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re-registering your Capsule to your Satellite?

For that, please use the following


In your Capsule:
Un-register from the Red Hat Satellite server

# yum clean all

# rm -rf /var/cache/yum/*
# subscription-manager remove --all
# subscription-manager unregister
# subscription-manager clean

In your Satellite
Remove the host from Red Hat Satellite WebUI.

Satellite WebUI -> Hosts -> Content Hosts -> (click on the hostname) -> Unregister
the host

In you Capsule
Remove the Satellite certificates(katello-ca-consumer package)

# rpm -qa | grep katello-ca

# rpm -e <Package>

Now you will need to register your Capsule again

In your Capsule
# curl --insecure --output katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm
Install the katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm package:

# yum localinstall katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm

# subscription-manager register --org=organization_name --

activationkey=example_activation_key <==== please replace the org and activation
key by the ones used in your environment.

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