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Thus,(object oriented programming is an approach in which stress is laid on data rather

than functions. The data values remain associated with the functions of a particular block
of the program so as to encourage data security.

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Thus, Data Abstraction' is defined as an act of representing the essential features without
knowing the background details.
ass premiseS, althOugii Tt IS avau

unit that can be used together

functions of an object as a
Hence, wrapping of data and
in a operation is known as Encapsulation'.

class acquires some features from

Hence, inheritance is a property by virtue of
which one

another class. It promotes resusability.

Using a single function to carry multiple tasks Is said to be
u s t a UU u o r a r

Difference between Primitive and Composite Data Types

Primitive Data Type Composite Data Type

1. It is a fundamental data type. 1. It is a set of primitive data types.

2. Primitive data types are defined by the 2. Composite data types are defined by the
system developers. users.

Now, let us discuss a built-in data type that is composite in nature and is referred to
A dimensional array is a structure Created in the memory to
of the same data tyype with the variables represent a number of
having the same variable name along with valnec
subseripts. A dimensional array is also called different
Subscripted Variable.

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