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Have you ever wondered what objects do represent better our society? If the
answer is no, you should read this article in order to know it and make a perfect
time capsule.

First and foremost, If you want to represent how is our society nowadays, you
should include some clothes. Since fashion and clothes’ trends change really
fast and in a few years it may be completely different. In addition, clothes might
represent the values of the citizens, for example some years ago when there was
more chauvinism than now, women used to wear more covered clothes.

Moreover, you should include any technology object that we use on a daily
basis like a mobile phone or a computer, even though you could include some
objects that people used to to use some years ago like MP3 players.

Last but not least, if you want a historical object that represents these last years,
you could include a newspaper from the year 2020 which talked about the
beginning of the pandemic.

If you ask me, these are the best objects that represent our last years and If I had
to make a time capsule, I would include them.

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