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Pretend you are in a job interview for a logistic position. Prepare the interview.

1. Tell me about yourself.

I am twenty-six years old, I work in mercado libre and I like sports.

2. What are your strengths?

I have self-confidence, I have authority and I am good at teamwork.

3. What are your weaknesses?

I get stressed easily when something goes wrong and an unproductive person
annoys me.

4. What job experience do you have?  

I worked as a waiter, business consultant and customer service representative

5. Tell us about your education.

I am a technical bachelor with a specialty in business informatics and foreign trade


6. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

I see myself working in the old continent and learning French with my family

7. Do you have any questions for me/us?

Yes, how did you start in the company?

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