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What defines an extreme sport?

“Extreme sport” appears to be used interchangeably with “high risk sport” in much of the research
literature. Both “high risk” and “extreme sport” are defined as any “sport where one has to accept
a possibility of severe injury or death as an inherent part of the activity”. The extreme sport what I
going to talk about is STAKATE BOARDING. Skateboarding, form of recreation and sport, popular
among young people, in which a person rides standing balanced on a small board mounted on
wheels. Considered one of the so-called extreme sports, skateboarding as a professional sport
boasts a range of competitions, including vertical and street-style events.

Speaking of skate boarding , that reminds me when my friend taught me how to ride a skateboard
And I could be wrong , but it doesn’t appear hard, so I told okay , I didn’t turn down this
opportunity, so let’s go. My friend was explaining me how to do it, I also was focused on that,
when he told me something I said I see and uh ahh because I was listen to him so That must be
easy, but when I did that it was contrary, I only could ride the skateboard, but when I wanted to do
a trick, yet it did not happen. I though I was making an error, but when my friend did it, he only
put his feet in skateboard and only kicked the back part of the skateboard and jumped.

Well, I was looking for information about this extreme sport ,What is the most likely part of your
body to be injured? the highest percentage of 'injuries' occur in the wrist, with 15% of the total
number of injuries. most injuries occur on the street. Specifically, 52% of them.

i think government should build skate parks to practice this extreme sport

The government should motivate young people to do sports


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