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Question no 11(A)

Graceful Degradation

The ability to continue providing services proportional to the level of surviving hardware is called
graceful degradation “

Graceful degradation is basically the handling of operating system and the computer system at the time
of failure of any hardware so that system should not get collapsed. Moreover it increase system


If there are four processor and one fails to perform then other processor will share it work load.

Fault tolerance:-

The system survive even after the failure of any single component then this is called as fault tolerance

Fault tolerance required a mechanism to allow the failure to be detected, diagnosed and if possible
correct it.


HP nonstop is an example if fault tolerance system

Question no 11(b)


The parallelization is the act of making our system to perform instruction and process data parallel for
that they break problem into smaller pieces and perform action an data or process data in parallel.

Difference between task and data parallelism


They are executed on multiple cores or processor while they have same data set or different for many
functions .


Data is executed on multiple core or processors while they have element of data set to perform that
single function

Cache coherency

Cache coherency is the discipline that ensures changes in the value of shared operands and propagates
throughout the system in a timely fashion.
Q no 12 (B)

Three requirements of the Peterson solution:

Following are the three requirement of Peterson solution

 Mutual exclusion is preserved

 The process requirement is satisfied
 The bounded waiting requirement is met
 Mutual exclusion is preserved

Mutual exclusion is preserved

That means if p1 is executing in the critical section then no other process will be executed in
their critical section
Process requirement is satisfied
If no process is executing in the critical section then the process which are not in the remainder
will be executed
The bounded waiting requirement is met
Their exist a bond or a limit on the number of time the other process are allowed to enter
critical section
Code of Peterson solution




While flag[j]&&turn==j;

Critical section


Remainder section


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