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Name: Mohammad Aasim Date: 8-sep-22


DIRECTIONS: Use the internet to find answers for the questions.

1. What is the weather today at the place you live? (Google the answer)

sunny 34c

2. What is the top news story at Google News - Technology?

iphone 14 release

3. Find an interesting History fact related to where you live.

saudi is considered as the birthplace of Islam, one of the major religions

4. Find an important or famous person from throughout history who is born today.

Mark zukerberg

World Holidays

5. Find a holiday celebrated this week somewhere in the world. (NOT one in your country.)

a) What Holiday did you choose?

saudi national day

b) Write the country and/or continent on which the celebration takes place.

saudi arabia

6. Find a Quote for the Day.

Work hard in silence, let ur success make the nose

a) What is your quote?

if i win against you u get a part of it for losing against me

b) Why did you choose that particular quote?

hate makes us stronger

7. Find a ‘twin town’ or ‘sister city’ for where you live. (If you can’t find one for your
town/city, choose another nearby.)


8. Google a scientific discovery that you find exciting. Explain your choice.

9. Find 3 exciting facts about a place you would love to visit one day.

1- there is a road with no speed limit
2- largest car producers in the world
3-gummy bears are made in germany

10. What is one of your favourite YouTube videos?

a) Write the title:

"I'm a goddamn onion, Mason."

b) Why is it your favourite and how does it relate to you?

call of duty franchise is my fav and i have played many of there games sinc childhood yet
continue to play some

11. Find the Photo of the Day at National Geographic. Write a sentence describing it (in your
own words).

12. Use the Word of the Day from in a sentence.

13. Look at the list of New Inventions of 2021. Choose one. How could it be used or
changed to be helpful to your family?

14. Who is #1 on this week’s 100 Hot Billboard?

15. Find a funny ‘Thought of the Day’. What does it mean?

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