sub-G1 phase and
cells; 786-O: renal carcinoma cells accumulation of the early apoptosis signals (Shang
et al. 2016). On the other hand, it induces apoptosis via
caspase activation in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase PI3K/Akt signaling cells, where it enhances the loss of MMP, increases the
pathways. This signaling pathway is required for the level of pro-apoptotic Bax and downregulates Bcl-2
induction of cell motility by transforming growth levels (Jian et al. 2017). In HepG2 and BEL-7402
factor TGF-b that, at last, interferes with EMT- cells, the treatment with eucalrobusone C increased
associated marker expression. As reported by Iskender p38 MAPK and c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) levels.
et al. (2016b), inhibition of ERK affected migratory Cell death was partly dependent on p38 MAPK
ability of human bladder carcinoma (HTB-9) cells, activation in HepG2 cell death, indicating that ROS
and in breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231). Myrtu- act as an upstream signaling molecule for activation of
commulone A negatively regulates the ERK process the p38 MAPK/mitochondrial pathway.
through inhibition of phosphorylation of various There are many others promising Eucalyptus com-
components involved in PI3K/Akt in HTB-9 and pounds with cytotoxic activities (Yin et al. 2007; Peng
MDA-MB-231. In HTB-9 cells myrtucommulone A et al. 2011; Tian et al. 2012; Wang et al. 2012; Soliman
also downregulates the expressions of pluripotency- et al. 2014). Euglobal G1 from Eucalyptus grandis
associated nuclear markers such as NANOG, SOX-2, showed a remarkable inhibitory effect on two-stage
OCT-4, CD44, CD73, CD90 and CD105 (Iskender skin carcinogenesis in mice (Takasaki et al. 2000).
et al. 2015). Eucalteretials A–E (Liu et al. 2018b, Fig. 10) and
eucalypglobulusals A–J (Qin et al. 2018b, Fig. 10)
along with eucalrobusone C, eucarobustol C, and

Phytochem Rev






Macrocarpal B

Macrocarpal C
Macrocarpal D
Macrocarpal G
Guadial A
Macrocarpal Q
Guadial B
Myrtucommulone J
Guadial C
Myrtucommulone K
Guapsidial A
S ha o e t a l. 2 0 10 C o t t iglia e t a l. 2 0 12 ; T ia n e t a l. 2 0 12 ; Wie c hm a nn e t
J ia n e t a l. 2 0 15 a l. 2 0 15 ; Q in e t a l. 2 0 18 b; P ha m e t a l. 2 0 18







Psiguadial C
Guajavadial A Psiguadial D
Guajavadial B Pulverulentone
Guajavadial C Samarone A
Q in e t a l 2 0 16 Samarone B
Samarone C
Sygyzol A
Sygyzol B
Z o u e t a l. 2 0 0 6 ; S ha o e t a l. 2 0 12 ; Liu

e t a l. 2 0 16 b; Y a ng e t a l. 2 0 18

Jambone A

Tomentodione A

Jambone B
Jambone C Tomentodione B
Jambone E Rhodomyrtone Tomentodione N
Rhodomyrtosone A Tomentodione O
Jambone F
Jambone G Rhodomyrtosone B Tomentodione P
Jamunone B Rhodomyrtosone C Tomentodione Q
Li e t a l 2 0 15 Rhodomyrtosone D Tomentodione R
Y a ng e t a l. 2 0 18 Rhodomyrtosone G Tomentodione S
Rhodomyrtosone I Tomentodione T
Z ha ng e t a l. 2 0 18 Z ha ng e t a l. 2 0 18









Liordial A Tomentosenol A
Liordial B Watsonianone A
Liordial C 4Methoxyisovalerophenone
Liordial D 2,6-Dihydroxy-4-Methoxy-3-Methyl -Isopropiophenone
Liordial E 1-(acetyl)phloroglucinol-β-D-glucopyranoside
Liordial F 4S-focifolidione
X u e t a l 2 0 19 ethyl 2,4,6-trihydroxybenzoate
Z o u e t a l. 2 0 0 6 ; Liu e t a l 2 0 16 a ; Liu e t a l. 2 0 16 b; S un e t
a l. 2 0 16 ; Y a ng e t a l. 2 0 18 ; Z ha ng e t a l. 2 0 18

Fig. 13 continued

Phytochem Rev

eucalyptin A were tested for their cytotoxic effects and and 190, Fig. 11) show potential cytotoxicity against
for DNA Topoisomerase I inhibitory activities, using MDA-MB-321 (IC50 7.4 lM and IC50 6.6 lM,
Top1-mediated relaxation assay with camptothecin as respectively), while littordial C (188, IC50 8.9 lM)
positive control. Only eucalteretial C (IC50 4.8 lM) on murine tumor cell line (B16) a model for human
and euglobals Ib and IX (IC50 7.8 lM for both) skin cancers. All these data are compared to gambogic
showed cytotoxic activity (Liu et al. 2018b), while acid, as positive control (IC50 15.3 and IC50 8.7 lM,
eucalypglobulusal A and eucalrobustol C exhibited against MDA-MB-321 and B16 respectively) under-
moderate to high Top1 inhibition. lining their good activities.
When Eucalypglobulusal F,eucalrobusone C, Guajavadial C (113, Fig. 9) showed good cytotox-
eucarobustol C, and eucalyptin A were tested on icity toward (SMMC-7721) compared to the positive
A549 cells, the best results were obtained from control cisplatin.
eucalyptin A (4.9 lM) with etoposide, as positive From the genus Eugenia there are promising data
control, IC50 [ 10 lM (Qin et al. 2018b). This for eugenials, in particular for eugenial C (IC500.38 -
compound had already been shown to inhibit Hepa- lM) with high cytotoxicity compared to doxorubicin
tocyte Growth Factor (HGF)-induced c-Met activation (IC50 0.83 lM) on K562 cells, making the good
and suppress HGF-stimulated cell motility and inva- candidates for preclinical evaluation of efficacy and
sive behaviors in MDCK cells. (Yang et al. 2012). toxicity (Farias et al. 2018).
Eucalyptin B is also a potential anti-cancer agent The only active phloroglucinol derivative from
(Pham et al. 2018), with a very strong inhibition of cell Calyptranthes genus is aspidinol, which exhibits
survival in A549 cells (IC501.51 lM respect to taxol selective activity against the human oral epidermoid
IC50-4.1 lM). Moreover, in this cell line, eucalyptin B carcinoma (Lobo-Echeverri et al. 2005), while the
increases caspase-3 expression, inhibits Bcl2 and main cytotoxic compounds Lophomyrtus, are bul-
increases Bax levels. lataketals 3A and 3B that were active against the P388
Cytotoxic phloroglucinol derivatives are also mouse leukaemia cell line (Larsen et al. 2005).
known to occur in other genera, such as Baeckea, Furthermore, phloroglucinols derivatives have
Syzygium, Eugenia, Calyptranthes, Lophomyrtus, been isolated from Callistemon viminalis, Xanthoste-
Psidium, Callistemon, and Decaspermum (Fig. 13). mon chrysanthus and Decaspermum gracilentum.
Baeckenones D–K (4–11, Nisa et al. 2016b; Ito However, they exhibited weak antitumor inhibitory
et al. 2017), along with baeckefrutones B, F and K activities with an IC50 ranging from 25 to 100 lM or
(Qin et al. 2018a, Fig. 5) from the genus Baeckea, were inactive (Liu et al. 2016b; Sun et al. 2016; Liu
show antiproliferative activity against pancreatic cell et al. 2018c).
lines and A549 cells.
Jambone A (47) and C (49) from Syzygium have a Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus
weak activity in melanoma (SK-MEL-28 and SK-
MEL-110) cell lines (Li et al. 2015), while samarones As a consequence, to the increasing number of patients
B–C (44–45, 3.91 lM and 5.56 lM, respectively) and with type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in the latest
jambone G (1.73 lM) are active on HepG2hepatocel- years, there is a continuous search of molecules able to
lular line (Yang et al. 2018). Furthermore, syzygiol A, improve the therapies. Among potential drug target for
(58) syzygiol B, (60) 1-(2,6-dihydroxy-4-methoxy- hypoglycemic agents, a-glucosidase, along with
phenyl)-hexan-1-one inhibit the proliferation of leu- dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4, an enzyme responsible
kemia cells. In particular, the first compound (IC50 for the degradation of glucagon-like peptide 1, GLP-
5 lM) induces the differentiation of K562 leukemic 1), and protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B, a
cells as determined by the appearance of matured negative regulator of insulin signaling pathways)
morphology and the increase in the intracellular inhibitors have been selected as attractive objectives.
hemoglobin level (Zou et al. 2006). Macrocarpal C showed strong inhibition of DPP4
Several compounds from Psidium genus have been (90%), even to 50 lM, while macrocarpals A and B,
analyzed for the cytotoxic activity (Fig. 13) (Jian et al. that differ to macrocarpal C for hydroxyl function
2015; Qin et al. 2016; Shao et al. 2010; Xu et al. 2019; instead of double bond at eptane-ring, were inactive
Zhu et al. 2019). Among them, littordials B and E (187 (Kato et al. 2018).

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to 91.06% at 100 lM (Xu et al. 2018b), values mulones, unique bioactive acylphloroglucinols firstly
comparable to those of the positive control 3-(3,5- reported from Myrtus communis.
dibromo-4-hydroxybenzoyl)-2-ethylbenzofuran-6- Thanks to their structural features and biological
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61.7%, and 38.8% in 10 lM respectively (Fu et al. synthetic procedures of myrtucommulones from Myr-
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and 1.6 lM, respectively (Yu et al. 2016). Greater cinol derivatives from Myrtaceae species provides a
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The biodiversity of this family also explains the compounds isolated from Eucalyptus globulus Labill.
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produced by plants belonging to it. In addition to evidence from inflorescence structure. Proc Linn Soc N S
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Zhang YB, Li W, Jiang L et al (2018) Cytotoxic and anti-in-
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