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The american President, Biden, commanded to came back american troops from Kabul a few

days ago. Taliban needed only one day to conquistate the country.

In this moment a lot of people is trying to sacape and flee and women are in danger. They (her)
have to burn everything they have been building during last twenty years. The Tabliban´s rules

They can not listen music.

They can not laugh loud.

They can not have heeled shoes

They have to wear burka

They can not study or work (only some of them will be able to work like doctor or nurse)

They have to take taxis whit their fathers, husbands or big brothers

And thousands of things more.

I am feminist, and this situation is so worrying. I think Biden hasn´t taken a good decision. I
prefer this president, because I hated Trump, but I think this political strategy is wrong. You
can not left Afganistán in this situation and to say they have to survive alone when you were
twenty years there.

I have some problems to understantad why Afganistán government have not built a effective
army when they had the american support. What did the american army in this twenty years?
Did they support to Afganistán Government or what did they do? Because if you want to leave
Afganistán you must do it progressively. Now, the country is in chaos.

No women in Street these days. No freedom. And a lot of people is going to die. Biden has to
face with his decision. Even so, I think this situation has a dificult solution.

New vocabulary:

Gunmen: Pistolero.

To patrolle: Patrullar

To seize: Incautar (sɛz)

To unfolded: desplegar

Runways: Pistas de aterrizaje

To Flee: huir (fliː)

Soap operas: Telenovelas

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