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eam UNE Online NSO Science Olympiad National Science Olympiad Science Olympiad Foundation conducts the National Science Olympiad for schoo! students all over the country. All the students from Class 1 to 12 can participate in the National Science Olympiad. Students looking for any student materials or doubt clearance can register on Vedantu's site, Vedantu caters to study materials for olympiad preparation. Students can get free downloadable materials on Vedantu for NSO preparation including syllabus, sample papers, previous year question papers, important question papers, etc. Resources like sample papers, previous year papers, etc. are solved by experts who have mastery over the subjects and are familiar with the Olympiad test papers’ trends. So, what are you waiting for? Register on Vedantu now! NSO- About SOF The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) organizes the NSO on a yearly basis. The Foundation's mission is to promote a scientific mindset among students. It is an educational organization that supports students’ intellectual development through various competitions and Olympiads. For more than two decades, the organization has worked to promote a scientific mindset among students across the country through innovative activities. National Cyber Olympiad, National Science Olympiad, Intemational Mathematics Olympiad, International English Olympiad, International Company Secretaries Olympiad, and International General Knowledge Olympiad are some of the major competitions organized by SOF. Eligibility- NSO There are two levels in the Olympiad exam, Level 1 and Level 2 Level 1: For the Level 1 exam, there are no specific requirements. Students that belong from grade 1 to 12 are eligible for this opportunity. Because there are no minimum score criteria, the Olympiad is open to all school students Level 2: Only students who do well in the Level 1 exam will be qualified for the Level 2 exam. Students who meet the following requirements will be taken into consideration: The top 5% of students per class who took the Level 1 exam. eam UNE Online Each class's top 25 zone-wise rank holders Top students from each participating school, where at least 10 students from a class, take the exam and score 50% or more. However, students that are in classes 1 and 2, are not required to take the Level 2 exam. They will be ranked simply on the basis of their achievement in the Level 1 exam National Science Olympiad The National Science Olympiad is held every year to encourage students to improve their understanding of scientific facts and data, as well as their reasoning, analytical, and problem- solving ability. To score good marks in this exam, students need to study hard. To help the students, Vedantu has provided study materials to prepare for the exam. The study materials include syllabus, previous year papers, sample papers, and important questions. Also, information about the exam, its registration, dates, etc are mentioned below. Students can access them from the links given below: How to Score High Marks in the NSO Olympiad ? NSO Olympiad Study Material Available on Vedantu The National Science Olympiad (NSO) is a science competition open to children in grades one through twelve. It is organized by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) with the purpose of identifying and nurturing future scientists, technicians, and IT talent in secondary schools. NSO participants are ranked based on their 1st Level performance. Students can evaluate ‘themselves academically at four different levels after taking the first level of the test: within the school, at the local level, at the state level, and, most importantly, at the international level. The following students are eligible for the 2nd level exam: * the top 5% of students in each class who take the 1st level exam, + the top 25% of students in each state who take the 1st level exam, and + when at least 10 students from a class take the exam and obtain 50% qualifying marks, the class topper from each participating school Students in classes 1 and 2 are not required to take the second level exam and are instead ranked based on their first-level performance. The NSO is a one-level test. eam UNE Online Syllabus for NSO Olympiad At vedantu, we endeavor to present you with high-quality, relevant content. We've made certain that all of the course's topics and sub-topics are thoroughly covered. To ensure proper practice for pupils, a wide range of questions of varying difficulty have been provided. From 1st through 12th grade, the National Science Olympiad syllabus is organized into three divisions for each class. This was done to make sure it was portrayed in a form that was easy to find. Sub-topics are assigned rigorously according to the student's class, and Mock Tests and Sample Papers are also available. Part1 Logical Reasoning section, which mostly focuses on Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning questions. To learn more about reasoning, go here Part 2 This is devoted to science, and it includes all of the pertinent topics and sub-topics Part 3 The Achievers’ portion is in Section 3. Higher Order Thinking Questions are found in this section, which should be approached only after the preceding two have been completed Class 1 + Section - 1 : Spatial Understanding, Grouping, Measuring Units, Analogy, Geometrical Shapes, Patterns, Odd One Out, Ranking Test. * Section - 2 : Living and Non-living things, Plants, Animals, Human Beings and Their Needs, Good Habits and Safety Rules, Air and Water, Weatherr and The Sky. + Section - 3 : Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section - 2. Class 2 eam UNE Online + Section - 1: Patterns, Measuring Units, Odd One Out, Series Completion, Geometrical Shapes, Analogy, Ranking Test, Grouping of Figures, Coding-Decoding, Embedded Figures Section - 2 : Plants, Animals, Human Body, Food, Housing and Clothing, Family and Festivals, Good Habits and Safety Rules, Transport and Communication, Air, Water and Rocks, Earth and Universe. + Section - 3 : Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section - 2 Class 3 + Section - 1 : Patterns, Analogy and Classification, Coding-Decoding, Mirror Images, Embedded Figures, Alphabet Test, Ranking Test, Grouping of Figures, Figure Matrix, Geometrical Shapes, Days and Dates & Possible Combinations. * Section - 2 : Plants and Animals, Birds, Food, Housing, Clothing and Occupation, Transport, Communication and Safety Rules, Human Body, Earth and Universe, Matter and Materials, Light, Sound and Force, Our Environment. * Section - 3 : Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section - 2. Class 4 “Section - 1 : Patterns, Alphabet Test, Coding-Decoding, Mirror Images, Embedded Figures, Geometrical Shapes and Solids, Ranking Test, Direction Sense Test, Days and Dates & Possible Combinations, Analogy and Classification. * Section - 2 : Plants, Animals, Food and Digestion, Human Needs, Matter and Materials, Force, Work and Energy, Our Environment, Earth and Universe. * Section - 3 : Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section — 2. Class 5 + Section - 1 : Patterns, Analogy and Classification, Coding-Decoding, Geometrical Shapes, Mirror Images, Water Images, Embedded Figures, Direction Sense Test, Ranking Test, Alphabet Test and Logical Sequence of Words, Puzzle Test. * Section - 2 : Animals, Human Body and Health, Plants, Natural Resources and Indian Heritage, Pollution and Calamities, Earth and Universe, Matter and Materials, Force and Energy. * Section - 3 : Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section - 2 eam UNE Online Class 6 * Section - 1 : Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. * Section - 2 : Motion and Measurement of Distances, Light, Shadows and Reflections, Electricity and Circuits, Fun with Magnets, Our Environment (Water, Air Around us, Garbage in Garbage out), Sorting and Separation of Materials, Changes Around Us, The World of Living (Characteristics of Living Beings, Parts of Plants, Body Movements in Animals and Adaptation), Food and its Components, Fiber to Fabric. + Section - 3 : Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section - 2 Class 7 * Section - 1 : Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. * Section - 2: Heat, Motion and Time, Electric Current and its Effects, Winds, Storms and Cyclones, Light, Acids, Bases and Salts, Physical and Chemical Changes, Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate, Fiber to Fabric, Nutrition in Plants and Animals, Respiration in Organisms, Transportation in Plants and Animals, Reproduction in Plants, Natural Resources and Their Conservation (Soil, Water: A Precious Resource, Forests our Lifeline, Wastewater Story) * Section - 3 : Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section — 2. Class 8 * Section - 1 : Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. + Section - 2 : Crop Production and Management, Microorganism, Synthetic Fibers and Plastics, Metals and Non-metals, Coal and Petroleum, Combustion and Flame, Conservation of Plants and Animals, Cell, Reproduction and Endocrine System, Force and Pressure, Friction, Sound, Chemical Effects of Electric Current, Some Natural Phenomena, Light, Stars and the Solar System, Pollution of Air and Water. + Section - 3 : Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section - 2 Class 9 eam UNE Online + Section - 1: Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. * Section - 2 : Motion, Force and Laws of Motion, Gravitation, Work and Energy, Sound, Matter in Our Surroundings, Is Matter Around Us Pure, Atoms and Molecules, Structure of Atom, Cell-The Fundamental Unit of Life, Tissues, Diversity in Living Organisms, Why Do We Fall Ill, Natural Resources, Improvement in Food Resources. * Section - 3 : Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section - 2. Class 10 * Section - 1 : Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. + Section - 2 : Chemical Reactions and Equations, Acids, Bases and Salts, Metals and Non- metals, Carbon and Its Compounds, Periodic Classification of Elements, Life Processes, Control and Coordination, Reproduction in Organisms, Heredity and Evolution, Light- Reflection and Refraction, Human Eye and Colorful World, Electricity, Magnetic Effects of Electric Current, Sources of Energy, Our Environment and Its Management. * Section - 3 : Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section - 2 Class 11 +Seetion - 1 (Logical Reasoning) : Physics : Units and Measurements, Mechanics, Properties of Matter, Heat and Thermodynamics, Oscillations, Waves. Chemistry : Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Structure of Atom, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, States of Matter, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, Redox Reactions, Hydrogen, The s-Block Elements, The p-Block Elements (Groups 13 and 14), Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniques, Hydrocarbons, Environmental Chemistry. * Section - 2 : Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section - 1 * Section - 3 : Sets, Relations and Functions, Principle of Mathematical Induction, Logarithms, Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations, Linear Inequations, Sequences and Series, Trigonometry, Straight Lines, Conic Sections, Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Theorem, Statistics, Mathematical Reasoning, Limits and Derivatives, Probability, Introduction to 3-D Geometry. OR eam UNE Online * Section - 3 : Diversity in the Living World, Structural Organization in Plants and Animals, Cell : Structure and Functions, Plant Physiology, Human Physiology. Class 12 * Section - 1: (Logical Reasoning) : Physics : Electricity and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating current, Electromagnetic waves, Optics, Modern Physics, Semiconductors Electronics, Communication Systems. Chemistry : Solid State, Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements, p-Block Elements (Group 15 to 18), d- & f-Block Elements, Coordination Compounds, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, Amines, Biomolecules, Polymers, Chemistry in Everyday Life. * Section - 2 : Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section - 1 * Section - 3 : Relations and Functions, Inverse Trigonometric Functions, Matrices and Determinants, Continuity and Differentiability, Application of Derivatives, Integrals, Application of Integrals, Differential Equations, Vector Algebra, Three Dimensional Geometry, Probability, Linear Programming. OR + Section - 3 : Reproduction, Genetics and Evolution, Biology in Human Welfare, Biotechnology, Ecology. Tips to Score High Marks in NSO Olympiad Since its inception, the NSO exams have been a fantastic means to assess a student's knowledge of many disciplines. Although an NSO Olympiad Test covers nearly the same material as a school-based exam, the format and method of the Olympiads are significantly different, making them more rigorous and better assessors of a student's progress nsos are used to encourage students to study harder in preparation for upcoming competitive tests and to help them acquire conceptual content. Here are a few pointers to help you evaluate your progress and better prepare for your Olympiads * Make a List eam UNE Online Students frequently rely solely on the study materials provided for their Olympiads. They look through them exhaustively, believing that this is sufficient; nevertheless, it is not. Making notes as you study aids in your understanding of the material. It's always a good idea to jot down the points that appear important. When you're revising for your Olympiads, these quick notes come in handy because you don't have to read everything twice. * Understand the Syllabus The first item on your to-do list should be to familiarize yourself with the syllabus for your Olympiad. A good understanding of the syllabus allows you to effortlessly move through the topics, making the task of covering them more manageable. You can see what themes your school syllabus and your Olympiad syllabus have in common, which will help you figure out which things you should focus on more in order to be well prepared for your Olympiad tests. * Begin Early When it comes to studying for an exam, especially an Olympiad, early is never enough. The more prepared you are, the better. Putting off studies for a later date is not a good idea. Procrastination has its own set of consequences. Olympiads assess your conceptual understanding, which is entirely reliant on your knowledge of the fundamentals. Covering the fundamentals and then delving deeper into the subject are not something that can be crammed into last-minute preparations. If you have to start small, do so, but always begin early when preparing for your Olympiads. * Perfection Comes with Practise It is much easier to prepare for Olympiads now that there is an abundance of preparatory books available on the market and the internet. A student must obtain as many sample question papers, Olympiad: Topic Page and previous years' Olympiad question papers as possible in order to acquaint oneself with not only the pattern of the test, but also to practise. Practicing guarantees that your problem-solving speed improves, which can be a significant benefit on Olympiad day. Practicing also boosts confidence, and the more problems you solve, the more you understand the idea * Self-Assessment eam UNE Online When it comes to preparing for an Olympiad, simply studying and practicing is never enough. One must examine oneself to establish one’s own strengths and shortcomings in order to determine where more effort is required and where it is not. Timing yourself while solving sample papers and evaluating yourself objectively helps you examine your performance and mentally prepare for the Olympiad. Results - NSO The NSO results are generally declared within 8 weeks of the exam. The results are sent directly to the schools that have registered with the SOF. Students can also look up their results on the SOF website. The results of Level 1 exam are mostly released in the last week of December. In the same way, the results of the Level 2 exam are generally declared in March. It should also be noted that these are only estimates; SOF will specify the exact dates each year. Key Points to Remember *The SOF NSO exam will be conducted entirely online during the year 2021- 2022. Students will receive their roll numbers, guidelines, and exam Links directly to their shared mobile numbers. *As the schools are not allowed to open due to a government order, the test will be conducted online at the residences of students’. *From the mentioned dates, each school may choose a date for the NSO that is convenient for them * The test will be conducted in English. Conclusion The Science Olympiad Foundation will host the National Science Olympiad (NSO) 2021 on November 27, 28, December 11, 12, 18, and 19, 2021. (SOF). Students in Classes 1 through 12 will take the SOF NSO test in 2021 The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) holds a scholarship exam every year with the purpose of encouraging scientific thinking and logical ability among students in grades 1 to 12 through a tough test. The SOF NSO Levels 1 and 2 are being held. Students in grades 1 through 12 are eligible to take the level 1 exam, and students who pass the level 1 exam (grades 3 through 12) are eligible to take the level 2 exam. The SOF NSO 2021 test registration will close 30 days before the exam. Students can enroll in the programme through their respective schools. Around ten lakh kids enroll in NSO each year. eam UNE Online NSO is only available to schools that have registered with SOF. Schools must select an exam day that is convenient for them and register for it 30 days before the exam date. The SOF NSO test is only available to students through their schools. Applications will not be entertained on a case-by-case basis. SOF NSO requires a minimum of 10 students from each school to participate. Students can register for SOF NSO 2021 by completing an application form and sending it along with a Rs 125 registration fee. Last year, NSO was held online for Set A, B, and C on December 19, 20, 2020, January 9, 10, and January 30, 31, 2021, respectively, and for Set D on February 13, 2021. The SOF NSO Result 2020-21 was released on March 22. Students’ roll numbers, instructions, and exam URLs were emailed directly to their pooled cell phones. Because schools were unable to operate due to COVID-19 due to a decree by the Indian government, the tests were conducted online at the students’ homes. eam UNE Online Latest Vedantu courses for you Grade 6 | CBSE SCHOOL | English ¥ Class 6 CBSE 2022-23 ‘Academic year 2022-23 ENGLISH Unlimited access tll final school exam. ‘School Full course for CBSE students 500+ chapter specific short courses Maths Science English 9,000 per year Reet ny

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