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Iqra Nayyab – D18333

Iqra Nayyab – D18333


Question no.1
How do we give the concept of grass letters, root letters and sky
letters to the child?
Answer 1:
The most important preparation of the environment for successful oral
and written development in the child's personality is the native
language. It's never too early to speak clearly to your child. Language
success environments are created by mothers and home caregivers.
Reading to children at home sends the message that they enjoy
reading. Reading picture books from his mother to his child at his home
clarifies the meaning, and he knows how to use the words meaningfully
in his own language. Children also subconsciously expand their
vocabulary by listening to their mother's story books.
Children should not be taught to read and write before the age of 6 or
7, but at the age of 3 or 4 the concepts of reading and writing are
introduced through sensory experience of appropriate materials.
Since 99% of written language is in lower case letters. In the Montessori
classroom and at home the child should be taught firstly with the small
alphabets (a,b,c…z) instead of capital letters (A, B, C, … Z). During the
introduction of the small alphabets to the child the sounds are
pronounced instead of the name of the alphabets.
Using the Moveable Alphabet
 Take the small alphabet set and all the letters should be in the
same colour.
 Take either one large piece of cloth or the piece of paper with
four lines, the
 top and bottom lines are pink in color and the rest of the
two lines are aquamarine.

Concept of the Grass Letters

 First of all try to give the concept of the grass letters to the child.
 Thus, take out the letter” a” from the box and place it between
the first set of lines.
 Then teach to the child that the letter fits completely within the
middle two lines is called the grass letter and ask the child to try
to find out other letters that can be perfectly fit between the two

 When he has placed all those letters which are fit between two
lines, tell him that these are all grass letters in small alphabet. (a,
c, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, z) These letters are called” the grass

Concept of the Sky Letters

 Next, take out the letter” b” and place it at the beginning of the
second set of guide lines and show to the child that a letter with a
stem goes up to the pink line is called a sky letter.
 Then, ask the child to find out all other letters with the stem going
up to the pink line.

 When the child is successful in completing to fit the letters up to

the pink line then make him introduce that these letters are
called” the sky letters”.(b, t, d, f, h, k, l, b).

Concept of the Root Letters

 At the end, on the third set of guide line, place the letter” j”
 The child is ready to learn about the third set of the guide line, tell
the child that which letter with a tail going down to the lower pink
line is called the root letter.
 Then, ask the child to find out all other letters with a tail going
down. These letters are called” the root letters”. (q, p, g, j, y).

Grass, sky and root letters are introduced to the child in the
Montessori classrooms through” Three Period Lesson”.
In fact, a three period lesson is very important for teaching children not
only in the Montessori classroom, but also at home.
Mothers all over the world can make their children smarter by teaching
them the basic idea of knowledge.
So give your child material to learn knowledge whenever he wants.
Encourage your child to learn to write these letter groups on the
chalkboard or marker board after arranging them on the mat.

Question no.2:
Write a detailed note on Montessori green boards and writing on a
paper exercises.

Writing is a hands-on process, and the Montessori approach fully

leverages the fact that children are naturally hands-on learners. In the
Montessori classroom, children develop hand strength early on during
activities that encourage use of the “pincer grip”, such as the cylinder

For Preparatory Work:
 Small tray, large enough to make a sandpaper letter.
 Enough sand in the tray to cover the bottom.

For Chalkboard Work:

 Set of green chalkboards 32cm x 50cm each.
 The first board is blank on one side and ruled to guide the
placement of letters on the other side.

 The second board has one side ruled in squares and the other
ruled in horizontal lines.
 Tray with chalk in a holder, an eraser, a dust clothe, and a hand
 Sandpaper letters and numerals.
This work is done parallel to work with the Sorting Letters.

Preparatory Exercise:
 Invite one child to come and work with you.
 You and the child choose one sandpaper letter and bring it to the
 Then go and get the tray of sand and place it to the right of the
sandpaper letter.
 Trace the sandpaper letter. Repeat two to three times.
 Then tell the child that you are going to trace the letter in the

 Move the tablet over to the left.

 Slide the tray in front of you and trace the same letter as the
sandpaper letter into the sand.
 Show the child that you have made the same letter.
 Show the child how to “make it disappear” by gently shaking the
tray from side to side but keeping the tray on the table.
 Have the child trace the sandpaper letter and then make the
letter in the sand.
 The child can continue making the letter in the sand.
 Once he is comfortable tracing the letter in the sand, he can then
work with the stylus.

 Once he is comfortable with using the stylus and writes a few of

the letters in the sand, he is ready to begin with the Chalkboard

Presentation 1:
Blank Board


 Blank board and chalk tray

 Sandpaper letters


 Invite one child to come and work with you.

 Tell him that you will be using something to help us to write.
 Introduce the child to the chalkboard and have him carry it to the
 Then have him bring the box with the eraser, etc. and place it in
the middle of the chalkboard.
 Then have the child choose a sandpaper letter.
 Then have the child sit to your left.
 Take out all of the material and place it above the chalkboard.
 Then place the tray also above the chalkboard.
 Trace the sandpaper letter a few times.
 Use the chalk and write the sandpaper letter multiple times on
the board in a straight, horizontal line.
 Erase the letters written in an up to down, left to right manner.
 Use the dust cloth (hold as in Practical Life) and wipe board.
 Replace it.
 Take the terry cloth and clean your hands. Replace it.

 Move everything over so the child can write the same sandpaper
 Suggest to the child that they may keep writing this letter.
 If the child seems very comfortable writing this letter, you may
show them another letter. If not, wait for a future time.
 Once done, show the child how to put away the material.
 If the clothes are dirty, you will need to change them.
 Encourage the child to continue practicing from time to time.

This game is to be done in a group. The directress would have the
children sit in a circle around a mat. She would then hand out the
material (for example one cube of the Pink Tower to each child). The
children hold the cube behind their backs and feel them. The directress
would then ask for the largest cube to be placed on the mat. By feeling
their cube, the children are being asked to feel for the recognition of
the sizes of the cubes. Continue asking for certain cubes working your
way from the biggest cube to the smallest cube, until all the cubes have
been placed on the mat.

Personal Note
Encourage the child to make the letters smaller as his skills improve.

Presentation 2:
Square Board


 Chalkboard with squares and chalk tray

 Sandpaper letters

Following the same procedure, show the child how to write a single
letter or numeral in a square.
The same letter will be repeated across the row.
The child may choose to make the same letter over the entire board. Or
she may choose to have a different letter for each row.
Some children will find doing the whole board too much, so the child
can build up to it as they are ready.


Child works with the board as shown.

Personal Note

Encourage the child to make the letters smaller as his skills improve.

Presentation 3:
Double Guide Lines Board
Double guide line board and clalk tray
Sandpaper letters


As before
Show the child how to place the body of a letter between the two lines
and show how the stem goes above the line and the tail goes below.
On the first set of lines, do a letter with only a main body. On the
second line, make a letter with a stem, and on the third line, make a
letter with a tail.

The child, if ready, does not need to use the sandpaper letters.

Presentation 4:
Single Line Board


 Single Line Board

 Sandpaper letters

Same as before
Note: Some children will enjoy doing this briefly. By the time they are
ready to write on a single line, they will prefer writing on paper.

Child works as shown
Personal Note:
When the child is secure writing with the chalk, you can talk to the child
about the letters, and ask which one is most like the sandpaper letter.
This is the beginning of the child assessing and becoming aware his own
writing. Sometimes it is helpful to talk about “why” one may look more
like the sandpaper letter.

Question no.3
What are the upper case letters? How do we introduce them to the
Upper case letters:
Capital letters (also called upper case) are letters used at the beginning
of a sentence and for a proper noun. They may also be used at the
beginning of the important words in a title or sign.

Upper case: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Lower case: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Capitalisation is the writing of a word with its first letter in upper case
and the remaining letters in lower case. Although the rules of
capitalisation vary by language and are often quite complex, in most
modern languages that have capitalisation, the first word of every
sentence is capitalised, as are all proper nouns.


 Three sets of twenty six cards, one for each letter of the alphabet.
 The first set is 8x10cm and each card has one letter written in the
lower case.
 The second set is 98cmx10cm and each card has one letters
written in the upper case (capital letters).
 The third set is 16cmx10cm and has one letter written in both the
lower and upper cases, the lowers case letter on the left and the
upper case letter on the right.


 Invite one child to come and work with you.


 Introduce the material to the child and have him bring it over to
the table.
 Choose three letters for the initial presentation, where the capital
letters looks a great deal like the lower case letter.
 Use the names of the letters in this lesson.
 If the child gives you the sound, affirm it but go back to using their
 Show the lower case first and use this term.
 Show the upper case and give the term. Also give the term
“capital letter”
 Repeat for two more letters.
 Teach the new terms with the Three Period lessons. Be sure to
use the terms “upper case” and “capital letter” alternatively.
 When the child is sure of those, continue with three at a time,
until you have completed all of the letters.
 Lay out all of the lower case letters at random in vertical columns,
leaving sufficient space to put the capital letters beside them.
 Give the child the upper case letters (one at a time) and have him
place each next to the lower case letter. Discuss now and then if
the capital letter looks that same or looks different to the lower
case letter. Use both terms alternatively for the upper case
 Once all upper case letters have been placed, check with the third
set of cards.
 Replace the third set of cards.
 Collect the lower case letters in alphabetical order.
 Collect the upper case letters in alphabetical order.

Exercise 1:
The child works with the material as shown.

To help the child recognize the upper case form of the letter he already
knows in the lower case.
To aid the punctuation of a sentence.
To help the child write
Control of Error
The card showing both lower and upper case for each letter.

Question no 4:
How do we introduce the concept of noun, article, adjective and verb
to the child with the help of farm environment?
In Montessori education, parts of speech is introduced to the child by
using a farm. There are beautiful ‘official’ Montessori farm setup.
When Maria Montessori invented the grammar symbols she thought
the symbol for the noun should be something old and special. That is
why she chose a pyramid, she picked the color black because it
represents something old, coal.

The adjective and article always need to be with the noun so they are
pyramids too. The noun is the oldest and strongest part of the

language, going back to the cavemen, they needed words to

communicate with each other and the first words they would have used
would be the names of various things such as mammoth, rock or water.
As time went by, humans invented new things and these all need
names too and so the language evolves.

Farm Environment or farm game:

The Farm Game is in the language area, specifically in the area for
“function of words”. The materials give the child a sensorial
impression of the function of words and the structure and
patterns they have in our English language.

In other words, we are exposing them to grammar in a tangi ble,

meaningful way. Nouns, adjectives, articles, and verbs, all exist in
the Farm Game.


 Collection of objects(animals)
 Color coded grammar cards –noun(black), adjectives(royal
blue), verb(red), article(grey)


To learn grammatical structure of phrases and sentences through



 To give the child an opportunity to read known words
 To help the child understand the position and function of an

 To prepare the child for total reading and creative writing

1. Invite two to three children who have been introduced to “noun”,
“article” and “adjective” through previous exercises.
2. Set up the farm with the chosen objects (e.g. 1 cow, 2 horses, 1
bull, etc.) with the help of the children, and also introduce the
names of the objects (if they do not know).
3. Ask the children first if they remember what a noun is. Wait for
someone to respond.
4. Then, ask if they remember what an article is.
5. Take the basket with the noun cards and ask a child, “Can you
take a noun card and place it beside the appropriate object”
6. When the first child has placed his noun card, ask the second child
to take another noun card from the basket and place it next to the
appropriate object on the farm.
7. Repeat with the remaining children (if any).
8. Ask the children if they remember what an article is. Wait for
someone to respond.
9. Then, ask the first child, “Can you take an article card from the
basket and place it before the appropriate noun card”. The child
takes a card and reads it aloud, and places it before the
appropriate noun card.
10. Ask the second child to take an article card and place it
before the appropriate noun on the farm.
11. Finally, ask the children one by one to take an adjective card
and place it between the appropriate article and noun cards.
12. Continue like this till all the adjective cards have been placed
between article and noun cards.

Question no. 5:
Prepare material of the following and send along with the
 Logical Adjective Game
 Logical Adverb Game
 Noun Card
 Adjective cards
 Verb Cards

Logical Adjective game:


Logical adverb games:


Noun Card:

Adjective cards:

Verb cards:

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