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Michael Jordan Murillo Alvarez 2-1

English 2: Vocabulary Log

U1: Personal Objects
Word Translation Part of Speech Sentence (Simple Present)
1 pear Pera NOU I don´t like pear
2 apple Manzana N
NOU Apples are my favorite food
3 banana banana N
NOU My mom makes a banana smoothie
4 lemon Limon N
NOU I want lemon juice
5 strawberry fresa N
NOU I like strawberries
6 orange Naranja N
NOU They drink orange juice
7 grapes Uvas N
NOU They don't like grapes
8 melon Melón N
NOU My brother doesn't like melon
9 pepper Pimienta N
NOU My mom puts pepper on the meat
10 carrot Zanahorias N
NOU she doesn't like carrots
11 beans Frijoles N
NOU let's eat beans
12 tomato Tomate N
NOU I am allergic to tomato
13 cucumber Pepino N
NOU My brother made cucumber salad.
14 potato Papa N
NOU She eats potatoes.
15 mushrooms Champiñones N
NOU My mom made chicken with mushrooms.
16 peas Guisantes N
NOU We prepare a pea soup
17 cabbage Repollo N
NOU I like cabbage
18 onion Cebolla N
NOU My food has onion
19 pasta Pasta N
NOU My mom's favorite food is pasta.
20 bread Pan de molde N
NOU We will have sliced bread for breakfast
21 cereal Cereal N
NOU My favorite cereal is chocolate flavor
22 rice Arroz N
NOU They are eating rice
23 meat Carne N
NOU Carmen eats meat.
24 beef Carne de res N
NOU I want a beef steak
25 cheese Queso N
NOU Let's go for a cheese sandwich
26 ice cream Helado N
NOU Mejia likes ice cream.
27 milk Leche N
NOU At night I drink a glass of milk
28 yogurt Yogur N
NOU My favorite yogurt is strawberry
29 fish Pez N
NOU I do not like eat fish
30 eggs Huevos N
NOU Let's eat eggs and bacon
31 cake pastel N
NOU My mom is preparing a cake
32 salad Ensalada N
NOU They eat salad.
33 fries Papas fritas N
NOU I like french fries
34 soup Sopa N
NOU I don't like to eat soup
35 potato chips Patatas fritas N
NOU I like potato chips
36 cookies Galletas N
NOU My grandmother makes cookies
37 coffee Café N
NOU I like to drink coffee
38 juice Jugo N
NOU I want to play orange
39 tea Té N
NOU I drink tea in the afternoon

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