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It is our intention to make our Pre-School genuinely accessible to children and families from all sections
of our local community.

In order to do this we will:

 Ensure the local community knows of the existence of the Pre-School through our website and
through internet search engines. Up to date details about our Pre-School are included on the
Hampshire County Council web site.

 Pre-School places are usually given initially to children who live within the catchment area of the
two local Infant Schools – Crofton Hammond and Crofton Anne Dale. However, if availability
allows, children from outside this catchment area may also attend.

 Children may start Pre-School after their second birthday if sessions are available. Pre-School
may advise a later start date in some cases, and this may occur either during settling in sessions,
or in the early weeks after a child has started. Please refer to our settling in policy for more

 Keep a waiting list for each academic year i.e. 12 months from September, which will give a
confirmed place to approximately 30 children in that year group i.e. first come first served basis.
A reserve waiting list for any other available places will be offered by priority of age.

 Keep a place vacant, if this is financially viable, in order to accommodate emergency admissions,
such as children in care, families moving into the area, members of the travelling community or
asylum seekers.

 Describe the Pre-School and its practices in terms which make it clear that it welcomes both
fathers and mothers, other relations and other carers, including childminders, and people from
all cultural, ethnic, religious and social groups, with and without disabilities.

 Admissions are inclusive and available to all families in our community. Please see our Equality,
Inclusion and Diversity Policy for more details.

 Be flexible about attendance patterns so as to accommodate the needs of individual children and

Scout Hall Pre-School Ltd Policies and Procedures – Reviewed 13/09/2022

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