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2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)

October 11-14, 2020. Toronto, Canada

Design and Implementation of a Blockchain-Based E-

Health Consent Management Framework
Cornelius C. Agbo Qusay H. Mahmoud
Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering
Ontario Tech University Ontario Tech University
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Abstract—Transformation of data into knowledge is the patient. This means that the data can be shared or manipulated
hallmark of modern medicine. As an evolving field of medicine, e- in ways that violate the patient’s privacy or personal choices. A
Health involves the electronic processing of a patient’s personal, consequence of this is that patients and other stakeholders are
medical and other health-related data to improve healthcare reluctant to embrace data-based healthcare delivery, afraid of
delivery. Data captured from clinical interactions between the consequences of potential data abuses, thereby inhibiting
patients and their care providers, as well as health data collected
through medical sensors, provide a rich source of data, known as
the full realization of the advantages of e-Health.
patient medical records (PMRs), which can be processed in To encourage the collection and processing of PMRs,
various ways to enhance the delivery of healthcare services. regulations are being put in place to ensure that PMRs are not
However, indiscriminate processing of PMRs could potentially
misused to the detriment of patients or other stakeholders. One
result in the violation of the security or privacy of patients. To
ensure that PMRs are not processed in ways that could be harmful
of such regulations is the European General Data Protection
to the security or privacy of the patients, modern data protection Regulation (GDPR) [4]. The central idea conveyed by data
regulations, such as the European General Data Protection protection regulations is that the processing of personal data
Regulation (GDPR), requires healthcare service provides to obtain must conform to the wishes of the data owner. In particular, a
the consent of a patient for any processing operation on their patient’s consent would be required before any data processing
PMRs. The mechanism by which a patient exercises their right to activity can be carried out on their PMRs.
control who can process their PMRs, when and for what purpose,
is referred to as consent management in e-Health. Existing health Consent management in e-Health is the mechanism that
information technology systems do not provide adequate support enforces the ability of the patient to control who can have access
for consent management; there is a lack of transparency and to their data, for how long this access can be had, and in what
auditability in the existing systems to monitor and ensure that form the access can be had. This means that a patient should be
healthcare service providers comply to the relevant data able to grant access to a provider or any organization to access
protection regulations in processing PMRs. The emerging some or all of their PMRs and should also be able to revoke the
blockchain technology offers an opportunity to design an e-Health
access permission at any time. Additionally, operations on the
consent management system that is compliant with modern data
protection regulations such as GDPR. In this paper, we present the PMRs should be transparent and auditable. In other words, the
design and implementation of an e-Health consent management patient should be able to see who can access their data at any
framework, based on the state-of-the-art blockchain technologies, time and should also be able to check who has accessed their
for processing PMRs. Our analysis confirms that our system data in the past.
satisfies the requirements for consent management in e-Health.
Current health information technology (HIT) systems do not
Keywords—blockchain, distributed ledger, health care, consent support these consent management requirements. In the first
management, patient medical records (PMRs), Hyperledger Fabric. place, the PMRs are usually stored in a centralized database,
managed by the healthcare service provider, such that the
I. INTRODUCTION patient cannot have access to their own PMRs or control how
they are used [5]. This makes transparency in the processing of
In modern medicine, the e-Health data generated by medical the PMRs difficult, thus lowering the confidence of the
sensors and the historical medical records of a patient have great stakeholders in the system. Secondly, data exposure in the
potentials to be utilized for personalized treatments [1] and in existing infrastructure is supported in “all or nothing” mode,
predictive analytics for early disease detection [2], [3]. To which means that it is usually not feasible to share some data
realize these advantages, the e-Health data usually have to be and withhold others. This is harmful to privacy. Thirdly, there
stored, shared, or processed by relevant healthcare stakeholders is no mechanism in the current data management systems to
and systems. audit past transactions or determine who has had access to the
However, the collection, storage, dissemination, and data, when and for how long. These limitations call for a new
processing of patient medical records (PMRs) raise concerns of design approach to data management in e-Health to reflect the
potential data abuse. The PMRs are usually collected and stored consent requirements.
in the provider’s private database, outside the control of the

978-1-7281-8526-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 812

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Recently, a distributed ledger technology, known as
blockchain [6], has emerged with the potential to address the
challenges of consent management in e-Health. Blockchain is
the underlying technology for the Bitcoin cryptocurrency [7],
but its use has extended beyond the cryptocurrency applications
to other use cases [8], [9]. Its core features of decentralization,
transparency, immutability, and auditability, derived from
cryptographic primitives, can be employed to design an
efficient consent management framework for the processing of
PMRs in e-Health. In general, research in this field is still at its
infancy and prototype implementations are lacking to support
some of the proposed frameworks. This paper contributes to
this research domain by proposing a new blockchain-based e-
Health consent management framework, with a prototype Fig. 1. How blockchain provides patient-centric data management in e-Health
implementation. An example of such an e-Health system that is not patient-
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: in centric is illustrated in Fig. 1 (a), where a patient’s medical
section II, we briefly discuss the related work; in section III, we records data have been collected and saved separately by two
present the design of the proposed blockchain-based e-Health different healthcare service providers, Provider A and Provider
consent management framework; this is followed by the B, in their respective private databases. The patient has no
implementation of the proposed framework in section IV; control of these medical records and has no direct access to any
section V discusses the results and some implementation of the records. Thus, the medical records can be shared to a third
challenges; and section VI concludes the paper and offers ideas party without the patient finding out. Additionally, Provider A
for future work. would need to retrieve the PMR saved at Provider B’s database
in order build a complete medical history of the patient and
vice-versa. The two providers can attempt to communicate with
each other through a trusted third party (TTP), such as the
Considerations for the application of blockchain for consent Regional Health Information Organization [19]. However, the
management in distributed data sharing applications is TTP has some limitations; for example, it may be compromised,
relatively novel [15]. Even though some papers have identified being a single point of failure. The TTP may also be too slow
the potential of blockchain for general data management in which may adversely impact the healthcare delivery or the
distributed applications [10]–[14], [16], the focus in the area of service fees charged by the TTP may be too high. So, provider
e-Health has remained mostly on the use of blockchain for B may decide to forgo the medical history and conduct series of
creating immutable records of patients’ medical history, as tests, which may have been conducted in the past at provider A,
against actual consent management in the processing of PMRs. thereby increasing the cost of healthcare services to the patient
In addition, some studies in this field are based on earlier and degrading the efficiency and timeliness of healthcare
generation of blockchain technologies which have limited service delivery.
features for developing e-Health applications. For example, It, therefore, follows that patient-centricity should be an
Azaria et al. [14] describe the use of Ethereum framework to integral part of an e-Health system to support consent
manage access control to patients’ medical histories. However, management, improve efficiency of healthcare delivery and
the permissionless blockchain frameworks, like Ethereum, are reduce the cost of health care. With the introduction of
not ideal for developing e-Health data applications because of blockchain in Fig. 1 (b), the PMRs are no longer stored at the
heightened security risks, among other reasons [17]. Some individual provider’s private databases. Instead, the records are
authors [10] describe the use of the permissioned, Hyperledger directly saved to the blockchain network that is decentralized.
Fabric framework, for consent management in e-Health More importantly, the patient is central to the e-Health data
environment but they do not provide a detailed design or storage and has complete control of how their PMRs are
implementation procedure. Similarly, Dias et al. [18] propose accessed. So, when the patient visits any of the providers, the
the use of consortium blockchain for electronic health records provider will request the patient’s consent to retrieve their
consent management and access control, but their design lacks medical record. The patient can then decide to grant consent for
implementation details. a partial or total access to their medical record as they please.
What is more, the patient can withdraw the provider’s access
III. PROPOSED FRAMEWORK permission at any time, placing the patient in total control of
In the traditional healthcare settings, the patient medical their medical records.
records (PMRs) are saved in various providers’ private Fig. 2 illustrates the proposed framework in more detail,
databases, thus the storage and the processing of the PMR data using generic notations. The patients are denoted as the data
is not patient-centric. In this arrangement, the patient is not owners, and the healthcare service providers and other entities
aware of what happens to their data and cannot control how which may want to consume the patient’s data are denoted as
their data are being accessed or processed. the data consumers. As shown in Fig. 2, the data owners, O1 –
On, which represent the patients in the case of e-Health, are


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connected to a blockchain network. The blockchain network is In a nutshell, this framework allows the data owners (i.e. the
made up of several peer nodes. Each peer mode has a ledger patients in the case of e-Health) to control access to their
which is used to store an identical copy of the PMRs. The ledger personal data. First, a smart contract developer writes a smart
cannot be accessed directly by external applications; data is contract program which is instantiated on the blockchain
written to, and read from, the blockchain ledger through a smart network to control access rights to the data records. Then, each
contract. The smart contract is, therefore, the access-control of the data owners in the network, depicted as O1 - On, submits
interface to the blockchain ledgers that hold identical copies of their consent to the blockchain in the form of transactions.
the medical records as well as the access rights to the data. These consent transactions are evaluated by the network nodes
Consequently, each peer node on the blockchain network to determine their authenticity. Once validated, the consents
exposes a smart contract interface through which applications defined in the transactions are recorded on the blockchain
can write to or read from its ledger by executing a transaction, ledger. Since the blockchain records are immutable, these
as shown in the diagram. The concept of smart contract will be consents cannot be modified or altered, unless they are
discussed in more detail in the following section. In this section, overwritten by subsequent valid consent transactions. Once the
it suffices to discuss the various stages of consent management data records have been created and the consents of the data
in the framework. owners, submitted as transactions, have been recorded on the
blockchain network, other network entities, such as healthcare
service providers, depicted as data consumers, C1 - Cn, can
request access to the data. The data access requests are also
submitted as transactions to the blockchain network. The
network nodes validate the transaction requests against the data
owners consent as recorded on their ledger. Only when the
consents grant the requested access permission will the
requesting entity be allowed access to the data.
The proposed framework has a number of improvements
over classical data management solutions. In the first place, the
personal data of individuals are not saved on an organization’s
private database; rather, the data is saved on distributed nodes
in the blockchain network where operations on a data record
have to be approved by decentralized actors, which must reach
Fig. 2. Proposed framework
consensus to validate a transaction. This overcomes the lack of
First of all, the data owners must have the ability to visualize transparency and trust inherent in centralized systems. The state
the state of their data, as depicted in step 0. In other words, the of the data is transparent to the data owners since they can see,
data owners should be able to see, at all times, what data they at all times, which organizations have access to their data and
have, the access rights to the data and the previous transactions the level of access. Most importantly, the data owner is able to
(data processing operations) that have been performed on the grant or revoke access permissions to their data as they please.
data. In step 1, the data owners can grant or revoke consent by Lastly, the data records are immutable since the ledger cannot
sending a transaction to the smart contract. In step 2, the consent be falsified, and the replication of the data among multiple
transaction, which stipulates the data access policies over a set nodes creates redundancy that helps to protect the data from
of data records (PMRs), is validated by the various peer nodes security attacks on availability, such as the ransomware attack
in the network and recorded on their respective ledgers. [20].
Validation is a consensus mechanism by which the various
To demonstrate the usability of this framework, a prototype
nodes ensure that the transaction is originating from the
implementation has been conducted, using the state-of-the-art
legitimate user and that the ordering of transactions is consistent
blockchain technologies and platforms, as discussed in the next
across different nodes.
After the PMRs and their access rights have been recorded
on the blockchain ledger in step 2, the data consumers, C1 – Cn IV. IMPLEMENTATION
(i.e., the healthcare providers, medical insurers, etc., that collect
We start the implementation of the proposed system by
and process the PMR data), can request access to these data in
reviewing the various state-of-the-art blockchain technologies
step 3. The data access requests are also sent as transactions
and platforms to identify the relevant and suitable technologies
from the data consumers. In step 4, the smart contract retrieves
and components for the implementation.
the recorded data access rights from the blockchain ledger to
verify if the requesting entity has the access rights to the data or In selecting the appropriate blockchain technology for the
not. It is based on the recorded access rights in step 2, based off development of this prototype, we take into consideration the
the consent transactions in step 1, that every data access request different types of blockchain, viz; the public and the
from the data consumers are evaluated and access permission is permissioned blockchains. Bitcoin and other first generation
granted or denied accordingly. If permission is granted, then the blockchain technologies are often referred to as public or
data consumers can access the data in step 5. permissionless blockchain. This is because participants can join
the network freely without any authorization and can take part


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in updating the ledger by solving the Proof of Work (PoW) B. Building the Network
problem [7]. By contrast, the permissioned blockchain requires The next step is to build and configure the blockchain network
participants to be known and authenticated before they can on the deployed e-Health platform console. For the purpose of
participate in the network. Permissioned blockchain platforms, this prototype implementation, we consider a simple network
such as Hyperledger Fabric [21], also support flexible configuration in which there are three participants: a patient,
consensus mechanisms that do not require solving the providerA, and providerB. In Hyperledger Fabric, each
computationally intensive PoW problem. Since permissioned participant must be identified as belonging to a specific
blockchain offers improved security and privacy, with a more organization. So, the three network participants are grouped
flexible and less compute-intensive consensus protocols, we into their respective organizations: patient organization,
choose the permissioned blockchain for the e-Health use-case. providerA organization, and providerB organization. These
In particular, we choose the Hyperledger Fabric (HF) [21], three organizations come together to form a network which
which is a blockchain implementation developed by the Linux allows them to exchange data among themselves according to a
Foundation as one of its Hyperledger projects. With IBM’s set of rules. Thus, various nodes belonging to these
contributions, Hyperledger Fabric is among the most advanced organizations are created to form the blockchain network as
blockchain platforms. HF is a completely permissioned shown in Fig. 4.
network that provides private channels to keep sensitive data
confidential. Hyperledger Fabric has been selected for this
project because when compared to other frameworks (e.g.
Ethereum [22]), Fabric possesses the more relevant features that
make it most suitable for developing healthcare applications
[17]. The state-of-the-art Hyperledger Fabric technologies and
other related technologies are put together to realize a prototype
implementation of the proposed framework.

Fig. 4. The e-Health network

To simplify the diagram of Fig. 4, the nodes for the patient,

providerA, and providerB, are respectively represented as 1, 2
and 3; such that A1, A2 and A3 represent the client applications
for the patient, provider A and provider B, respectively.
Also shown in Fig. 4 are the Certificate Authorities, CAs.
The role of a certificate authority is to dispense X.509
certificates that are used to identify network components and
nodes as belonging to the various organizations. The certificates
Fig. 3. Interaction diagram showing the featured technologies, actors and
issued by CAs are also used to sign transactions, indicating that
an organization endorses the transaction. Therefore, the CAs,
The interaction diagram showing the relationship between namely CA1, CA2 and CA3, are responsible for issuing
the relevant components, technologies and the actors involved certificates that identify network components as belonging to
in the implementation of the blockchain-based e-Health consent the patient, providerA, and providerB, respectively. The CA
management system is shown in Fig. 3. In what follows, we provides the keys to the nodes and applications and enables us
present the detailed steps involved in the prototype to register the node, admin and application identities that are
implementation and how the components of the interaction required to deploy, operate, and interact with the network.
diagram come into play. Using the patient’s certificate authority, CA1, we can create the
peer and client application identities, Peer1 and A1, and
A. Setting up the Development Environment similarly for provider A and provider B. Each of the network
We start by creating a Kubernetes service; the IBM Cloud components we create in the network must have an
Kubernetes service [23] allows us to create a cluster of available administrator with an identity associated to the organization
containers to host our compute nodes that form the network. that owns the network component.
The IBM blockchain platform, which currently implements Another network component visible in Fig. 4 is the Orderer.
Hyperledger version 1.4, enables the creation of a Hyperledger The Orderer is the network node that runs the ordering service
Fabric blockchain network onto an IBM Kubernetes service as (i.e., ordering transactions sequentially before they are
illustrated in the Fig. 3. committed to the ledger). An administrator in an organization,
Org0, which obtains its identity from CA0 is responsible for


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configuring the Orderer node. The configuration, depicted as profile for the respective member organizations that make up
the network configuration, NC, contains the policies that define the network. The connection profile contains the relevant
the administrative privileges of the different components in the configuration information about the identity and credentials of
network. the user for the particular application interface, which the
Node.js server uses to interact with the network.
After creating the various network nodes and defining the
administrative rights over these network components, using the
certificates issued by the various CAs, the next step is to define V. DISCUSSION
a consortium. A consortium is a unit in a blockchain network To test our system, we execute some transactions using the
that binds together organizations that share the need to transact patient’s ID, in which we grant access permissions to providerA
with one another. In this case, a new consortium, X, is created and providerB over a set of PMRs belonging to the patient.
as shown in Fig. 4, that contains three organizations, Org1, Then using the providers’ IDs, we confirm that both providers
Org2 and Org3, which respectively refer to the patient, can access the PMRs. Then using the patient’s ID, we revoke
providerA and providerB. the access rights of providerA by invoking the
revokePermission() function with the relevant arguments. We
Following the creation of the consortium, a channel, C, is
try again to access the PMRs from providerA’s account but we
created to provide a private communication interface by which
can confirm that providerA no longer has access to the data,
members of the consortium can communicate. The channel
whereas providerB can still query and retrieve the patient’s
configuration, CC, contains the administrative and access
privileges for the channel. At this stage of the network
development, the channel can be used to connect various This confirms that our system meets the core objective of
organizational components of the network. We connect to the achieving consent management in the processing of PMRs.
channel the three peers, Peer1, Peer2, and Peer3, belonging to Importantly, access to data is patient-centric, meaning that the
the patient, providerA, and providerB, respectively. The peers patient has the ultimate control over who can access their data.
are the network components that host the blockchain ledger, L, Since consent is decentralized and distributed across the various
and smart contract, S, as shown in Fig. 4. Each organization that blockchain nodes, it’s difficult to fool the system or carry out
joins a consortium must deploy at least one peer node. The any security attack. Security attacks on availability such as the
ledger, L is identically hosted physically on all the peers and denial of service attack or the ransomware attack [20] are
logically on the channel, C. difficult to execute in this system since the replication of the
ledger across various nodes creates resiliency and data
So, by following the above steps, the network is fully
deployed on the IBM blockchain cloud platform, as depicted in
the diagram of Fig. 4. One important data privacy requirement defined in the
GDPR is the Right to be Forgotten, which mandates
C. Application and Smart Contract Development organizations to completely erase the personal data of
Following the diagram of Fig. 3, we now develop the smart individuals should the data owners so desire. Ordinarily, this is
contract chaincode to be deployed on the blockchain platform. a difficult requirement to implement in blockchain since the
We use the IBM blockchain platform extension for VS Code to blockchain data are immutable, but by storing the actual patient
develop and package the smart contract. The smart contract data in the world state and only the transactions on the
allows us to define functions which the network actors can blockchain, our system is able to satisfy this requirement, as
invoke to execute a transaction. For example, a patient can give well.
a consent to a provider to access their health record by invoking In conducting this research, we encountered certain
the grantPermission() function which takes the patient ID and technical challenges. First, we considered setting up our
the provider ID as arguments and then add the provider to the blockchain network using Hyperledger Composer which has
patient’s list of authorized providers. To be able to retrieve a been used in some previous work [24]. However, we found out
patient’s record, the provider has to invoke another function, that Hyperledger Composer has become deprecated and that
queryPateintRecord(), which takes as arguments the providers blockchain version 1.4 which is more current is integrated in
ID and the ID of the patient and then check if the provider is the IBM Blockchain Platform.
included in the patient’s authorized list of providers.
Settling with the IBM blockchain platform was not without
After developing and packaging the contract with the VS its own challenges; as a relatively new development framework,
Code extension, we deploy it on the IBM blockchain platform, it was difficult to find support and to troubleshoot problems.
as illustrated in Fig. 3. Deploying the smart contract on the For example, at the time of conducting this research, the latest
network involves two processes: first, we install the smart version of the IBM extension for VS Code is version 1.41, but
contract on the patient peer node which we created earlier, then this version gives an error that we could not troubleshoot. After
we instantiate the contract on the channel. trying unsuccessfully to fix the error, we figured out we could
Once the smart contract is deployed, the client applications avoid the problem altogether by downgrading to version 1.39.
belonging to the patient or provider organization can interact Similarly, we ran into problems with the IBM blockchain cloud
with the network and submit transactions through the Node.js platform; for example, we occasionally could not create CAs.
server. This process involves downloading the connection We, however figured that by recreating the Kubernetes cluster


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