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As of 2015, there are 196 countries all over the world co existing with one another.

Each country
belonging to the 196,  possesses a certain “identity”  that makes them known in the international
community. Which then can either be positive, negative or even both.  This identity that a state is
known for is usually based on different factors like its history, policies, attitude, structure etc.
and, more often than not it is closely associated with its form of government. With having this
number of countries in the world, it is not impossible to believe that there would be states that
are similar to one another, so what is done is that one is defined as per the basis of the other. But
this is a mistake. For in reality, no matter how things might appear to be similar between the
identity of two states or more,they are different for each state and its system is unique. 

I. References

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