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Task 1

The graphs show the changes in the cost of visiting a national park from 2011 to 2018 and the
number of national visitors each year.

Overall, it is possible to affirm that during the periods in which the cost of national park entrance
fees was at the average cost, there was a higher influx of visitors. Another point to highlight was the
growth in the number of visitors between 2016 and 2017, which represented more than 80% of the
entrance fees in the 8 years analyzed.

Looking at the details, the cost of tickets in 2011 started at $8.00, while tickets to the park under
this value started at approximately 0.30 million. The cost trend was maintained during the following
two years 2012 and 2013, but with the big difference that the number of visitors for these two years
increased by 0.35 and 0.40 million respectively. After that during the years 2014 and 2015 there is
a significant increase of 8 points in the value of the cost, however with a very small affectation on
the number of visitors keeping this trend stable.

On the other hand, during 2016 and 2017, there was a significant decrease of approximately 6 points
in the cost value, which significantly reactivated the visits to the national park, with records that
date back to 0.50 in 2016 and 0.52 in 2017 million visits, which represents more than 80% of the 8
years. Finally, in 2018, despite a growth in the cost, there was no evidence of a downward trend in
the number of visits, otherwise, it stabilized.

Task 2

Nowadays, it is a topic of discussion in the great majority of countries, especially underdeveloped

countries, in which resources are going to be invested, whether in education, health, transportation,
etc. I believe, like other people, that these issues should be segregated in an order of priorities, and
I would agree that first health should be guaranteed as the essential basis for a person to be able to
develop a full life.

Firstly, the implementation of policies for the distribution of resources. This is a fundamental key
for each government to have clear guidelines regarding the model under which the resources
collected from taxes can be redirected to the health care entities, always guaranteeing their
operation. In Latin American countries such as Colombia, Chile, and Ecuador, they work with this
type of policies and in the function of citizenship but when they are services provided by the state,
not by the private sector.

Another reason why I agree that it should be handled in an order of priorities is that health is
necessary to carry out all kinds of activities, it is useless to provide quality education and a good
public transportation service if people are sick if they do not have the minimum necessary and vital
to subsist.

On the other hand, it is an absolute mistake to implement a health policy divided by social strata.
The creation of inequity and inequality in this aspect is a point that is not conducive to the
development of mechanisms that allow all people to enjoy the right to health equally.
In conclusion, although it is common nowadays to see that governments, especially in
underdeveloped countries, invest their resources in other programs or divert them to private funds,
I believe that it is possible to generate policies to guarantee the right to health. In my opinion,
everything should start with who people elect to allocate the resources of their country and that
they really focus their policies on such important issues as health.

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