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Write 10 sentences to predict what you think can happen in the next 50 years.

4 sentences with WILL

1. The sky will be cloudy, black due to pollution on the planet

2. There will be more plastic than fish in the ocean
3. There will be trains capable of moving at 241 km/h.
4. Lack of physical exercise and excessive consumption of fatty foods will be the cause
of massive obesity in the world

3 sentences with MAY

1. Some Latin American countries may disappear due to the melting of glaciers caused
by global warming.
2. Everyone may agree to wear a chip on their shoulder that will be used to log in
somewhere. The chip will contain personal information.
3. Homes may be dominated by robotics.

3 sentences with MIGHT

1. There might be plans for interplanetary travel.

2. In World War IV it might be the annihilation of the species or, on the contrary, the
arms industry could deepen the targeting of attacks.
3. The scientist might help eradicate modern diseases with the help of technology.

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