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Alice and Elleese s birthday

Dear diary, Yesterday was the best birthday in the history of birthdays. Usually El leese s and my birthdays consist of getting presents and staying home to watch television , but not this birthday, this one was different. It was completely and utterly abnormal, for us anyway. Let me tell you exactly what happened on that exact day, but I need to write it down, because I don t want to forget a single detail about what happened yesterday. Wednesday 26 th October 8:00 am I marvel October holidays, but not as much as I love summer holidays, I thought to myself as I sat up in bed and stretched my back because in the morning my back is always stiff. Sometimes I even think that I have turned sixty over night, simply because my back feels as though it has turned to cold and rotten stone. Oh, my giddy aunts, I completely forgot it s my birthday . I wonder what I ll get this year, maybe a new pair of socks? I can t wait hahaha, not! 8:30 am I finally dragged myself out of bed. Even though it s my birthday , I still can t be bothered getting out of bed. I put on my cosy slippers, just before I went downstairs, and that s due to the fact that we have a wooden floor downstairs , and my feet get awfully cold. I stumbled downstairs like I was drunk, which I always do when I am half asleep. I finally made it to the living room, luckily, without falling down stairs, and causing an injury to myself. I walked in there, expecting someone to say happy birthday to me , so when no one said anything, I was a little upset, and annoyed at the same time. I passed my sister Rosie when I was on my way to the living room this morning, and that s because I had to walk straight through the kitchen, just to get to the living room. Rosie was making herself toast with a smoothie, which she usually has for her breakfast. Rosie didn t say anything to me , but I figured that was because she had a memory like a sieve and probably forgot it was my birthday. Or she just couldn t be bothered to remembe, which sounded more like my sister. It doesn t matter that she forgot, I told myself mum and dad will remember . They always d., I continued through the kitchen and into the living room without a second thought about Rosie.

When I crossed the room and sat down on the couch across from my mum she turned her head away from the television, which was a total result because that to me meant that I had her full a ttention or so I thought. I always found it difficult to talk to my mum when she was in the middle of watching a programme, especially Cash in the attic, which she was watching now. My mum looked at me, then smiled while turning her head back to watch Cash in the attic, I was still waiting for her to say something when I realised she wasn t going to. I gave up and went up sta irs to find Elleese , presuming that Elleese would be in her room snoring away like a fog horn as usual. Elleese and I look quite similar simply because we are twins. She has blonde hair that when underneath a light looks more like gold, which happens to my hair as well. Elleese has dark green eyes that are the colour of seaweed, whereas mine are a bright blue as though they imprison the bright blue sky inside of them. Our personalities are quite similar as well, except one big difference: she likes to sleep a lot. Even I got up and out of bed when I couldn t be bothered, but Elleese wouldn t get out of her bed until at least twelve in the afternoon even if World War 3 had started. To her getting out of bed before 12 is like climbing Mount Everest and I m talking about her when she s in a good mood. The only way anyone can get her out of bed is if they get a jug of freezing cold water and threaten to through it all over her. I reme mber the first time our mum told her she would chuck it over her. Elleese she thought she was bluffing until our mum actually did, you should have seen her face she looked like she was going to kill someone. I turned the handle on Elleese s door and tiptoed in shutting the door behind me, I tiptoed across her room and jumped onto her bed, now sitting on a big red love heart that was her quilt. Even though I knew shaking Elleese wouldn t wake her up, I gave it my best shot anyway. After shaking Elleese like she was a maraca all I got out of her was a mumble. I presumed she was saying someth ing along the lines of get out of my room before I kill you. 9:00 am Elleese still hadn t moved a muscle except to tell me to get out of her room or else. Right drastic measures need to be taken, I thought to myself as I got off of Elleese s bed to get ice cold water. I walked down the hall nearing the bathroom door. As I went to enter the bathroom I paused and found myself looking at the door in puzzlement, I always done this before I went into the bathroom because its door is different to any other part of the house. Our house is stylish; the kitchen has black and white tiles everywhere with black glittery worktops. It also has glossy white cupboard doors with silver handles. The kitchen floor is just smooth wood that is very slippery when someone w ashes it,

which annoys me because you have to be really carful and n ot clumsy, which is hard for me. The living room looks kind of the same as the kitchen, it has black leather couches with the same slippery wooden floor. In the corner of the living room it also has a fluffy bean bag which is really comfy an d cosy and makes you feel like you want to go to sleep, our whole house is stylish. Everything in our house is either glossy, glittery, smooth or cosy, but the bathroom door is none of these it is just hard wood. Most doors in our house have sleek silver handles but not the bathroom door, it just has a round, old, copper handle . It always puzzles me why my mum and dad don t ch ange the bathroom door. 9:30 am I finally managed to get Elleese to open her eyes and sit up in her bed. Alice, why did you wake me up about three O clock in the morning? Elleese demanded. See I told you it wasn t just a myth: there is actually a morning time and most people do get up during then. I would also like to point out that it s not anywhere near three O clock in the morning, it s nine thirty in the morning, I answered. Anyway the reason I woke you up is because everyone is acting weird. Our family are weird, get over it already, she said with boredom in her voice. I stuck my tongue out at her then said. Stranger than normal. What do you mean? Elleese asked rubbing her eyes with her hands and yawning. When I went down there I passed Rosie and she didn t even glance at me, which is not that weird considering she hardly ever wishes us happy birthday anyway. The weird part though is that neither mum nor dad said anything to me, I said twirling my hair with my finger. Elleese use to give me a telling off for twirling my hai r with my finger because it makes my hair go in knots, and then I would make her take them out which takes ages. I don t make her take the knots out of my hair now though s o she doesn t moan as much anymore. I have to say that is kind of odd, even f or them, Elleese admitted screwing up her eyebrows like she was thinking. Maybe they just forgot, she finished. Or maybe our real parents have been abducted by aliens and do wn stairs there are aliens who want to eat us for breakfast. I laughed, while Elleese hit me on the shoulder with her pink, silk pillow. you have a good imagination Alice you should think about becoming a writer , Elleese said. Why thank you, I said smiling like I was a little angel, even though I am anything but an angel.

Anyway back to the real world where there are no aliens or monsters, Elleese began. If they just forgot like I said and weren t abducted by aliens like you said, we should go down stairs so that they might remember and hopefully the wont eat us either. Okay, and if we do die Elleese there is something I would like to tell you, I stammered scared to say what I wanted to because I was scared she would kill me. I used your tooth brush to cl ean mud off the kitchen floor once. Alice, if we both live I am going to kill you! She shrieked rubbing her tongue with her hand. After we had sort of made up we stomped down stairs to make sure everyone knew we were coming. We marched into the living room where everyone and everything was quiet. Mum and dad as usual were sitting on the couch to the right of the television while Rosie our sister was sitting on the couch to the left of the television. You were right, they are acting weird, Elleese whispered in my ear. Right Alice, Elleese, my mum said looking at both of us from the couch. We are going to a new restaurant so I would like you two to go and get ready. Sarah, my dad said looking at my mum. We might as well tell them the truth, girls we have booked you a hall for you tenth birthday party. John, you shouldn t have told them, it was supposed to be a surprise for them, my mum pointed out while giving my dad the evil eye. I know, but they were going to find out anyway, my dad shrugged his shoulders arguing, my mum and dad argued a lot over silly little things like this , but it s probably because they are so alike. Fine, my mum sighed like she was getting bored. Although I still think that you shouldn t have told them, it would have been more of a surprise. My dad just rolled his eyes and then said. We have booked your party to start at five and finish around eight. 10:00 am After Elleese and I had jumped up and down for about 10 minutes we finally headed up stairs to get ready. Can you believe they booked us a party? I asked Elleese while walking up the stairs in front of her. Nope, she replied. Right, I m going in the shower , I told Elleese walking past my bedroom door.

Okay, she replied yawning. I m going to have a little sleep before I get ready because all that jumping has tired me out and just to let you know that I m still going to kill you. I knew Elleese was only joking but she still scared me when she stated her actions in such an innocent way. 4:00 pm Everyone was ready and watching the television except for Elleese who had over slept as usual. I was nearly jumping off the couch with excitement. 4:10 pm I CAN T WAIT TILL THE PARTY!!! 4:30 pm I STILL CAN T WAIT TILL THE PARTY!!! I had been to the toile t about 6 times now or was it seven? In fact I think it was eight or maybe even 9. I didn t actually need to go to the toilet it was just something to do that would calm my nerves and also stop me from demanding that we go to the party now. I needed something to do that would stop me from running down the street myself just to see if I could get there faster, and going to the toilet did just that. 4:50 pm I m so happy-go-lucky right now; I m so glad we are finally leaving because I don t think that I could have taken anymore waiting. When we got there lots of our friends were there smiling like they had just won a prize. How did you know to invite all of these people? I asked my mum while getting out of the car. Rosie helped me, she said smiling. Helped her, Rosie laughed over hearing our conversation. I practically done it all on my own. Thanks, it means a lot to me , I said hugging her tight. Okay Alice, that s enough, if one of my friends seen you hugging me I would be the laughing stock of the school and my friends would make sure that I never forgot it , she responded pushing me of her. Elleese grabbed me by the elbow and howled me up the steps to where our friends were standing, I hugged them all and so did Elleese while listening to each of them wishing us a happy birthday.

Come on let s see what it looks like inside, Elleese shrieked jumping up and down next to me. Okay, I ll race you! I shouted over my shoulder already running for the hall door. As usual Elleese bet me there because she was like a human cheetah. Inside the hall looked great, with banners up say ing happy birthday. There was also lots of great food, and at the end of one of the tables there was a big cake that said happy tenth birthday Elleese and Alice with a candle sticking out that had the number 10 on it. The cake had white icing with different coloured balloons on it and it also had three different layers of cake. I m guessing the top layer of the cake was cho colate, the second layer lemon, the third layer plain. Over all the hall looked great and that is with the lights on so I can t imagine what the hall looks like with the lights off and the disco lights on. 7:30 pm The party is going great so far but it is sad that it will all be over soon. I still can t believe how good the hall looks with the lights off and the disco light on and the music going. Elleese and I cut the cake around six O clock. The ca ke tasted better than it looked which was a big achievement. This party is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Summer one of my friends shouted over the music waking me up from my day dream. Thanks! I shouted back still a bit dazed from my day dream. Everyone can I please have your attention, my dad said loudly into the micro phone. I would just like to thank you all for coming and I hope you have all had a great time. Alice and Ellese , your birthday presents from your mum and me are outside, if you would like to have a look at them. For once I was the one who got to the door first, but only because I was closest. When I seen what was outside I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. These are for both of you to share, mum announced. Elleese and I just look ed at each other and rolled our eyes, because we both knew we were not going to share these animals. Elleese was going to have the dog because she was crazy about dogs and I was going to have the horse because I love horses. It was not that I didn t like dogs it was because I didn t like dogs as much as she did. Elleese use to like horses but when she was five, she was riding a horse called Rocky that took off with her a nd flung her off its back. Since then she has been quite scared of horses. Thanks mum these are the best birthday presents ever, I exclaimed hugging her again.

I agree these presents are fabulous, Elleese agreed. I am so happy my mum got us the dog and the horse, mostly the horse, although I wonder what I will call it?

I really would tell you more of my story and how it ends, but I really need to go to sleep because I have school tomorrow. How about I make deal, I will tell you more about my story tomorrow night but for now it is time to go to sleep.

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