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That day I will remember for the rest of my life.

Just imagine starting your day from a basket ball match

where your friend takes part and end it in hospital with friend’s broken leg. My friend Jeff was a professional
basketball player. He had a passion about it and it was the hobby of his entire life. From the early ages he
had a dream to become a legendary basketball player and win world’s basketball competition. Recently, he
had changed the age group of players and it meant that he can not attend city’s basketball matches. So on
one of that matches I was invited by Jeff to cheer him up during the game, so he feels confident. Of coarse, I
gladly accepted the invitation and here comes this day.

I saw how nervous Jeff was from the moment how I stepped into their changing room, (don’t ask me how I
got there). I knew he needed my support, so we went to a snack bar and ate there several cereal bars, so
Jeff feels powerful and full of energy.

After a while, the bell ringed and it meant that the both teams must be ready and they needed to enter the
basketball court. The game started. I can honestly say that the team of Jeff's opponents was not a worthy
opponent at all. They were too slow and weak, while Jeff's team played with the ball dexterously and
created a real show for the spectators.

Suddenly, a was how Jeff was trying to score the ball into the net, but the opponent really tripped up him.
Jeff falls and screams at the top of his lungs! I was completely terrified, but the worst of it was that I
couldn’t even help him. The crowd of doctors appeared on the court and carried him away. I ran outdoors
and introduced myself as a close friend of the player. I saw, that they needed help so I called an ambulance

I tell you, I almost had a heart attack! I knew it was really hurting, so I decided not to bother Jeff. An
ambulance came and we went to the hospital. Jeff said that he was very dizzy and felt that he probably hurt
his leg, so there will be a bruise. I hoped there are only bruises, not a fracture or something worse...

In fact, the doctor said that he broke his leg, so in the hospital they put him a plaster cast and he went
home with crutches.

By the time we got home, his parents already had known it, so they said that he was fearless in hospital and
that everything will be okey. I completely agreed with them.

Jeff got month to recover from this injury and it was very painful for him, because it meant he couldn’t play
basketball all that time!

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