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Nama : Wenti Septia Pratama

NPM : 2115051029

I. Introduction

Thesis statement:
There are several things that stand out in the typical Padang culinary in the form of rendang,
namely in terms of taste, aroma, texture, and coconut milk.

II. Body
Details of typical rendang food.

Supporting ideas:
1. Spicy taste
2. Distinctive aroma
3. The texture of the meat
4. Thick coconut milk.

III. Conclusion
This special rendang food must be maintained so that the value of this distinctive taste does
not fade.

Paragraph 1:

Rendang is one of the culinary specialties of Padang, West Sumatra. This rendang dish is
generally served at events , parties and weddings. Many people like rendang because it is
dominated by spicy taste, seductive aroma, soft meat texture, and thick coconut milk.

Paragraph 2:

Rendang has many uniqueness, starting from its spicy taste, dominated by coconut milk
which is very thick mixed with natural spices so that it has a very delicious aroma. With the
combination of natural ingredients in the rendang, the delicious taste absorbs into the meat.
Rendang made from beef that is processed so that it feels soft and delicious. The texture and
shape of the meat pieces in the rendang are cut into small squares, so that peoples don't have
trouble chewing the meat.

Paragraph 3:

That's why rendang is loved by many people, even because it contains natural nutritious
spices, rendang has become an international food.Therefore, this special rendang food must
be maintained, so that the nutritional value content and the taste of the food do not fade.
Rendang, an Indonesian flavour-bomb that explodes in your mouth

Rendang is a spicy meat dish that has its origins in the Sumatra region in Indonesia. The
incredible aroma of the fried curry leaves and the coconut shards add the perfect flavour and
texture to the dish. It is the intensive roasting process that enhances the unique flavour of
rendang. Rendang holds the 11th position in the list of world's best food published by the
CNN. It is the traditional dish of the Minangkabau people in Sumatra . Lots of flavoursome
ingredients are added to make the perfect Rendang . It is then cooked for 2-3 hours which
gives the dish a darker shade and dry consistency.
Each piece of beef absorbs the flavours from the ingredients in the most amazing way . If you
are not that patient and still wants to taste the incredible flavours of rendang , you could try
the kalio or gulai that are made using almost similar ingredients. These dishes too are spicy
with some delicious gravy as well .
The spice mixture that is added in rendang is called the pemasak . It is believed that each
element of rendang symbolizes the unique Minangkabau culture . The meat represents the
tribal heads and elders of the community . Meanwhile , the coconut milk symbolizes the
scholars and the poets . The pemasak spice mix represents the entire Minangkabau
community . Rendang is popular in countries like Malaysia , Singapore and Brunei as well .
You could prepare rendang with any type of meats , vegetables or eggs.

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