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Dear Ma ,

I am Benjamin Anthony, a son of Dr Benjamin Edmund , my daddy told me a lot about you ,He told me
you are a good woman ,kind heated ,lovely ,caring and beautiful . Mommy I can find all this through your
email .
It is with a heart full of Gratitude I write to you this letter, I should have written this letter before now but I
do not have the means to do so not until this weekend before my guardian have me the access to his
computer for a brief time for my assignment. However, I say Welcome to this unique dynamic family , My
father say so many good things about you in the last letter he sent to me . My concern is his happiness and
peace of mind , although it has been a long time since he came home but I still love him and misses him a
lot but now I know his in love I pray it will warrant him to come home soon . I accept you as my mom and
that will be the way I will address you.I thank you for accepting us , as your children . Mom I promise to
love you , as our mother . and you will enjoy us , as your children . I love you mother.

About me , mom am a very good boy, who focus on his studies. even when things are hard with me I still
remain who I am. am in Engineering department in the Maritime College New York USA.
Mom, I am about going for my last marine course in the high sea and I will deck on the seashore of
Norway, by next week . but mother I have a problem maybe I might not be able to make it. Mother I thank
you for writing me . mommy I hope to meet you very soon, Thanks a lot and God bless our family.
your son

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