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In times of crisis and change, more than ever, businesses and organizations need

good leaders to stay afloat and shape the future. We need talented leaders to guide
and make vital strategic decisions. So what makes a good leader? What are the
most important qualities of a leader?
First of all, no matter how you acknowledge it, a leader must ensure three
factors: the ability to create strategy, the ability to inspire and the ability to
influence. Simply put, a leader is someone who has the ability to create a strategy
for an organization or a group and knows how to use his or her power to influence
those who follow that strategy. According to Stogdill (1974), leaders must always
be defined with the constraints of personality, behavior, influence on others,
interaction sequences, relationships, management positions, and perceptions of
others about the legitimacy of power and influence building. House (2004) defines
a leader as an individual who influences, stimulates and encourages others to
contribute to the effective and successful operations of the organization they
belong to.
Second, as a leader, we cannot lack flexible communication skills: As a leader,
you will have to communicate with a lot of people with many different
personalities and ways of working. Therefore, you need to be able to improvise
when communicating with each person to reach consensus and have fun.
Moreover, you must know how to convey information in a clear and
understandable way so that subordinates fully understand the important goals and
tasks. According to Becca Brown (co-founder of Solemate), communication skills
are the most important skill of all, for Becca, the ability to communicate is clearly
the cornerstone of success. “One of the tenets of the culture at Goldman is
resourcefulness, and communicating that resourcefulness to others” says Becca.
According to a report from the Economist Intelligence Unit, poor communication
can have a very negative impact on business profits. More precisely, 44% of
respondents in the study indicated that miscommunication had caused project
delays or failures, 18% said misinformation had resulted in a loss of sales. , nearly
a third (30%) of which is worth between 100,000 USD and 999,999 USD. Another
study found that ineffective communication in the workplace can cost large
companies an average of $64.2 million per year, while smaller organizations risk
losing $420,000 per year.
The last and most important thing is leadership skills, this is an indispensable
skill of a manager. Good leadership is tested through success in changing systems
and people. Managers need good leadership to change products, systems, and
people dynamically. A good leader must be the one who drives the decision-
making process on an issue and empowers their employees to decide on it. If you
are a good leader, power will come to you, but you must also know how to harness
the power of others. You have to drive the decision-making process and make it
work. That is the most important factor in being a good leader.
In conclusion, there are many methods to improve the skills to be a good leader,
we have to develop those qualities to be a successful leader, and for me, those
qualities. I have just mentioned are the most necessary and important qualities for
leaders in business

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