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to deploy changes made to the current setup you you run the below command

$ ./ all_in_one restart --build

the above command will create all in one docker image which will make it convenient for you to
push it to docker hub and include it later in the docker-compose file .

Missing Features
as for the time being 2 requested features are missing :

the ability to add custom text so a public viewer can check message at the top ,this feature
is partially fixed commit (Add view for rich text), the frontend part is done.

check files (pell npm package for rich text is used ):



all is left is the backend part and a way to link them and change the database in response .

the second missing feature is acutely a way to fix the below error message related to this
open issue.
Ps : the last commit disable notif for Reconnect notification that appears when you are
using Websockets over SSL , can be fixed follwing baserow deploy config.

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