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In a sample of one hundred recent college graduates, it is found that 85 percent expect to get a job

within one year of their graduation date. The parameter of interest is a mean.
Jawaban : False

For a point estimate that closely follows a normal model, what is the z∗z∗ for 90% confidence
Jawaban : 1.645

Hypothesis testing is an action where we finding out if the evidence based on the data are strong
enough so that we may accept HAHA.?
Jawaban : False

In a survey, one hundred college students are asked: "What percentage of the time you spend on
the Internet is part of your course work?" The parameter of interest is a mean.
Jawaban : True

Suppose that there is a survey regarding additional summer semester for students. There are 100
students participating in this poll. The answer is either "agree" or "disagree". When the result comes
back, 33% respondents agree to have an additional summer semester.
The sample of this poll satisfies the success-failure condition for Central Limit Theorem.
Jawaban : False

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