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G.R. No. 35006, September 7, 1931

On the morning of October 1, 1930, the accused, Purificacion Almonte, visited her former
paramour, Felix Te Sue, and upon entering his house, found him with Miguela Dawal.
When Te Sue saw her, he approached her and told her to go away as his new paramour
might get jealous and do her harm.

The accused insisted upon remaining, and on being pushed by Te Sue and Miguela, feeling
that she was being unjustly treated, took hold of a small penknife she carried and stabbed
the man in the abdomen. Horrified, perhaps, at her deed, she fled to the street, leaving the
blade sticking in her victim's abdomen, and, taking the first bus that chanced to pass, finally
went home.

Consequently, Te Sue was taken to the provincial hospital, was given first aid treatment
and Dr. Ortega performed a slight operation on him. According to the doctor, it was not
serious; but on the 6th day, Te Sue succumbed to Secondary Hemorrhage due to the
congestion of internal veins brought about by the action of the accused, and the nervous
condition of the deceased.

Whether or not the accused, who stabbed the victim, is criminally liable for the latter’s

Yes. According to Article 4 No. 1 of the Revised Penal Code: Criminal liability shall be
incurred by any person committing a felony although the wrongful act done be different
from that which he intended.

Even though the victim’s cause of death was internal hemorrhage, the accused is still
criminally liable because the victim’s nervous condition was brought about by the pain
from the wound inflicted by the accused.

The lower court ruled that the accused be charged with a crime of homicide. The Supreme
Court modified the lower court’s judgment.

due to the following:

1. The accused used a small pen knife in committing the act.
2. Before committing the act, the accused had been pushed out of the room where the
victim was, and that she considered such treatment as an offense or abuse

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