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A. Match the words that go together to make a collocation A 1. have 2. formal 3. rural 4. brain 5. take 6. local 7. boarding 8.

gender 9. developing 10. make a A 1. common 2. international 3. have 4. problem 5. natural 6. high 7. cultural 8. health 9. equal 10. pay B fun education areas drain place community school gap countries mistake B good organisations access solving disaster priority diversity care opportunity attention

B. Fill in the blanks with collocations from the list: standing ovation, high heels, shopping centre, digital camera, cultural diversity, for a song, oldfashioned, sense of humor, low fat, waste management. 1. It is the ability to take a joke, not make one, that proves you have a sense of humor. Max Eastman 2. Barack Obama received a standing ovation at the end of his Cairo University speech on 4 June 2009. 3. Cultural diversity, or the variety of human societies or cultures in a specific region, is a driving force of development. 4. I bought this piano for a song at Goodwill. (cheaply) 5. My parents are very conservative and stick to old-fashioned values. (outdated) 6. I was given a 6.0 mega pixel digital camera for my birthday. 7. Derb Omar is one of the most famous shopping centres in Morocco. 8. This restaurant offers low fat food for people who are on this diet. 9. Waste management refers to the collection, transport, processing, recycling and disposal of waste materials. 10. High heels shoes are stylish and sexy; however, they are sometimes dangerous. C. Fill in the blanks with the missing part of the collocation. 1. Leila is jumping up and down because she is happy and overjoyed for her success. 2. In Les Miserables, Causette sweeps the floor, dusts, tidies up the rooms, makes beds, fetches water at the well and collects firewood. 3. I was still wide awake at 5 oclock when the telephone rang. 4. It is vitally important to go over your notes before class.

5. Well make a decision next week as whether to buy that car or not. 6. I went to the lost-and-found office to look for my umbrella. 7. My father lived in the country all his life: man and boy. 8. Mohammed is an ardent admirer of Picassos paintings. 9. Moroccan civil workers reach retirement age at sixty. 10. My books are within easy reach because the bookcase is next to my desk. D. What do these collocations mean? 1. Money laundering: The act of engaging in transactions designed to conceal the origin of money that has been obtained illegally 2. A round of applause: An outburst of hand clapping among a group or audience. 3. Make coffee: Prepare coffee 4. Flesh and blood: Human beings 5. Frenetic competition: a competition involving a lot of excitement and activity. 6. Do one's nails: trim, polish and make ones nails more attractive. 7. Life expectancy: The average or maximum length of time an individual can live as calculated on the basis of statistical probabilities. 8. Virtual contacts: contacts carried on by means of a computer or computer network. 9. Leisure time: Time available for ease and relaxation. 10. Loud and clear: very clear and easy to understand F. Fill in the blanks with make, do, have or get. 1. I usually get dressed before breakfast. 2. I like doing my homework at night.

3. Last night mom made dinner and dad did the dishes. 4. The little kids had a lot of fun at the fair the other day. 5. One of my classmates got / had an accident last week by colliding his bike with a tree. 6. The teacher was late this morning because he got stuck in the traffic jam. 7. Many people nowadays rarely read the papers; they only do the crosswords and sudoku. 8. Dads car broke down on the highway but he did not have enough credit on his phone to make a phone call. 9. When I think back on the teachers who made a difference in my life, my English teacher stands out above all of them. 10. I'm planning to have a haircut this summer. I havent had one for months now. 11. If you have a toothache you should see a dentist as soon as possible. 12. People who get married too young ended regretting all the things they missed. 13. Samira got fired from the boarding school for missing a couple of classes. 14. Many people work over time to make some extra money. 15. The Arabic teacher had us write down the entire thirty free verse poem on our note books. 16. You need to get / have your teachers permission to leave the classroom. 17. The Coke here has a slightly different taste from the one I had in the USA. 18. My teacher said I was making some progress with English. 19. The secretary has made a few spelling mistakes in the report.

20. Time in America is scarce and sacred. So, getting projects done in the time allotted is critically important.

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