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Mark Jefferson Martin

Finals in EDU109

The innovation that I will introduce in the classroom is learning development skills
because I want to give an opportunities to students to perform what they learned. As a
teacher, it is very fulfilling that you are allowing your students learn on their own skills
and I will be facilitating and guiding them to ensure that they will get more accurate
information. I'll introduce them to do teamworks and collaborations because the Learning
Developing Skill is an approach used to analyze what they (students) really knew and
decide how they could extend this further in order to achieve higher National Curriculum.

As a teacher, the innovations of curriculum will help us in other alternative ways to

achieve the higher National Curriculum. In different teaching skills and alternativ
estrategies we are able to help our students to learn and finish their studies of all ages
because the focus is to encourage our students to engage themselves in school to
extend their learning, such as ALS or Alternative Learning System and Open High School
which provides the same education on different approach especially when students are
working or have a family or a single parent.

For now, I could see that possible concerns in the curriculum this pandemic is lack of
thinking out of the box to manage a classroom virtually. We can see that a lot of teachers
are really struggling in classroom management virtually because of the circumstances
that we cannot control but as a teacher we should always prepare on this possibilities
and must provides alternative platforms in order to achieve classroom management. I
will provide some alternative platforms for them to learn such as giving them youtube
links related to the topic, create e-learning platforms such as schoology and Google
classroom where the students can raise a concern or questions. It's a matter forming all
the platforms to ensure that they can learn alternatively.

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