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hello teacher..

My name is Luis Corimaya and I am 23 years old, I am an systems engineering student.

From Monday to Friday, I get up at 7 o’clock, then I brush my teeth, then I make my bed and
immediately prepare breakfast for my family, then I go to shower so I can go to work. I return
to my house at 2:00 p.m. I have lunch at 2:30 p.m the food that my mom prepares.It’s already
4 pm and I have to enter my virtual university courses.Finish my classes 8pm and I’m going to
have dinner. I usually do my homework at night then I watch TV until 11 p.m. Then I take a
shower and go to sleep.
My days at university are from Monday to Friday, on Saturdays and Sundays I practice
swimming in the mornings, and on weekends my aunt cooks and we have lunch with the
family, then we clean the whole house in general and in the afternoons I play soccer with my
friends and at night sometimes I go out to party.
Jelou ticher
May nei is Luis corimaya and i am twenty tri years old i amen sistens enyinierin estiuden

From Monday to Friday, I get up at seven o’clock, tent ai brosh mai tit, tent ai make bed and

Inmidiatly pripeir breikfast for my family, tent ai go to shower sou ai kan gou tu work. Ai

return tu my house at two p.m. I have lunch at tu tirty p.m the food that my mom prepares

.It’s already for pm and I have to enter my virtual university courses.Finish my classes eich pm

and I’m going to have diner. I usually do my homework at nit then I watch TV intel eleven p.m.
Then I take a shower and go to sleep. My days at university are from Monday to Friday, on

Saturdays and Sundays I practice swimming in the mornings, and on weekends my aunt cooks
and we have lunch with the family, then we clean the joul house in general and in the

afternoons I play soccer with my friends and at night sometimes I go out to party.

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