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Music summary

Sophie Arora

Mr. Blaine Mackesy

Progress on targets set:

Sunday & Tuesday

Sunday 13th September 2020 (lesson 1):

In the start of this music class, I was considering and thinking about which topic to start with for my

revision for my theory exam. I thought about starting with something new, however, I didn’t realize that

I needed to start slow and begin with revising the basics in theory Grade 5. During this lesson, I also

signed up for my grade 5 theory piano exam in 6 weeks. For this first term, my target was to improve

and develop my music theory exam test paper scores by practicing 2-3 pages each lesson in the book.

Today I started with going over and revising key signatures, accidentals and sharps and flats. I wanted to

make sure at the end of the lesson that I memorized them and got the worksheets correct (my theory

lesson with my music teacher). I started with enharmonic equivalents (f sharp and g flat) and then

moved onto minor and major key scales. After that, the first worksheet asked me to write the required

key signature, given the name. Following that, I was asked to write its tonic chord beside it. On the

second page, I had to add accidentals to the scales named, for me this was the easier task since my

strength is adding sharps and writing down scales. After my teacher had checked it, I only had made one

mistake, which was due to carelessness. I forgot to raise a note by a half step (sharp) in one of the

scales, so I need to make sure to be more cautious and read over my work. I understood what I was

working on today and clearly saw an improvement for my revision. I need to work on my time

management, as I had to write my summary in my own time when I could have managed it during class

time. Next lesson, I will be working on rewriting extracts using the correct key signatures.
Evidence of the work done during class:

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